Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 17 of 19 →
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The toast was drunk in silence ; and after an appropriate interval , Bro . Ward proposed , amid cheers , " The health of the Chairman , Prov . G . M . of Staffordshire , Colonel Vernon . " In the course of the remarks with which he prefaced the toast , he mentioned that since the appointment- of Colonel Vernon as Proy . G . M ., the Lodges of Staffordshire had increased from seven to fifteen—a proof that the gallant colonel was a Brother who had the interests of Freemasonry at hearts
His appointment had met with the cordial approbation of the district , and the excellent manner in which he had discharged the duties of the office—giving satisfaction to all—the urbanity of his character , the exercise , as they all knew , of every virtue which could adorn not only a Freemason , but a man , well justified every expectation , and gained him really and truly the respect , the regard , the admiration of the district . ( Loud and long-continued cheering , amid which the tpiast was pledged with every honour . ) The chairman briefly returned thanks ^
and then proposed "The health of D . P . GvM ., Bro ; Ward , " which was received with a round of lusty cheers , Bro . Ward , he said , was a Mason of whom any Lodge might well feel proud , and that this district ' felt for him all the esteem and respect which it was possible for one man to feel towards another , was a truth which really required no iteration from him . ( Loud cheers . ) For himself lie regarded Bro ; Ward so h i ^ l y , that he had not wP perhaps in his presence it might ^ -he felt sure it wouid % --be more gratifying to
abstain from the attempt . However , he must say that as his deputy he had ever found him ready and anxious to promote the Welfiare of the district- ~ alw deeply desirous of furthering eveiy object calculated to increase the prosperity of the - Fraterhi ^; ever acting with that good feeling , that activity and trusts worthiness 1 which were qualities so essential for the office , and , to use the words so flatteringly applied to himself ^ exercising all those virtues of kindness and benevolence , which met their due appreciation in the heart of eveiy Brother and and all the to the
every man . ( Great cheering ^ honours toast . ) l ^ Q . ^^ d bm & y but ^ eitously res ^ James Downes , Prov . G . Assist . Chap ., '' which met a hearty reception , and was gracefully acknowledged * The other toasts were— " The Visiting Brethren , " proposed by Bro . Glover , and responded to by Bros . Vigne and Snow ; ( i The Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge , Past and Present , " coupled with the names of Bros * Glover and Baker , proposed by the chairman , and responded to by the two
Brethren mentioned . The Prov . G . M ., in proposing " The Ladies , " expressed the pleasure it gave him to meet them upon the present occasion ; and coupled with the toast the name of Mrs . Sargeant , the wife of the W . M . of Sutherland , Lodge 660 , which met with a hearty response on the part of Bro . Sargeant for the married ladies , and Bro . J . S . Forbes for the single ladies ; and Bro . Sargeant , in the course of his remarks , expressed the pleasure it would give him on any future occasion to have the permission of the Prov . G . M . for the ladies to sit down
to the banquet with them ( which remark was received with rapturous applause ) . " The health of Bro . Sargeant and the Brethren of the Sutherland Lodge , No . 660 ° , " was then given , and heartily acknowledged by Bro . Sargeant , W . M . And in connection with the progress of Masonry , and the honour conferred upon the Lpdge by the visit of Grand . Lodge , it appeared that the W . M . of $ Jo . 660 had the honour of initiating no less than seventeen members into the Order within five months .
