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On arriving at the ^ ground , the procession was joined by his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor and suite . The band of the 76 th Regiment performed a slow piece of music , after which the Grand Chaplain offered up prayer . The following inscription was then read and deposited in the hollow of the stone ^ , together with coins , newspapers , P . M . ' s jewel , & c . : —
ANNUENTE DEO OMNIPOTENTE , Victoria Regina Serenissimlfc annum jam decimum nonum regnante , Novae Scotiae Provinciam viro excellentissimo Johanne Gaspard Le Marchant , Equite , Procurante .
Hujus iEdificii , in valetudinarium quo insanii , laborantes curentur—diutius desideratum , nunc impensis publicis exstruendum—astante ac favente Procuratore regio ,- —operam dantibus fratribus Architectonicis compluribus necnon magn & cujusvis ordinis hominum stipante frequentl y Y ° . Idus Junii , Anno Salutis 1856 , Laotornise 5856 , Honorificus Alexander Keith , Summi Latomorum Anglia 3 Magistri Illustrissimi in hac Provinci & optio , lapidem primum posuit .
Adsunt—Hon . Hugh Bell , 1 operum publicorum concilii prseses . j Matthias D . McKenna ) Q ¦ " Andreas MacKinlay j necnon Jacobus D . McNab , Scriba . Robert us Chambers , Inspector . Frater Robertus Davis , Architectus .
BY THE BLESSING OF ALMIGHTY GOD , In the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria , Under the Government of his Excellency Major-General Sir John Gaspard Le Marchant ,
The Right Worshipful the Honourable Alexander Keith , by appointment of the Most Illustrious Grand Master of England , Provincial Grand Master of Nova Scotia , in the presence of the Queen ' s Representative , with the assistance of a large number of Brethren , and surrounded by a vast concourse of spectators , laid the corner-stone of this edifice , to be built at the public expense , for a Lunatic Hospital , on the 9 th day of June , in the year of our Lord 1856 , of Masonry 5856 . Board of Works also attended .
Hon . Hugh Bell , Chairman . Matthew D . McKenna . Andrew MacKinlay . James D . McNab , Secretary . Robert Chambers , Architect . Brother Robert Davis , Builder
The R . W . Prov . G . M . was then presented by the chairman of the Board of Works with a silver trowel , which the former handed to his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor , who , after spreading the cement on the stone , returned the same to the Prov . G . M . The stone was then lowered , the band playing slow music . The Prov . G . M . having tried the stone with the plumb , level , and square , and striking it three blows with his mallet , declared it duly laid . The grand honours
were then given by the Craft , and a royal salute was fired by the volunteer Royal Artillery . The Prov . G . M . then poured on the stone the corn , wine , and oil , with the usual invocation for a blessing . The architect handed the plans of the building to the Prov . G . M ., who , after inspecting the same , and exhibiting them to the Lieutenant-Governor , returned them to the architect , with directions to complete the building in accordance with them .
The G . Chap ., Rev . Dr . Twining , then delivered a beautiful oration on the advantages of the Craft and the importance of the new institution , of which they had just laid the foundation-stone .
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On arriving at the ^ ground , the procession was joined by his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor and suite . The band of the 76 th Regiment performed a slow piece of music , after which the Grand Chaplain offered up prayer . The following inscription was then read and deposited in the hollow of the stone ^ , together with coins , newspapers , P . M . ' s jewel , & c . : —
ANNUENTE DEO OMNIPOTENTE , Victoria Regina Serenissimlfc annum jam decimum nonum regnante , Novae Scotiae Provinciam viro excellentissimo Johanne Gaspard Le Marchant , Equite , Procurante .
Hujus iEdificii , in valetudinarium quo insanii , laborantes curentur—diutius desideratum , nunc impensis publicis exstruendum—astante ac favente Procuratore regio ,- —operam dantibus fratribus Architectonicis compluribus necnon magn & cujusvis ordinis hominum stipante frequentl y Y ° . Idus Junii , Anno Salutis 1856 , Laotornise 5856 , Honorificus Alexander Keith , Summi Latomorum Anglia 3 Magistri Illustrissimi in hac Provinci & optio , lapidem primum posuit .
Adsunt—Hon . Hugh Bell , 1 operum publicorum concilii prseses . j Matthias D . McKenna ) Q ¦ " Andreas MacKinlay j necnon Jacobus D . McNab , Scriba . Robert us Chambers , Inspector . Frater Robertus Davis , Architectus .
BY THE BLESSING OF ALMIGHTY GOD , In the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria , Under the Government of his Excellency Major-General Sir John Gaspard Le Marchant ,
The Right Worshipful the Honourable Alexander Keith , by appointment of the Most Illustrious Grand Master of England , Provincial Grand Master of Nova Scotia , in the presence of the Queen ' s Representative , with the assistance of a large number of Brethren , and surrounded by a vast concourse of spectators , laid the corner-stone of this edifice , to be built at the public expense , for a Lunatic Hospital , on the 9 th day of June , in the year of our Lord 1856 , of Masonry 5856 . Board of Works also attended .
Hon . Hugh Bell , Chairman . Matthew D . McKenna . Andrew MacKinlay . James D . McNab , Secretary . Robert Chambers , Architect . Brother Robert Davis , Builder
The R . W . Prov . G . M . was then presented by the chairman of the Board of Works with a silver trowel , which the former handed to his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor , who , after spreading the cement on the stone , returned the same to the Prov . G . M . The stone was then lowered , the band playing slow music . The Prov . G . M . having tried the stone with the plumb , level , and square , and striking it three blows with his mallet , declared it duly laid . The grand honours
were then given by the Craft , and a royal salute was fired by the volunteer Royal Artillery . The Prov . G . M . then poured on the stone the corn , wine , and oil , with the usual invocation for a blessing . The architect handed the plans of the building to the Prov . G . M ., who , after inspecting the same , and exhibiting them to the Lieutenant-Governor , returned them to the architect , with directions to complete the building in accordance with them .
The G . Chap ., Rev . Dr . Twining , then delivered a beautiful oration on the advantages of the Craft and the importance of the new institution , of which they had just laid the foundation-stone .