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Tidings Feom The Craft In The United States.
Lodgeton , Kentucky , Oct . 28 , 1857 . The theme most interesting on our side of the water in the present month is the evident tendency to dissolution in our two national Masonic bodies , styled " The General Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter of the United States " and " The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United ¦ ¦ . States . " The history of the origin , & c . of these bodies is a necessary prelude to what I
Prepared monthly for The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine . By the It . W . Baa . Rob . MorbiS , of Lodgeton , Kentucky , and 335 , Broadway , New" York , late Editor of The American Freemason .
have to say relative to them . The " G , G . R . A . G . of the U . S ., '' by which multiplicity of alliterals that body is technically known , took its rise in the necessity * which existed in the early part of the present century of systematizing the various degrees popular in the country , as " Mark Master / ' " Past Mastery" " Most Excellent Master , " and " Royal Arch . " These were combined into one Rite , known now as the " Capitular" or " Chapitral" Rite , and placed in charge : first , of a Grand Chapter , consisting of the authorities of two or three States :
afterwards of a General Grand or Supreme Chapter , designed for the whole country . Until recently all the States except three—Florida , Virginia , and Pennsylvania—have been combined in this union , and the body styled the General Grand Chapter , of which I will give you more ample history and statistics in a future communication , became one of the largest Masonic governments in the world . Recently , however , two of its constituents , viz . the Grand Chapters of ! S orth Carolina having twenty-seven , and of Kentucky having fifty-five subordinate Chapters , have withdrawn .
The " Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States , " until recently known as the - " General Grand Encampment , " originated , in 1816 , in the same conceived necessity . From this body has recently withdrawn the Grand Commandery of the State of Ohio . I will give details of its history and progress at a future time . It is an interesting problem to be solved what manner of life the Chivalric Order would exhibit deprived of a general head .
Masonic publications in the past month have been sparse ; the money panic readily accounts for this . We have only " An Address delivered at Masonic Hall , in the city of Lynchburg , on the Anniversary of St . John the Baptist , June 24 th , 1857 , by Bro . E . Withers , K . T ., published by order of Marshall Lodge , No . 39 , of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons , " 8 vo . pp . 25 . Various works , however , are in progress . The learned and renowned Dr . A . G . Mackey is engaged upon a
manual of the Royal Arch Degree , much needed among us . Bro . Bob . Morris , of Lodgeton , Kentucky , has announced " The Observance of the Religious and Military Orders of Knights of the Bed Cross , Knights Templar , and Knights of Malta , according to the American System , with a thorough Sj'st ^ em of Drill and 8 word Exercise , and full Instructions for Processions and other public Appearances of the Sir Knights . " The same author has recently issued a small work for VOL . III . 6 X
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Tidings Feom The Craft In The United States.
Lodgeton , Kentucky , Oct . 28 , 1857 . The theme most interesting on our side of the water in the present month is the evident tendency to dissolution in our two national Masonic bodies , styled " The General Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter of the United States " and " The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United ¦ ¦ . States . " The history of the origin , & c . of these bodies is a necessary prelude to what I
Prepared monthly for The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine . By the It . W . Baa . Rob . MorbiS , of Lodgeton , Kentucky , and 335 , Broadway , New" York , late Editor of The American Freemason .
have to say relative to them . The " G , G . R . A . G . of the U . S ., '' by which multiplicity of alliterals that body is technically known , took its rise in the necessity * which existed in the early part of the present century of systematizing the various degrees popular in the country , as " Mark Master / ' " Past Mastery" " Most Excellent Master , " and " Royal Arch . " These were combined into one Rite , known now as the " Capitular" or " Chapitral" Rite , and placed in charge : first , of a Grand Chapter , consisting of the authorities of two or three States :
afterwards of a General Grand or Supreme Chapter , designed for the whole country . Until recently all the States except three—Florida , Virginia , and Pennsylvania—have been combined in this union , and the body styled the General Grand Chapter , of which I will give you more ample history and statistics in a future communication , became one of the largest Masonic governments in the world . Recently , however , two of its constituents , viz . the Grand Chapters of ! S orth Carolina having twenty-seven , and of Kentucky having fifty-five subordinate Chapters , have withdrawn .
The " Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States , " until recently known as the - " General Grand Encampment , " originated , in 1816 , in the same conceived necessity . From this body has recently withdrawn the Grand Commandery of the State of Ohio . I will give details of its history and progress at a future time . It is an interesting problem to be solved what manner of life the Chivalric Order would exhibit deprived of a general head .
Masonic publications in the past month have been sparse ; the money panic readily accounts for this . We have only " An Address delivered at Masonic Hall , in the city of Lynchburg , on the Anniversary of St . John the Baptist , June 24 th , 1857 , by Bro . E . Withers , K . T ., published by order of Marshall Lodge , No . 39 , of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons , " 8 vo . pp . 25 . Various works , however , are in progress . The learned and renowned Dr . A . G . Mackey is engaged upon a
manual of the Royal Arch Degree , much needed among us . Bro . Bob . Morris , of Lodgeton , Kentucky , has announced " The Observance of the Religious and Military Orders of Knights of the Bed Cross , Knights Templar , and Knights of Malta , according to the American System , with a thorough Sj'st ^ em of Drill and 8 word Exercise , and full Instructions for Processions and other public Appearances of the Sir Knights . " The same author has recently issued a small work for VOL . III . 6 X