Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 11 of 14 →
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and although I could demand that every Brother who hissed me should , according to the Constitutions be forthwith solemnly excluded , I forbear from pressing that point , and trust that throughout this day whatever I may utter will be at least receved with common courtesy . " A Brother then rose and said , that no hissing had taken place (!) , but this was immediately contradicted by several Brethren ; and throughout the remainder of the day the proceedings passed off in their accustomed order .
The accounts were now put to the Lodge and passed . Upon which the W . M . of No . 61 , Bro . Tunstall , rose and proposed Bro . Falconer as Prov . G . Treas . ; which motion having been seconded and put , was carried nem . con . Up to this time , and , in fact , throughout the whole of the time the Prov . Grand Lodge was held , it was neither opened with the Ritual proper for the occasion , nor was it declared opeu by the Prov . G . M . ; and although Bro . Wells has remonstrated with Col . Tynte , through his Prov . G .. Sec . " upon this evasion of ancient custom , still it is persevered in .
The Officers for the past year then divested themselves of their Badges of Office , and the following Brethren were invested as Prov . Officers for the present year : — Bros . Randolph , D . Prov . G . M . ; Tunstall , S . G . W . ; Cave , J . G . W . ; Brown , Chap . ; Falconer , Treas . ; Brown , Sec . ; Oliver , S . D . ; Robinson , Supt . Works ; Mitchell , Purs . ; Hopkins , Tyler . We could not catch the names of the Brethren who were severally invested with the Collars of Registrar , J . D ., Dir . Cer ., and Org . Several petitions were presented , praying for relief , which was in each case granted , and a sum , amounting in the aggregate to 50 L , voted on the occasion .
The Prov . G . M . then stated that he had received seven notices of motion from Bro . Percy Wells , all for altering the By-laws , but if that Bro . would withdraw them , he promised to call a Prov . Grand Lodge of Emergency , to take the laws of the province into consideration . Bro . Wells rose and said that he had much pleasure in acceding to the wish of the Prov . G . M ., with the distinct understanding that a Lodge of Emergency
should be convened at an early period . Bro . Wells then stated that it was with much regret and pain he felt himself called upon to submit to the Prov . G . M . officially a most unpleasant circumstance , namely , a trespass which had been committed upon the hall and property of the Cumberland Lodge ( of which he was one of the lessees and trustees ) by one of the Brethren , whose name , for obvious reasons , we do not give .
The Prov . G . M . here interrupted Bro . Wells , and told him that if he would make his complaint to him through his Sec , the matter should receive his attention ; but he thought the affair was too trivial to be taken any notice of , and would better be dealt with by a magistrate . Bro . Wells begged to reply , and told the Prov . G . M . that they were especially ordered by the Constitutions not to engage in law-suits if the case could be otherwise decided , and it was therefore determined to lay the matter before him , as the Bro . had refused to apologize for his conduct , which should be formally done .
There were several visitors present on the occasion , among whom we noticed the Prov . G . Ms , for Gloucestershire and Staffordshire . The usual vote of thanks to the Prov . G . M . was then proposed and carried , to which Col . Tynte very feelingly replied . The Prov . Grand Lodge was now closed in the same manner as an ordinary Lodge , and upwards of seventy Ihethren adjourned to Amery ' s Hotel , where they partook of a banquet , which , for the taste displayed by Bro . Amery in placing before his Brethren every delicacy which could be procured , was unequalled in the annals of the province .
Glastonbury .- -Grand Masonic Pic-Nic—Monday , the 11 th August , 1856 , will not soon be forgotten by the inhabitants of the pretty town of Glastonbury . Pur some weeks it had boon noised abroad that invitations had been issued by the Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . " MM ) , for a meeting of Freemasons on that day . Great were the expectations of the natives who were without the pale of the privileged Fraternity , their notions of the Brotherhood being derived either from vague report , or from the testimony of some travelled eye-witnoss , whose remi-
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and although I could demand that every Brother who hissed me should , according to the Constitutions be forthwith solemnly excluded , I forbear from pressing that point , and trust that throughout this day whatever I may utter will be at least receved with common courtesy . " A Brother then rose and said , that no hissing had taken place (!) , but this was immediately contradicted by several Brethren ; and throughout the remainder of the day the proceedings passed off in their accustomed order .
