Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 12 of 19 →
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of its origin , it had withstood throughout all ages , against persecution and against power , and like the ocean it went forth " Bread , fathomless , alone . " Masonry was a great traveller throughout all lands ; its language was universal ,
and amidst the struggle of battle and the roar of the ocean , man could grasp the hand of a Brother ; it proclaimed peace in the hour of war ; and throughout all classes of society , rich as well as poor , without distinction of clime , colour , or creed , the Brother was recognised , and a near approach made to that day"When the people shall beat their swords into ploughshares , and their spears into pruning-hooks . " ( Cheers . )
The Prov . G . M . said he should be deficient in gratitude did he not then and there acknowledge the great and valuable services of his excellent Deputy , whose attention to everything that would contribute to the well-being of the institution was deserving of his warmest thanks ; at the same time he wished to acknowledge the services of all the Officers , but Pro . Pullen he more especially mentioned , — his usefulness and energetic exertions were well known , and he was therefore sure that a warm response would be given to the toast— " The Health of Bro . Hyde Pullen . " ( Enthusiastic cheers . )
Bro . Pullen thanked the company for the recognition of his services . He must here acknowledge the true brotherly feelings with which he had been received by all the Lodges for the past year , and trusted that at the close of the present , he should be considered deserving the same kind sentiments , and he would assure them he would ever be ready to attend to the interests of the Order in the province . The Prov . G . M . again rose to propose "The Health of the Ladies . " In the
name of the province he thanked them for coming amongst the Brethren , who had shown them all that ladies ought to know of Freemasonry . When he first proposed this meeting , his sister most readily complied with his desire , and her lundness in thus allowing them to assemble in Steephill was a compliment to the Masons in the province , which would not be speedily forgotten . He called for a hearty reception to the toast , "Mrs . Hambrough and the Ladies . " Prolonged cheers followed the toast .
The company dispersed themselves about the grounds . The band of the 22 nd , which had during the collation performed a selection of appropriate and inspiring airs , soon after took up its position in a choice spot shaded from the sun , and the Prov . G . M . with his sister Mrs . Hambrough opened the dance , followed by Sir Lucius Curtis , taking for his partner Miss Emanuel , who had accompanied her father Bro . Emanuel . At seven o ' clock the company , led by the excellent band , returned to the Royal Plotel , and for about a couple of hours resumed the dance .
In concluding our report , we must congratulate Bros . Fleming and Hyde Pullen on the successful result of the festivities , and hope that their example will be followed by all Provincial Grand Lodges , as in every county someplace can surely be found where , instead of devoting time to the K . and F . Degree , the ladies may share in the enjoyments of the day . We also must say a few words of praise for both Bro . Fleming , whose attention to the business , good order , and well-being
of the Lodges in his province can scarcely be equalled—cannot be surpassed ; as well as for his excellent deputy , Bro . Pullen , who knows his duty , and does it . The consequence is , that Freemasonry is rising in the province prodigiously . In the course of the afternoon a Lodge of Mark Masons was held under the warrant of the Minden ( No . G 3 , Ireland ) , and ten Brethren advanced to the Degree by the Master , Bro . W . W . Way .
KENT . Gravmsend .- —Lodge of Freedom ( No . 91 ) . — We were much gratified by a visit to this Lodge on Monday , July 21 , on the occasion of the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year . We noticed several Masons of distinction at the Lodge , amongst whom were Bros . 0 . Burton Cooper , Q . O ., the Prov . G . M . for Kent ; and Ashley , the P . l ) . Prov . G . M . for the > .: ame county . Before the cere-
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of its origin , it had withstood throughout all ages , against persecution and against power , and like the ocean it went forth " Bread , fathomless , alone . " Masonry was a great traveller throughout all lands ; its language was universal ,
and amidst the struggle of battle and the roar of the ocean , man could grasp the hand of a Brother ; it proclaimed peace in the hour of war ; and throughout all classes of society , rich as well as poor , without distinction of clime , colour , or creed , the Brother was recognised , and a near approach made to that day"When the people shall beat their swords into ploughshares , and their spears into pruning-hooks . " ( Cheers . )
The Prov . G . M . said he should be deficient in gratitude did he not then and there acknowledge the great and valuable services of his excellent Deputy , whose attention to everything that would contribute to the well-being of the institution was deserving of his warmest thanks ; at the same time he wished to acknowledge the services of all the Officers , but Pro . Pullen he more especially mentioned , — his usefulness and energetic exertions were well known , and he was therefore sure that a warm response would be given to the toast— " The Health of Bro . Hyde Pullen . " ( Enthusiastic cheers . )
Bro . Pullen thanked the company for the recognition of his services . He must here acknowledge the true brotherly feelings with which he had been received by all the Lodges for the past year , and trusted that at the close of the present , he should be considered deserving the same kind sentiments , and he would assure them he would ever be ready to attend to the interests of the Order in the province . The Prov . G . M . again rose to propose "The Health of the Ladies . " In the
name of the province he thanked them for coming amongst the Brethren , who had shown them all that ladies ought to know of Freemasonry . When he first proposed this meeting , his sister most readily complied with his desire , and her lundness in thus allowing them to assemble in Steephill was a compliment to the Masons in the province , which would not be speedily forgotten . He called for a hearty reception to the toast , "Mrs . Hambrough and the Ladies . " Prolonged cheers followed the toast .
The company dispersed themselves about the grounds . The band of the 22 nd , which had during the collation performed a selection of appropriate and inspiring airs , soon after took up its position in a choice spot shaded from the sun , and the Prov . G . M . with his sister Mrs . Hambrough opened the dance , followed by Sir Lucius Curtis , taking for his partner Miss Emanuel , who had accompanied her father Bro . Emanuel . At seven o ' clock the company , led by the excellent band , returned to the Royal Plotel , and for about a couple of hours resumed the dance .
In concluding our report , we must congratulate Bros . Fleming and Hyde Pullen on the successful result of the festivities , and hope that their example will be followed by all Provincial Grand Lodges , as in every county someplace can surely be found where , instead of devoting time to the K . and F . Degree , the ladies may share in the enjoyments of the day . We also must say a few words of praise for both Bro . Fleming , whose attention to the business , good order , and well-being
of the Lodges in his province can scarcely be equalled—cannot be surpassed ; as well as for his excellent deputy , Bro . Pullen , who knows his duty , and does it . The consequence is , that Freemasonry is rising in the province prodigiously . In the course of the afternoon a Lodge of Mark Masons was held under the warrant of the Minden ( No . G 3 , Ireland ) , and ten Brethren advanced to the Degree by the Master , Bro . W . W . Way .
KENT . Gravmsend .- —Lodge of Freedom ( No . 91 ) . — We were much gratified by a visit to this Lodge on Monday , July 21 , on the occasion of the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year . We noticed several Masons of distinction at the Lodge , amongst whom were Bros . 0 . Burton Cooper , Q . O ., the Prov . G . M . for Kent ; and Ashley , the P . l ) . Prov . G . M . for the > .: ame county . Before the cere-