" The Stewards , coupled with the names of Bros . Robinson and Forbes , was heartily responded to by them . The Prov . . G . M . warmly congratulated the Brethren on the progress of the Order in the provinces , and on the excellent arrangements which had been made for the day ' s proceedings , and the good feeling and unanimity which had been displayed throughout . Bro . Robinson , the architect of the Town Hall , was also
complimented for his professional skill , pf which it was a standing monument . The management of the musical accessories to the banquet was entrusted to Bro . J . Emery , jun ., who was assisted at the pianofprte and harmonium by Bro . Twiss . Mr . Scotcher ' s quadrille band played during dinner . After the removal of the cloth , the services of the Potteries Glee Union , consisting of Messrs . E . Bourne , J . Latimer , J . Bourne , and H . W . Shirley , aided by the above-
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The toast was drunk in silence ; and after an appropriate interval , Bro . Ward proposed , amid cheers , " The health of the Chairman , Prov . G . M . of Staffordshire , Colonel Vernon . " In the course of the remarks with which he prefaced the toast , he mentioned that since the appointment- of Colonel Vernon as Proy . G . M ., the Lodges of Staffordshire had increased from seven to fifteen—a proof that the gallant colonel was a Brother who had the interests of Freemasonry at hearts
His appointment had met with the cordial approbation of the district , and the excellent manner in which he had discharged the duties of the office—giving satisfaction to all—the urbanity of his character , the exercise , as they all knew , of every virtue which could adorn not only a Freemason , but a man , well justified every expectation , and gained him really and truly the respect , the regard , the admiration of the district . ( Loud and long-continued cheering , amid which the tpiast was pledged with every honour . ) The chairman briefly returned thanks ^
and then proposed "The health of D . P . GvM ., Bro ; Ward , " which was received with a round of lusty cheers , Bro . Ward , he said , was a Mason of whom any Lodge might well feel proud , and that this district ' felt for him all the esteem and respect which it was possible for one man to feel towards another , was a truth which really required no iteration from him . ( Loud cheers . ) For himself lie regarded Bro ; Ward so h i ^ l y , that he had not wP perhaps in his presence it might ^ -he felt sure it wouid % --be more gratifying to
abstain from the attempt . However , he must say that as his deputy he had ever found him ready and anxious to promote the Welfiare of the district- ~ alw deeply desirous of furthering eveiy object calculated to increase the prosperity of the - Fraterhi ^; ever acting with that good feeling , that activity and trusts worthiness 1 which were qualities so essential for the office , and , to use the words so flatteringly applied to himself ^ exercising all those virtues of kindness and benevolence , which met their due appreciation in the heart of eveiy Brother and and all the to the
every man . ( Great cheering ^ honours toast . ) l ^ Q . ^^ d bm & y but ^ eitously res ^ James Downes , Prov . G . Assist . Chap ., '' which met a hearty reception , and was gracefully acknowledged * The other toasts were— " The Visiting Brethren , " proposed by Bro . Glover , and responded to by Bros . Vigne and Snow ; ( i The Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge , Past and Present , " coupled with the names of Bros * Glover and Baker , proposed by the chairman , and responded to by the two
Brethren mentioned . The Prov . G . M ., in proposing " The Ladies , " expressed the pleasure it gave him to meet them upon the present occasion ; and coupled with the toast the name of Mrs . Sargeant , the wife of the W . M . of Sutherland , Lodge 660 , which met with a hearty response on the part of Bro . Sargeant for the married ladies , and Bro . J . S . Forbes for the single ladies ; and Bro . Sargeant , in the course of his remarks , expressed the pleasure it would give him on any future occasion to have the permission of the Prov . G . M . for the ladies to sit down
to the banquet with them ( which remark was received with rapturous applause ) . " The health of Bro . Sargeant and the Brethren of the Sutherland Lodge , No . 660 ° , " was then given , and heartily acknowledged by Bro . Sargeant , W . M . And in connection with the progress of Masonry , and the honour conferred upon the Lpdge by the visit of Grand . Lodge , it appeared that the W . M . of $ Jo . 660 had the honour of initiating no less than seventeen members into the Order within five months .
" The Stewards , coupled with the names of Bros . Robinson and Forbes , was heartily responded to by them . The Prov . . G . M . warmly congratulated the Brethren on the progress of the Order in the provinces , and on the excellent arrangements which had been made for the day ' s proceedings , and the good feeling and unanimity which had been displayed throughout . Bro . Robinson , the architect of the Town Hall , was also
complimented for his professional skill , pf which it was a standing monument . The management of the musical accessories to the banquet was entrusted to Bro . J . Emery , jun ., who was assisted at the pianofprte and harmonium by Bro . Twiss . Mr . Scotcher ' s quadrille band played during dinner . After the removal of the cloth , the services of the Potteries Glee Union , consisting of Messrs . E . Bourne , J . Latimer , J . Bourne , and H . W . Shirley , aided by the above-