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Royal Arch.
Comp . James , of No . 786 , Walsall , supported the amendment . He spoke the sentiments of the Comps . throughout Staffordshire , Worcestershire , and the neighbourhood , when he stated that the proposed alteration was most distasteful to them , and felt to be highly injurious to the Order . He would suggest that in future , before any such proposed alterations in the laws were brought forward , the Comps . in the provinces should be made acquainted with the resolutions intended to be brought forward . Comp . Barnes , as representing Chap . No . 857 , Birmingham , and No . 313 ( Dudley ) , as well as other Chapters in the neighbourhood , supported the views of
Comp . James , and represented that the Comps . in Warwickshire , as well as in Staffordshire , were decidedly opposed to the proposed alteration , as unnecessary , and tending to injure the Order . Comp . Havers having briefly replied , Comp . Dobie ( G . Z ., pro tern . ) expressed his opinion that , instead of negativing the resolution altogether , it would be better to postpone it for twelve months , until the opinion of the various Chapters
throughout the country could be obtained with regard to it . Comp . Havers expressed his willingness to alter his motion as suggested by Comp . Dobie , if the Comps . present would consent to his withdrawing bis original resolution .
This , however , they refused to do , by a large majority , and the non-confirmation of that portion of the minutes which reduced the time for exaltation from twelve to one month was negatived by a large majority . The accounts , showing a balance of 6661 . 10 s . Id . in hand , were then presented , and 1501 . ordered to be paid for the new chandeliers , which , by the bye , only about half light the room , two more chandeliers or brackets being required on the dais , which at present appears to be in all but total darkness . Petitions were received for the following new Chapters , and unanimously
granted : — A Chapter to be attached to No . 540 , Bangor , to he called the Star of Gwynedd , with Comps . Martin , Z . ; Newbery , H . ; Wheeler , J . To No . 847 , Openshaw , Lancashire , to be called the Chapter of Rectitude , with Comps . Swindells , Z . ; Merritt , H . ; Hill , J . To No . 555 , Southampton , to be called the Chapter of Concord , with Comps . Stebbings , Z . ; Coxwell , H . ; Abraham , J . To No . 741 , Maidstone , to be called the Belvedere Chapter , with Comps . Whitaker , Z . ; Pike , H . ; Cruttenden , J . All business being ended , the convocation was closed in due form .
Brighton . —Royal Lennox Chapter ( attached to No . 338 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter -met on Eriday , 22 nd August , Companion Geo . W . King , M . E . Z . Annual subscriptions were voted to the Boys' and Girls' Schools ; two Brothers were proposed as candidates for exaltation . About seventeen Comps . partook of the banquet , amongst whom were Comps . James McQueen , the Prov . D . G . M . of Sussex ; John McQueen ; Leveau , of the Supreme Grand Chapter , & c . & c . A most delightful evening was passed ; indeed , no meetings can be more pleasant and agreeable than those of the Lennox Chapter .
Bolton . —Chapter of Concord ( No . 44 ) . —This Chapter held an Emergency on Friday , 25 th of July , when Comp . W . Dawson , in the absence of Comp . Tunnah , M . E . Z ., took the chair of First Principal , and exalted to this Sublime Degree Bro . Wentworth Dawes , Lieutenant 97 th Regt ., assisted by Comps . W . IB Wright , H ., and B . Mitchell , J . ; Comp . Redick most efficiently discharging the duty of P . S . After the ceremony , which was performed throughout with the utmost accuracy and precision , the Companioris adjourned to refreshment ; from which they retired , much pleased by the proceedings of the evening . Gravesend . —Hermes Chapter ( No . 91 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter held their regular meeting on Monday , Aug . 11 th , at the Falcon Tavern , Gravesend . Bro . Campbell , No . 8 , was exalted to the , Sublime Degree of Royal Arch Masonry .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Comp . James , of No . 786 , Walsall , supported the amendment . He spoke the sentiments of the Comps . throughout Staffordshire , Worcestershire , and the neighbourhood , when he stated that the proposed alteration was most distasteful to them , and felt to be highly injurious to the Order . He would suggest that in future , before any such proposed alterations in the laws were brought forward , the Comps . in the provinces should be made acquainted with the resolutions intended to be brought forward . Comp . Barnes , as representing Chap . No . 857 , Birmingham , and No . 313 ( Dudley ) , as well as other Chapters in the neighbourhood , supported the views of
Comp . James , and represented that the Comps . in Warwickshire , as well as in Staffordshire , were decidedly opposed to the proposed alteration , as unnecessary , and tending to injure the Order . Comp . Havers having briefly replied , Comp . Dobie ( G . Z ., pro tern . ) expressed his opinion that , instead of negativing the resolution altogether , it would be better to postpone it for twelve months , until the opinion of the various Chapters
throughout the country could be obtained with regard to it . Comp . Havers expressed his willingness to alter his motion as suggested by Comp . Dobie , if the Comps . present would consent to his withdrawing bis original resolution .
This , however , they refused to do , by a large majority , and the non-confirmation of that portion of the minutes which reduced the time for exaltation from twelve to one month was negatived by a large majority . The accounts , showing a balance of 6661 . 10 s . Id . in hand , were then presented , and 1501 . ordered to be paid for the new chandeliers , which , by the bye , only about half light the room , two more chandeliers or brackets being required on the dais , which at present appears to be in all but total darkness . Petitions were received for the following new Chapters , and unanimously
granted : — A Chapter to be attached to No . 540 , Bangor , to he called the Star of Gwynedd , with Comps . Martin , Z . ; Newbery , H . ; Wheeler , J . To No . 847 , Openshaw , Lancashire , to be called the Chapter of Rectitude , with Comps . Swindells , Z . ; Merritt , H . ; Hill , J . To No . 555 , Southampton , to be called the Chapter of Concord , with Comps . Stebbings , Z . ; Coxwell , H . ; Abraham , J . To No . 741 , Maidstone , to be called the Belvedere Chapter , with Comps . Whitaker , Z . ; Pike , H . ; Cruttenden , J . All business being ended , the convocation was closed in due form .
Brighton . —Royal Lennox Chapter ( attached to No . 338 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter -met on Eriday , 22 nd August , Companion Geo . W . King , M . E . Z . Annual subscriptions were voted to the Boys' and Girls' Schools ; two Brothers were proposed as candidates for exaltation . About seventeen Comps . partook of the banquet , amongst whom were Comps . James McQueen , the Prov . D . G . M . of Sussex ; John McQueen ; Leveau , of the Supreme Grand Chapter , & c . & c . A most delightful evening was passed ; indeed , no meetings can be more pleasant and agreeable than those of the Lennox Chapter .
Bolton . —Chapter of Concord ( No . 44 ) . —This Chapter held an Emergency on Friday , 25 th of July , when Comp . W . Dawson , in the absence of Comp . Tunnah , M . E . Z ., took the chair of First Principal , and exalted to this Sublime Degree Bro . Wentworth Dawes , Lieutenant 97 th Regt ., assisted by Comps . W . IB Wright , H ., and B . Mitchell , J . ; Comp . Redick most efficiently discharging the duty of P . S . After the ceremony , which was performed throughout with the utmost accuracy and precision , the Companioris adjourned to refreshment ; from which they retired , much pleased by the proceedings of the evening . Gravesend . —Hermes Chapter ( No . 91 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter held their regular meeting on Monday , Aug . 11 th , at the Falcon Tavern , Gravesend . Bro . Campbell , No . 8 , was exalted to the , Sublime Degree of Royal Arch Masonry .