The accounts were now put to the Lodge and passed . Upon which the W . M . of No . 61 , Bro . Tunstall , rose and proposed Bro . Falconer as Prov . G . Treas . ; which motion having been seconded and put , was carried nem . con . Up to this time , and , in fact , throughout the whole of the time the Prov . Grand Lodge was held , it was neither opened with the Ritual proper for the occasion , nor was it declared opeu by the Prov . G . M . ; and although Bro . Wells has remonstrated with Col . Tynte , through his Prov . G .. Sec . " upon this evasion of ancient custom , still it is persevered in .
The Officers for the past year then divested themselves of their Badges of Office , and the following Brethren were invested as Prov . Officers for the present year : — Bros . Randolph , D . Prov . G . M . ; Tunstall , S . G . W . ; Cave , J . G . W . ; Brown , Chap . ; Falconer , Treas . ; Brown , Sec . ; Oliver , S . D . ; Robinson , Supt . Works ; Mitchell , Purs . ; Hopkins , Tyler . We could not catch the names of the Brethren who were severally invested with the Collars of Registrar , J . D ., Dir . Cer ., and Org . Several petitions were presented , praying for relief , which was in each case granted , and a sum , amounting in the aggregate to 50 L , voted on the occasion .
The Prov . G . M . then stated that he had received seven notices of motion from Bro . Percy Wells , all for altering the By-laws , but if that Bro . would withdraw them , he promised to call a Prov . Grand Lodge of Emergency , to take the laws of the province into consideration . Bro . Wells rose and said that he had much pleasure in acceding to the wish of the Prov . G . M ., with the distinct understanding that a Lodge of Emergency
should be convened at an early period . Bro . Wells then stated that it was with much regret and pain he felt himself called upon to submit to the Prov . G . M . officially a most unpleasant circumstance , namely , a trespass which had been committed upon the hall and property of the Cumberland Lodge ( of which he was one of the lessees and trustees ) by one of the Brethren , whose name , for obvious reasons , we do not give .
The Prov . G . M . here interrupted Bro . Wells , and told him that if he would make his complaint to him through his Sec , the matter should receive his attention ; but he thought the affair was too trivial to be taken any notice of , and would better be dealt with by a magistrate . Bro . Wells begged to reply , and told the Prov . G . M . that they were especially ordered by the Constitutions not to engage in law-suits if the case could be otherwise decided , and it was therefore determined to lay the matter before him , as the Bro . had refused to apologize for his conduct , which should be formally done .
There were several visitors present on the occasion , among whom we noticed the Prov . G . Ms , for Gloucestershire and Staffordshire . The usual vote of thanks to the Prov . G . M . was then proposed and carried , to which Col . Tynte very feelingly replied . The Prov . Grand Lodge was now closed in the same manner as an ordinary Lodge , and upwards of seventy Ihethren adjourned to Amery ' s Hotel , where they partook of a banquet , which , for the taste displayed by Bro . Amery in placing before his Brethren every delicacy which could be procured , was unequalled in the annals of the province .
Glastonbury .- -Grand Masonic Pic-Nic—Monday , the 11 th August , 1856 , will not soon be forgotten by the inhabitants of the pretty town of Glastonbury . Pur some weeks it had boon noised abroad that invitations had been issued by the Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . " MM ) , for a meeting of Freemasons on that day . Great were the expectations of the natives who were without the pale of the privileged Fraternity , their notions of the Brotherhood being derived either from vague report , or from the testimony of some travelled eye-witnoss , whose remi-