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Chertsey . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —The Provincial Grand Lodge was held on Tuesday , July 29 th , at the George Hotel , in Chertsey , in the neat little Lodge-room attached to that house . The business of the day was commenced by the meeting of the members of the St . George ' s Lodge , and , in addition to the routine affairs of the Lodge , Bro . Christopher Bawson , W . M ., initiated Mr . [ Robert Martin into the Order ; the Lodge was closed , and at three o ' clock the Grand Lodere of the province was opened , present , the B . W . Bro .
Alexander Dobie , Prov . G M ,, and G . Beg . of England ; the Y . W . Bro . George Francis , D . Prov . G . M . ; the V . W . Bro . Bev . O . F . Owen , Prov . G . Chap . ; the Y . W . Bro . George Price , as Prov . S . G W . ; and the Y . W . Bro : J . B . King , Prov . S . G . D ., as Prov . G . J . W . ; the Y . W . Bros . G . Harcourt , Prov . S . G . W . ; J . J . Blake , Prov . G . Sec . ; J . How , Prov . G . D . Cers ., and near
thirty other Brethren of the province . The Prov . Grand Lodge was opened with due form , and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . The report of the finance and audit committee was read and adopted . The Prov , G . M . called on the Brethren to elect a G . Treas . ; thereupon Bro . Blake , the Prov . G . Sec , rose and said that , as the worthy Brother who had held that appointment for some years never attended the meetings , and , he believed , was not a member of any Lodge in the province , it was right and proper that some Brother who did mix with their assemblies should be selected to fill that office , and he proposed that Bro . George Price , the Sen . Prov .
G . W ., should be the G . Treas . This was duly seconded , and no other name being offered , a ballot was taken , and declared unanimous in favour of Bro . Price . The Prov . G . M . then proceeded to appoint his officers . Before doing so , he said that it was necessary to appoint a new deputy , as the very worthy Brother who had held that office for several years , by non-residence had rendered himself ineligible : therefore , on looking around the province for
one most fitted to fill that onerous and distinguished position , he had selected a Brother well known to them all for his zeal in the cause of our institution , and to whom the oldest Lodge in the province ( No . 486 ) was mainly indebted for its prosperity . He therefore requested Bro . Dr . Harcourt to accept the appointment of D . G . M . The other appointments were : —Bros . Blenkin ' S . G . W . : Maudslay , J .,
G . W . ; Rev . O . F . Owen , G . Chap . ; White , S . G . D . ; Freeman , J . G . W . ; Howe , G . D . C . ; Bruce , G . S . B . ; Besham , G . Org . ; LyniyG . Tyler , who were , with the G . Treas ., invested with the badges of office . The Prov . G . D . Cer . then called on the Brethren to salute , in due form and order , the R . W . G . M ., and his officers newly appointed . The Prov . G : M ., being desirous of acknowledging the long and valuable services of Bro . Georoe Francis , who , for a lon ^ r period , had so ably discharged
the duties of D . G . M . of Surrey , in feeling terms proposed a vote of thanks to that most excellent man and Mason , which was seconded by Bro . Dr . Harcourt , and carried unanimously . The Prov . G . M . asked that a like record might be placed on the minutes of the Grand Lodge of Surrey , in testimony of the ahle and efficient services of the Sec , Bro . Blake , which , being seconded by Bro . King , was also carried unanimously .
The Prov . G . M , addressed the Brethren on the movement respecting the Mark Degree , which he thought ought to be calmly considered , and the subject set at rest . It appeared that its not being recognized by the Grand Lodge of England interfered very much with the Lodges holding under our Grand Lodge in the colonies . Bro . Blake , P . Prov . G . Sec , rose and stated the distressing case of a Brother who had been initiated in the Grove Lodge , No . , 09 J 5 , at its formation , as a serving Brother , and paying no dues to the Fund of Benevolence , was debarred from its benefits , and now , at nearly ninety years of age , was wanting
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Chertsey . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —The Provincial Grand Lodge was held on Tuesday , July 29 th , at the George Hotel , in Chertsey , in the neat little Lodge-room attached to that house . The business of the day was commenced by the meeting of the members of the St . George ' s Lodge , and , in addition to the routine affairs of the Lodge , Bro . Christopher Bawson , W . M ., initiated Mr . [ Robert Martin into the Order ; the Lodge was closed , and at three o ' clock the Grand Lodere of the province was opened , present , the B . W . Bro .
