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The . Editor requests that all communications may be sent to him , at 74 .-5 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn Fields , by the 20 th of each month at XATEST > to insure their insertion .
TOCOEEESP . ONDENTS . The Grand Lodge . —The Grand Mastee having given notice of his intention to bring forward some most important resolutions with regard to Colonial Lodges , we trust there will be a numerous attendance of the Brethren at Grand Lodge on Wednesday next .
" Bro . Rawle y will see that we have attended to his communication . V ^ £ Asks , " 1 st . In the event of the Second and Third Principals of aBoyal ^* Arch Chapter dying or resigning , what is to be done by the First Principal , there heing no Companion in the Chapter who has been in either chair ? 2 nd . In the event of the M . E . First Principal's . term of office expiring , and there be no Companion qualified to be put in election for that chair , what is to be done in
order that the working or the Chapter may not be interruptecH —In case ot the first contingency arising , a dispensation must be obtained from the Grand Z . ; and in the second , the Z . must occupy his chair until a dispensation he obtained . "We are aware that in colonies great inconvenience may be occasioned by such a contingency , and no doubt on a proper representation it will he duly considered in Grand Chapter . We are not aware that the Gr , M . has any intention of appointing a Prov . G . M , for the West-India Colonies .
" D . H . "—If at the proper time for the election of W . M ., there should be no person in the Lodge eligible for that office , and you say that in your Lodge the Wardens had left the colony , it would be evidently the duty of the W . M . to continue in office , notwithstanding he had served the two years to which he is limited by the Book of Constitutions , until he could apply for a dispensation to continue in the chair , he having hound . himself at his installation to discharge the duties until some other Brother is regularly installed therein .
" T . F . P . " must have misunderstood our notice . If he refers to the speech of the Prov . G . M . he will find the sum of £ 1 , 000 per annum was stated as an amount which might be raised , or at least approached , as a benevolent fund , in East Lancashire . We wish our Lancashire Brethren all success ; but knowing how apathetic Freemasons are as a body , we ventured to throw out an observation to guard them against being too sanguine in their anticipations . The bylaws appear to be generally excellent , but we would recommend that £ 15 in Bule 20 be raised to £ 20 , in order to harmonize better with Bule 21 .
" O . E . N " . "—The two members in question ceased to be members of the Lodge under its by daws , but are not thereby excluded from the privileges of the Order , and are of course quite competent to attend the meetings of the Chapter to which they belong . It would tend much to remove such feelings as appear to exist here , if Brethren would bear in mind and act upon the advice they received from the W . M . when they were first invested with their E . A . apron . The Royal Order of Scotland is not one of the 33 Degrees conferred in England and France , but is peculiar to Scotland . It does not give the Degree of "Rose Croix , " but under recent arrangements the members of the Royal Order are entitled to receive that
Degree at a reduced figure . " W . PL , " No . 224 , is thanked for his kindness . Begging- Petitions . —We are requested by Comp . John ' Ilervey / P . G . S . D ., to state that should his name he found attached ( as he has reason to believe it is ) to any begging petition , the signature" is a forgery .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The . Editor requests that all communications may be sent to him , at 74 .-5 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn Fields , by the 20 th of each month at XATEST > to insure their insertion .
TOCOEEESP . ONDENTS . The Grand Lodge . —The Grand Mastee having given notice of his intention to bring forward some most important resolutions with regard to Colonial Lodges , we trust there will be a numerous attendance of the Brethren at Grand Lodge on Wednesday next .
" Bro . Rawle y will see that we have attended to his communication . V ^ £ Asks , " 1 st . In the event of the Second and Third Principals of aBoyal ^* Arch Chapter dying or resigning , what is to be done by the First Principal , there heing no Companion in the Chapter who has been in either chair ? 2 nd . In the event of the M . E . First Principal's . term of office expiring , and there be no Companion qualified to be put in election for that chair , what is to be done in
order that the working or the Chapter may not be interruptecH —In case ot the first contingency arising , a dispensation must be obtained from the Grand Z . ; and in the second , the Z . must occupy his chair until a dispensation he obtained . "We are aware that in colonies great inconvenience may be occasioned by such a contingency , and no doubt on a proper representation it will he duly considered in Grand Chapter . We are not aware that the Gr , M . has any intention of appointing a Prov . G . M , for the West-India Colonies .
" D . H . "—If at the proper time for the election of W . M ., there should be no person in the Lodge eligible for that office , and you say that in your Lodge the Wardens had left the colony , it would be evidently the duty of the W . M . to continue in office , notwithstanding he had served the two years to which he is limited by the Book of Constitutions , until he could apply for a dispensation to continue in the chair , he having hound . himself at his installation to discharge the duties until some other Brother is regularly installed therein .
" T . F . P . " must have misunderstood our notice . If he refers to the speech of the Prov . G . M . he will find the sum of £ 1 , 000 per annum was stated as an amount which might be raised , or at least approached , as a benevolent fund , in East Lancashire . We wish our Lancashire Brethren all success ; but knowing how apathetic Freemasons are as a body , we ventured to throw out an observation to guard them against being too sanguine in their anticipations . The bylaws appear to be generally excellent , but we would recommend that £ 15 in Bule 20 be raised to £ 20 , in order to harmonize better with Bule 21 .
" O . E . N " . "—The two members in question ceased to be members of the Lodge under its by daws , but are not thereby excluded from the privileges of the Order , and are of course quite competent to attend the meetings of the Chapter to which they belong . It would tend much to remove such feelings as appear to exist here , if Brethren would bear in mind and act upon the advice they received from the W . M . when they were first invested with their E . A . apron . The Royal Order of Scotland is not one of the 33 Degrees conferred in England and France , but is peculiar to Scotland . It does not give the Degree of "Rose Croix , " but under recent arrangements the members of the Royal Order are entitled to receive that
Degree at a reduced figure . " W . PL , " No . 224 , is thanked for his kindness . Begging- Petitions . —We are requested by Comp . John ' Ilervey / P . G . S . D ., to state that should his name he found attached ( as he has reason to believe it is ) to any begging petition , the signature" is a forgery .