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Make Masonry.
St . Mark ' s Lodge of Mark Masters ( holden under the Grand Chapter of Scotland ) , No . 1 . —The Brethren of this Lodge met together on the evening of the 15 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , for the despatch of business . The R . W , Bro . Hughes , D . M . ( in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Warren ) , occupied the chair , and was ably seconded by his assistant Officers . The business of the evening consisted of the advancement of three Brethren to the Degree of Mark Master , and the final regulation of the Byedaws . The Brethren who were advanced were Bro . Cartwrigbt , of the Alfred Lodge , No . 425 ; Bro . Harrison , No . 201 ;
and Bro . Pocklington , of No . 339 , Boston . It speaks well for the progress of the Lodge , and marks the desire of the Brethren generally to see the Mark Degree recognized by the Grand Lodge of England , to find that there are now on the roll of the Lodge , although only two months established , the names of thirty Brothers , some of whom have been advanced in the illegal assembly styling itself the Bon-Accord Lodge of Mark Masons , but who have renounced their allegiance to it and formally joined the new Lodge . There are , besides , as many as seventeen Brethren on the list for advancement next Lodge evening .
St . John ' s Lodge . —The regular quarterly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday the 9 th September . A new member joined the Lodge . Some discussion arose with regard to the proposed new Lodge , in which the E . W . M ,., Bros . Arnott , Graham , Bennett , & c . took part , when it was proposed by Bro . Arnott , and seconded by Bro . Bennett , and unanimously agreed to by the rest of the brethren , that a committee should be appointed to investigate and receive all possible information regarding the new Lodge , and be able to report at next
meeting . The following brethren were then appointed members of the committee , viz . Bros . S . N . Morison , R . 0 . Arnott , W . M'Queen , G . Graham , G . Bennett , J . Ross , and J . Donald—W . M'Queen , convenor . A vote of thanks to M . S . A . Walrond was then proposed by the B . W . M ., for bis handsome present to the Lodge , and heartily responded to . On Monday the 15 th of September , a meeting of emergency was called for the purpose of initiating , & c , two new candidates , one of whom was a Danish captain , who was introduced by the captain that was initiated a few weeks ago .
EDINBURGH . Defensive Band Lodge ( No . 151 ) . —On the 23 rd September , being the fourth Tuesday of the month , this Lodge held its usual monthly meeting . It gives uw great pleasure to record the high position which this Lodge now occupies , for whether we review it as a Lodge where the true fraternal spirit of the Craft exists , or review it in its pecuniary transactions , we are satisfied that it holds a position , under the able superintendence of Bro . Pinlayson , which every Brother of the Order will regard with esteem . At the meeting to which we particularly refer
it was stated by the R . W . Master , that he along with eighteen of tho Brethren had visited the Lodge Portobello , on the 18 th . This visitation completed the round of visitations to the District Lodges , and ho had now to thank the Brethren for the handsome manner in which they had responded to those visitations , and it must be a source of gratification to them that the Edinburgh Defensive Band Lodgo bad received a most hearty and fraternal welcome from thorn all . They were now clear of debt , and the Treasurer could boaat of having a few pounds in his iiossession : and he attributed the prosperity of the Lodge
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Make Masonry.
St . Mark ' s Lodge of Mark Masters ( holden under the Grand Chapter of Scotland ) , No . 1 . —The Brethren of this Lodge met together on the evening of the 15 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , for the despatch of business . The R . W , Bro . Hughes , D . M . ( in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Warren ) , occupied the chair , and was ably seconded by his assistant Officers . The business of the evening consisted of the advancement of three Brethren to the Degree of Mark Master , and the final regulation of the Byedaws . The Brethren who were advanced were Bro . Cartwrigbt , of the Alfred Lodge , No . 425 ; Bro . Harrison , No . 201 ;
and Bro . Pocklington , of No . 339 , Boston . It speaks well for the progress of the Lodge , and marks the desire of the Brethren generally to see the Mark Degree recognized by the Grand Lodge of England , to find that there are now on the roll of the Lodge , although only two months established , the names of thirty Brothers , some of whom have been advanced in the illegal assembly styling itself the Bon-Accord Lodge of Mark Masons , but who have renounced their allegiance to it and formally joined the new Lodge . There are , besides , as many as seventeen Brethren on the list for advancement next Lodge evening .
St . John ' s Lodge . —The regular quarterly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday the 9 th September . A new member joined the Lodge . Some discussion arose with regard to the proposed new Lodge , in which the E . W . M ,., Bros . Arnott , Graham , Bennett , & c . took part , when it was proposed by Bro . Arnott , and seconded by Bro . Bennett , and unanimously agreed to by the rest of the brethren , that a committee should be appointed to investigate and receive all possible information regarding the new Lodge , and be able to report at next
meeting . The following brethren were then appointed members of the committee , viz . Bros . S . N . Morison , R . 0 . Arnott , W . M'Queen , G . Graham , G . Bennett , J . Ross , and J . Donald—W . M'Queen , convenor . A vote of thanks to M . S . A . Walrond was then proposed by the B . W . M ., for bis handsome present to the Lodge , and heartily responded to . On Monday the 15 th of September , a meeting of emergency was called for the purpose of initiating , & c , two new candidates , one of whom was a Danish captain , who was introduced by the captain that was initiated a few weeks ago .
EDINBURGH . Defensive Band Lodge ( No . 151 ) . —On the 23 rd September , being the fourth Tuesday of the month , this Lodge held its usual monthly meeting . It gives uw great pleasure to record the high position which this Lodge now occupies , for whether we review it as a Lodge where the true fraternal spirit of the Craft exists , or review it in its pecuniary transactions , we are satisfied that it holds a position , under the able superintendence of Bro . Pinlayson , which every Brother of the Order will regard with esteem . At the meeting to which we particularly refer
it was stated by the R . W . Master , that he along with eighteen of tho Brethren had visited the Lodge Portobello , on the 18 th . This visitation completed the round of visitations to the District Lodges , and ho had now to thank the Brethren for the handsome manner in which they had responded to those visitations , and it must be a source of gratification to them that the Edinburgh Defensive Band Lodgo bad received a most hearty and fraternal welcome from thorn all . They were now clear of debt , and the Treasurer could boaat of having a few pounds in his iiossession : and he attributed the prosperity of the Lodge