Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 8 of 19 →
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when they did their best to glorify God and to benefit man that they fulfilled their imperative obligations as Masons , or could be said to possess that love of Christ which would make them bear one another ' s burdens , and endeavour to fulfil his righteous laws . In the absence of Bro . Dace ( the G . Org . ) , Bro . Austin , of the Enoch Lodge , London , ably presided at the instrument ; and the general musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . J . Bromly .
The Brethren having returned in procession to the Town-hall , thanks were unanimously voted to the Mayor for the use of that building , to the Bev . J . T . Bound for allowing the use of his church , and to the G . Chap , for his admirable sermon , with a solicitation that he would allow it to be published for the general benefit of Freemasonry—a request to which the Rev . Bro . Cox acceded . Between four and five o ' clock about 100 Brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet at the Cups Hotel , the R . W . Prov . G . M . in the chair ; supported by
the Dep . G . M ., the G . Chap ., & c . In giving " The Queen and the Craft , " the Grand Master observed that her Majesty was the daughter of a Mason and the niece of a Mason , and was herself a munificent contributor to the Masonic charities . ( Cheers . ) The healths of "The Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England , " and "The Deputy Grand Master ( Earl of Yarborough ) and Officers of the Grand Lodge , " were next drunk , the Prov . Grand Master remarking that the latter had promised , as soon as health should be sufficiently restored , to visit him at Dovercourt , which
would give the opportunity of convening a quarterly communication of the province of Essex , at Harwich . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Hervey returned thanks in behalf of the Grand Officers . Dep . G . M . Skinner proposed " The Health of the Grand Chaplain / ' who in returning thanks , again eloquently upheld the principles of Masonry .
The Grand Chaplain gave " Health and long Life to the Provincial Grand Master—Bro . Bagshaw . " ( Cheers . ) The Prov . Grand Master returned thanks , and expressed his gratitude to the Brethren of the province for the confidence reposed in him , and for the cordial support which they had always given him in the discharge of the arduous duties of bis high position . ,.
The other toasts were "The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , " "The Provincial Grand Officers for the year" ( acknowledged by Bro . F . F . Toole ) , " The Visitors from Sister Lodges" ( acknowledged by Bro . Bisgood , of Kent ) , " Success to the Masonic Charities , " " The Worshipful Master and Officers of the Angel Lodge , " with thanks for their excellent arrangements ( responded to by the W . M . Bro . Thomas Hall ) , "The Masters of other Essex Lodges , " " The late Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Burton , " and , finally , " To all poor and distressed Brother Masons wheresoever scattered throughout the World . "
The early departure of the London train necessitated a rapid discharge of the toast list ; but later in the evening several songs were sung by Bros . Palmer , Toole , and Wakeling . Angel Lodge ( No . 59 ) . —The last installation of the W . M . took place on the 17 th June , when Bro . Thomas Hall was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , and the following were appointed officers of the Lodge : —Bros . J . Partridge , Stratford St . Mary , S . W . ; W . Wiseman , Kelvedon , J . W . ; W . Slavey , Treas . ; W . Williams , Sec . ; J . Saunders , S . D . ; A . Prior , J . l ) . ; T . Osborne , I . G . ; T . Shave , Tyler .
vkntnor . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —The annual assemblage of the Brethren of this province was appointed to bo held , under the warrant of the Yarborough Lodge , No . 809 , at the ltoyal Hotel , in Ventnor , on Thursday , the 3 rd of July . The arrangements throu ghout were most judicious , and the indefatigable exertions of the Prov . G . M . and his deputy were rewarded by a most satisfactory result . Soon after eleven A . m . the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened in the extensive coffee-room of the Royal Hotel , there being present the R . W . Pro . Thomas VOL . IT . 4 K
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when they did their best to glorify God and to benefit man that they fulfilled their imperative obligations as Masons , or could be said to possess that love of Christ which would make them bear one another ' s burdens , and endeavour to fulfil his righteous laws . In the absence of Bro . Dace ( the G . Org . ) , Bro . Austin , of the Enoch Lodge , London , ably presided at the instrument ; and the general musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . J . Bromly .
The Brethren having returned in procession to the Town-hall , thanks were unanimously voted to the Mayor for the use of that building , to the Bev . J . T . Bound for allowing the use of his church , and to the G . Chap , for his admirable sermon , with a solicitation that he would allow it to be published for the general benefit of Freemasonry—a request to which the Rev . Bro . Cox acceded . Between four and five o ' clock about 100 Brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet at the Cups Hotel , the R . W . Prov . G . M . in the chair ; supported by
the Dep . G . M ., the G . Chap ., & c . In giving " The Queen and the Craft , " the Grand Master observed that her Majesty was the daughter of a Mason and the niece of a Mason , and was herself a munificent contributor to the Masonic charities . ( Cheers . ) The healths of "The Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England , " and "The Deputy Grand Master ( Earl of Yarborough ) and Officers of the Grand Lodge , " were next drunk , the Prov . Grand Master remarking that the latter had promised , as soon as health should be sufficiently restored , to visit him at Dovercourt , which
would give the opportunity of convening a quarterly communication of the province of Essex , at Harwich . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Hervey returned thanks in behalf of the Grand Officers . Dep . G . M . Skinner proposed " The Health of the Grand Chaplain / ' who in returning thanks , again eloquently upheld the principles of Masonry .
The Grand Chaplain gave " Health and long Life to the Provincial Grand Master—Bro . Bagshaw . " ( Cheers . ) The Prov . Grand Master returned thanks , and expressed his gratitude to the Brethren of the province for the confidence reposed in him , and for the cordial support which they had always given him in the discharge of the arduous duties of bis high position . ,.
The other toasts were "The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , " "The Provincial Grand Officers for the year" ( acknowledged by Bro . F . F . Toole ) , " The Visitors from Sister Lodges" ( acknowledged by Bro . Bisgood , of Kent ) , " Success to the Masonic Charities , " " The Worshipful Master and Officers of the Angel Lodge , " with thanks for their excellent arrangements ( responded to by the W . M . Bro . Thomas Hall ) , "The Masters of other Essex Lodges , " " The late Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Burton , " and , finally , " To all poor and distressed Brother Masons wheresoever scattered throughout the World . "
The early departure of the London train necessitated a rapid discharge of the toast list ; but later in the evening several songs were sung by Bros . Palmer , Toole , and Wakeling . Angel Lodge ( No . 59 ) . —The last installation of the W . M . took place on the 17 th June , when Bro . Thomas Hall was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , and the following were appointed officers of the Lodge : —Bros . J . Partridge , Stratford St . Mary , S . W . ; W . Wiseman , Kelvedon , J . W . ; W . Slavey , Treas . ; W . Williams , Sec . ; J . Saunders , S . D . ; A . Prior , J . l ) . ; T . Osborne , I . G . ; T . Shave , Tyler .
vkntnor . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —The annual assemblage of the Brethren of this province was appointed to bo held , under the warrant of the Yarborough Lodge , No . 809 , at the ltoyal Hotel , in Ventnor , on Thursday , the 3 rd of July . The arrangements throu ghout were most judicious , and the indefatigable exertions of the Prov . G . M . and his deputy were rewarded by a most satisfactory result . Soon after eleven A . m . the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened in the extensive coffee-room of the Royal Hotel , there being present the R . W . Pro . Thomas VOL . IT . 4 K