Alexander Dobie , Prov . G M ,, and G . Beg . of England ; the Y . W . Bro . George Francis , D . Prov . G . M . ; the V . W . Bro . Bev . O . F . Owen , Prov . G . Chap . ; the Y . W . Bro . George Price , as Prov . S . G W . ; and the Y . W . Bro : J . B . King , Prov . S . G . D ., as Prov . G . J . W . ; the Y . W . Bros . G . Harcourt , Prov . S . G . W . ; J . J . Blake , Prov . G . Sec . ; J . How , Prov . G . D . Cers ., and near
thirty other Brethren of the province . The Prov . Grand Lodge was opened with due form , and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . The report of the finance and audit committee was read and adopted . The Prov , G . M . called on the Brethren to elect a G . Treas . ; thereupon Bro . Blake , the Prov . G . Sec , rose and said that , as the worthy Brother who had held that appointment for some years never attended the meetings , and , he believed , was not a member of any Lodge in the province , it was right and proper that some Brother who did mix with their assemblies should be selected to fill that office , and he proposed that Bro . George Price , the Sen . Prov .
G . W ., should be the G . Treas . This was duly seconded , and no other name being offered , a ballot was taken , and declared unanimous in favour of Bro . Price . The Prov . G . M . then proceeded to appoint his officers . Before doing so , he said that it was necessary to appoint a new deputy , as the very worthy Brother who had held that office for several years , by non-residence had rendered himself ineligible : therefore , on looking around the province for
one most fitted to fill that onerous and distinguished position , he had selected a Brother well known to them all for his zeal in the cause of our institution , and to whom the oldest Lodge in the province ( No . 486 ) was mainly indebted for its prosperity . He therefore requested Bro . Dr . Harcourt to accept the appointment of D . G . M . The other appointments were : —Bros . Blenkin ' S . G . W . : Maudslay , J .,
G . W . ; Rev . O . F . Owen , G . Chap . ; White , S . G . D . ; Freeman , J . G . W . ; Howe , G . D . C . ; Bruce , G . S . B . ; Besham , G . Org . ; LyniyG . Tyler , who were , with the G . Treas ., invested with the badges of office . The Prov . G . D . Cer . then called on the Brethren to salute , in due form and order , the R . W . G . M ., and his officers newly appointed . The Prov . G : M ., being desirous of acknowledging the long and valuable services of Bro . Georoe Francis , who , for a lon ^ r period , had so ably discharged
the duties of D . G . M . of Surrey , in feeling terms proposed a vote of thanks to that most excellent man and Mason , which was seconded by Bro . Dr . Harcourt , and carried unanimously . The Prov . G . M . asked that a like record might be placed on the minutes of the Grand Lodge of Surrey , in testimony of the ahle and efficient services of the Sec , Bro . Blake , which , being seconded by Bro . King , was also carried unanimously .
The Prov . G . M , addressed the Brethren on the movement respecting the Mark Degree , which he thought ought to be calmly considered , and the subject set at rest . It appeared that its not being recognized by the Grand Lodge of England interfered very much with the Lodges holding under our Grand Lodge in the colonies . Bro . Blake , P . Prov . G . Sec , rose and stated the distressing case of a Brother who had been initiated in the Grove Lodge , No . , 09 J 5 , at its formation , as a serving Brother , and paying no dues to the Fund of Benevolence , was debarred from its benefits , and now , at nearly ninety years of age , was wanting