Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 15 of 19 →
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^ The health ol the Prov . G . Chaplain , and thanks to him for his services . " Rev . Bro . Harris respond ^ d G /^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ v * ' The health of the ! r ^ v . ; S ^ Brother Thomas J . Dyke , -of Merthyr , returned thanks in most appropriate terms . ¦ . . '¦ . ' . ¦/' .-. .
Bro . Beadon proposed , ' " . All poor and distressed Masons , " which having been drunk , the meeting separated , having spent one of the most delightful days , not perhaps in the memory of the oldest inhabitant , but certainly in the memory of the oldest Mason . Nothing of the kind was ever seen in Cairdin ^ and so we conclude our report by wishing them many " merryy merry meetings . " [ After the sermon a subscriptionwas mad ^ for the purposes of charity , and a sum of £ 12 was collected , £ 6 of Which were given to the Canibrian Deaf and Dumb Asylum , Swansea , and £ 6 to the poor of St . John ' s parish , Cardiff ]
STAFFORDSHIRE . The Provincial Grand Lodge was held this year un ^ the auspices of the Sutherland Lod ^ , Now 660 ^^ ^^ every part of the county were present , as well as delegates from other Provinces , and as the Lodgesof the Potteries , Newcastle ^ largely represented , the meeting was a very ^ ^^ h ^ niore than usu ^ : ' ¦ "¦ ¦ . ¦ >' ¦ '"'' ¦¦¦ : . :- r .:
As every rooija and convenience that the splendid new TownHaH afforded was put into requisition > the arrangements reflected great credit on the Prb > V . X * . Stewards ^ Brps . J norev « nd G . L . Robinson , and rendered it the most successful meeting held within ' . ' the : Province . ' ,- ' ' . ' ¦' : •' - •' " ¦ : - ^ ¦ '¦" ¦ " ¦
The Provincial Grand Lo % e ^ f open form by Bro . Lieut . -Col . "Vernon , R . W . Prov . G . M ., at twelve o ' clock , in the spacious justice-room of the Town Hall , and the business of the Provincial Grand Lodge was then proceeded With by Bro . Dee , Prov . G . Sec , reading the minutes of the last meeting , which were duly confirmed .
It was then proposed by Bro . Dee , Prov . G . Sec , and seconded by Bro . Burton , P . Prov . G . S . W ., that the usual donation of £ 10 . 10 s . be given from Prov . Grand Lodge funds , to the Masonic Girls ^ School ; and , in addition , Bro . Dee , in a clear and lucid speech , pointed out the advisability of securing for Prov . Grand Lodge a voice in the direction of funds and affairs in connection with the charities to which sums were annually voted by Prov . Grand Lodge , and after discussion by
several Brethren , as to the possibility of the Prov . G . M . becoming a vice-president of the institution , Bro . Dee proposed , and was seconded by Bro . Burton , that £ 50 be given from the Prov . Grand Lodge funds to insure that object . Bro . Burton then proposed , in order to make the vice-presidentship permanent to the Prov . G . M . of Staffordshire , that the Prov . G . M . ' s life should be insured for £ 50 , a motion which met with the cordial approval of the Brethren , and was unanimously adopted .
The usual routine business of the Prov . Grand Lodge having been gone through , the following Prov . G . appointments were made : —Bros . Alfred Glover , S . W . ; C . T . Davenport , J . W . ; Rev . E . Gwynne , Chap . ; Rev . James Downes , Assist . Chap . ; W . Lloyd , Treas . ; Thomas Mason , jun ., Reg . ; F . Dee , Sec . ; Henry Hall , S . D . ; William ^ Green , J . D . ; Edwin Yates , Sup , of Works ; Samuel Hilt Dir . of Cers . ; George Sergeant , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Jno . H . Sweeting , Sword Bearer ; John Emery , jun ., Org . ; John Robinson , Purst , ; Carlo Bregazzi , Standard Bearer ; Henry Bagguley , Tyler .
The Prov . Grand Lodge adjourned at two o ' clock to hear Divine service in St , Paul's Church ; Bro , the Rev . James Do wnes , B . A ., Prov . G . Assist . Chap ., incumbent of Stonall , and Bro . the Eev . E . Gwynne , Prov . G . Chap ,, officiated , The Sermon , by the former , upon the text " Sirs , ye are Brethren , ' * was ari eloquent exposition and practical enforcement of the beautiful precepts of the Fraternity , and of Christianity , viz ., —love Ho God and love to man—which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
^ The health ol the Prov . G . Chaplain , and thanks to him for his services . " Rev . Bro . Harris respond ^ d G /^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ v * ' The health of the ! r ^ v . ; S ^ Brother Thomas J . Dyke , -of Merthyr , returned thanks in most appropriate terms . ¦ . . '¦ . ' . ¦/' .-. .
