Article TO CO-RESPONDENTS. ← Page 3 of 3
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To Co-Respondents.
Until that is done , Bro . White cannot be acknowledged as all , either in Ireland or Scotland . The same law prevails in the countries just named , and we believe throughout the world in this respect , as laid down in the English Book of Constitutions , that no Brother can be admitted to the privileges of Freemasonry < i unless his name be duly registered . "
" Grand Lodge . "—Brethren who had notices of motion before Grand Lodge on the last occasion , are reminded that they all drop , and cannot he brought forward on the next ocasion without renewed notice being given . The convenience of a law which allows an unpalatable motion to be got rid of by placing up a Brother to speak against time , cannot fail to strike every one . The only wonder is , that it has heen allowed to exist so long without being repealed .
" S . S . "—We inform our readers in every number that we are not responsible for the opinions expressed by our Correspondents . 4 t T . J . Walsall . "—The communication arrived just as we were going to press . It shall be attended to next month .
" S . S . "—The jewel alluded to is that of a private Lodge . No Lodge is entitled to such a jewel without the permission of the G . M . " Inquirer . " - —Odd numbers at all times .
" A Provincial Bkother . "—We know nothing of the intentions of Bro . Bond Cabbell , and cannot therefore say when or where he is likely to hold a Prov . Grand Lodge . We have been informed that he has been obtaining returns from the Lodges in his Province with a view of calling them together , but Bro . Cabbell is not too celebrated for his promptitude of action . *
" ' Scotia . " - —Yes ; Sir Walter Scott was a Mason , but we do not recollect in what Lodge he was initiated ; probably some of our Scottish Brethren will inform us .
"P . P . "—You must get affiliated in a Scotch Chapter , or take the Degree in the St . Mark ' s Lodge of Mark Masters , London , before you can apply to the Grand Chapter of Scotland for a Charter . " Amity . "—The St . John ' s Lodge , Hampstead , is the nearest to your residence . There is an admirable Lodge of Instruction connected with it .
" Ob . "—Every honest man must consider the words binding . " W . W . "—Shall hear from us by post .
"A Candidate . " —Masons do not profess their Craft to be a benefit society . It has something nobler in view , and the only advantages they look for are such as will naturally flow from obeying the laws of the Creator and the exercise of brotherly love , relief , and truth .
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To Co-Respondents.
Until that is done , Bro . White cannot be acknowledged as all , either in Ireland or Scotland . The same law prevails in the countries just named , and we believe throughout the world in this respect , as laid down in the English Book of Constitutions , that no Brother can be admitted to the privileges of Freemasonry < i unless his name be duly registered . "
" Grand Lodge . "—Brethren who had notices of motion before Grand Lodge on the last occasion , are reminded that they all drop , and cannot he brought forward on the next ocasion without renewed notice being given . The convenience of a law which allows an unpalatable motion to be got rid of by placing up a Brother to speak against time , cannot fail to strike every one . The only wonder is , that it has heen allowed to exist so long without being repealed .
" S . S . "—We inform our readers in every number that we are not responsible for the opinions expressed by our Correspondents . 4 t T . J . Walsall . "—The communication arrived just as we were going to press . It shall be attended to next month .
" S . S . "—The jewel alluded to is that of a private Lodge . No Lodge is entitled to such a jewel without the permission of the G . M . " Inquirer . " - —Odd numbers at all times .
" A Provincial Bkother . "—We know nothing of the intentions of Bro . Bond Cabbell , and cannot therefore say when or where he is likely to hold a Prov . Grand Lodge . We have been informed that he has been obtaining returns from the Lodges in his Province with a view of calling them together , but Bro . Cabbell is not too celebrated for his promptitude of action . *
" ' Scotia . " - —Yes ; Sir Walter Scott was a Mason , but we do not recollect in what Lodge he was initiated ; probably some of our Scottish Brethren will inform us .
"P . P . "—You must get affiliated in a Scotch Chapter , or take the Degree in the St . Mark ' s Lodge of Mark Masters , London , before you can apply to the Grand Chapter of Scotland for a Charter . " Amity . "—The St . John ' s Lodge , Hampstead , is the nearest to your residence . There is an admirable Lodge of Instruction connected with it .
" Ob . "—Every honest man must consider the words binding . " W . W . "—Shall hear from us by post .
"A Candidate . " —Masons do not profess their Craft to be a benefit society . It has something nobler in view , and the only advantages they look for are such as will naturally flow from obeying the laws of the Creator and the exercise of brotherly love , relief , and truth .