Bro . Beadon proposed , ' " . All poor and distressed Masons , " which having been drunk , the meeting separated , having spent one of the most delightful days , not perhaps in the memory of the oldest inhabitant , but certainly in the memory of the oldest Mason . Nothing of the kind was ever seen in Cairdin ^ and so we conclude our report by wishing them many " merryy merry meetings . " [ After the sermon a subscriptionwas mad ^ for the purposes of charity , and a sum of £ 12 was collected , £ 6 of Which were given to the Canibrian Deaf and Dumb Asylum , Swansea , and £ 6 to the poor of St . John ' s parish , Cardiff ]
STAFFORDSHIRE . The Provincial Grand Lodge was held this year un ^ the auspices of the Sutherland Lod ^ , Now 660 ^^ ^^ every part of the county were present , as well as delegates from other Provinces , and as the Lodgesof the Potteries , Newcastle ^ largely represented , the meeting was a very ^ ^^ h ^ niore than usu ^ : ' ¦ "¦ ¦ . ¦ >' ¦ '"'' ¦¦¦ : . :- r .:
As every rooija and convenience that the splendid new TownHaH afforded was put into requisition > the arrangements reflected great credit on the Prb > V . X * . Stewards ^ Brps . J norev « nd G . L . Robinson , and rendered it the most successful meeting held within ' . ' the : Province . ' ,- ' ' . ' ¦' : •' - •' " ¦ : - ^ ¦ '¦" ¦ " ¦
The Provincial Grand Lo % e ^ f open form by Bro . Lieut . -Col . "Vernon , R . W . Prov . G . M ., at twelve o ' clock , in the spacious justice-room of the Town Hall , and the business of the Provincial Grand Lodge was then proceeded With by Bro . Dee , Prov . G . Sec , reading the minutes of the last meeting , which were duly confirmed .
It was then proposed by Bro . Dee , Prov . G . Sec , and seconded by Bro . Burton , P . Prov . G . S . W ., that the usual donation of £ 10 . 10 s . be given from Prov . Grand Lodge funds , to the Masonic Girls ^ School ; and , in addition , Bro . Dee , in a clear and lucid speech , pointed out the advisability of securing for Prov . Grand Lodge a voice in the direction of funds and affairs in connection with the charities to which sums were annually voted by Prov . Grand Lodge , and after discussion by
several Brethren , as to the possibility of the Prov . G . M . becoming a vice-president of the institution , Bro . Dee proposed , and was seconded by Bro . Burton , that £ 50 be given from the Prov . Grand Lodge funds to insure that object . Bro . Burton then proposed , in order to make the vice-presidentship permanent to the Prov . G . M . of Staffordshire , that the Prov . G . M . ' s life should be insured for £ 50 , a motion which met with the cordial approval of the Brethren , and was unanimously adopted .
The usual routine business of the Prov . Grand Lodge having been gone through , the following Prov . G . appointments were made : —Bros . Alfred Glover , S . W . ; C . T . Davenport , J . W . ; Rev . E . Gwynne , Chap . ; Rev . James Downes , Assist . Chap . ; W . Lloyd , Treas . ; Thomas Mason , jun ., Reg . ; F . Dee , Sec . ; Henry Hall , S . D . ; William ^ Green , J . D . ; Edwin Yates , Sup , of Works ; Samuel Hilt Dir . of Cers . ; George Sergeant , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Jno . H . Sweeting , Sword Bearer ; John Emery , jun ., Org . ; John Robinson , Purst , ; Carlo Bregazzi , Standard Bearer ; Henry Bagguley , Tyler .
The Prov . Grand Lodge adjourned at two o ' clock to hear Divine service in St , Paul's Church ; Bro , the Rev . James Do wnes , B . A ., Prov . G . Assist . Chap ., incumbent of Stonall , and Bro . the Eev . E . Gwynne , Prov . G . Chap ,, officiated , The Sermon , by the former , upon the text " Sirs , ye are Brethren , ' * was ari eloquent exposition and practical enforcement of the beautiful precepts of the Fraternity , and of Christianity , viz ., —love Ho God and love to man—which