Article THE MASONIC MIRROR ← Page 8 of 13 →
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The Masonic Mirror
for a grant of money could be made without due notice ; and he wished to know if it were competent for any Brother to move an increase upon the sum notified to them in the recommendation of the Board of Benevolence . The G . M . said , that strictly he could not do so ; but it had been so often done that it had almost become a practice . ( Laughter . ) The £ 100 was then carried amidst great enthusiasm , and to the apparent delight of most of the Brethren , his Boy al Highness the Prince of Prussia included .
Bro . Smith said , the last was certainly the most deserving case of the three , and ought to have the largest sum . No one , however , moved an amendment , and £ 50 was agreed to .
PEESENTATION OP A COPY OF THE BOOK OP CONSTITUTIONS TO HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS . The G . M . then , in the name of the Grand Lodge , presented his Eoyal Highness the Prince Frederick William of Prussia with a copy of the Book of Constitutions , which we observed was very handsomely bound . The presentation was made amidst the most enthusiastic plaudits of the Brethren , upon whom the illustrious Brother appeared to make a most favourable impression .
CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES . Bro . Binckes then rose to move the non-confirmation of the minutes . He said that , in the presence of so illustrious a Brother as his Eoyal Highness the Prince [ Frederick William of Prussia he felt as deeply as any one could the desirability of being unanimous , and he was sorry therefore that his conscience would compel him to make some objections to the confirmation of the minutes as they at present . stood . He regretted that he had not been able to be present at the
last Quarterly Communication , but he had read what had taken place on that occasion with respect to the Colonial Board and its report , and it was with reference to the portion of that report which had been rejected that he wished to address Grand Lodge . The charge was : first , that the Board had exceeded its duties ; and , secondly , that this portion of its report was couched in terms which reflected upon the conduct of the M . W . the G . M . He then examined into what was the constitution of the Colonial Board , and quoted from the Book
of Constitutions ( ed . 1855 , page 100 , sec . 8 ) to show what was the authorny of the Board of General Purposes , to which body the Colonial Board , he contended , was analogous . " The Board has authority to hear and determine all subjects of Masonic complaint or irregularity respecting Lodges or individual Masons , when regularly brought before it , and generally to take cognizance of all matters relating to the Craft . It may proceed to admonition , fine , or suspension , according to the laws ; and its decision shall be final , unless an appeal be made to the
Grand Lodge . But should any case be of so flagrant a nature as to require the erasure of a Lodge or the expulsion of a Brother , the ,-Board shall make a special report thereon to the Grand Lodge . " He also quoted page 104 , sec . 21 : " The Board may recommend to the Grand Lodge whatever it shall deem necessary or advantageous to the welfare and good government of the Craft , and may originate plans for the better regulation ^ the G ran d Lodge and the arrangement of
its general transactions . " Words more explicit , he contended , could not be found to convey their meaning . Next they had to consider what the Colonial Board had done . It reported that Grand Lodge will perceive , & c . The G . M . : " "Will you state what motion you intend to make , as that would save time ? " ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Binckes said , that what he wanted was to have the report of the Colonial
Board accepted in its entirety . Bro . Binckes was here interrupted by the MPAllTURK OP HIS ROYAL IHG 11 N 12 SS 1 MOTOR tfllKDTCRICK . WILLIAM 01 ? PRUSSIA . The Grand Dir . of Cer . directed the Grand Stewards and Grand Officers to arrange themselves in duo form , which having been done , His royal highness said : " I beg your lordnhip ' s permission to assure you and
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The Masonic Mirror
for a grant of money could be made without due notice ; and he wished to know if it were competent for any Brother to move an increase upon the sum notified to them in the recommendation of the Board of Benevolence . The G . M . said , that strictly he could not do so ; but it had been so often done that it had almost become a practice . ( Laughter . ) The £ 100 was then carried amidst great enthusiasm , and to the apparent delight of most of the Brethren , his Boy al Highness the Prince of Prussia included .
Bro . Smith said , the last was certainly the most deserving case of the three , and ought to have the largest sum . No one , however , moved an amendment , and £ 50 was agreed to .
PEESENTATION OP A COPY OF THE BOOK OP CONSTITUTIONS TO HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS . The G . M . then , in the name of the Grand Lodge , presented his Eoyal Highness the Prince Frederick William of Prussia with a copy of the Book of Constitutions , which we observed was very handsomely bound . The presentation was made amidst the most enthusiastic plaudits of the Brethren , upon whom the illustrious Brother appeared to make a most favourable impression .
CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES . Bro . Binckes then rose to move the non-confirmation of the minutes . He said that , in the presence of so illustrious a Brother as his Eoyal Highness the Prince [ Frederick William of Prussia he felt as deeply as any one could the desirability of being unanimous , and he was sorry therefore that his conscience would compel him to make some objections to the confirmation of the minutes as they at present . stood . He regretted that he had not been able to be present at the
last Quarterly Communication , but he had read what had taken place on that occasion with respect to the Colonial Board and its report , and it was with reference to the portion of that report which had been rejected that he wished to address Grand Lodge . The charge was : first , that the Board had exceeded its duties ; and , secondly , that this portion of its report was couched in terms which reflected upon the conduct of the M . W . the G . M . He then examined into what was the constitution of the Colonial Board , and quoted from the Book
of Constitutions ( ed . 1855 , page 100 , sec . 8 ) to show what was the authorny of the Board of General Purposes , to which body the Colonial Board , he contended , was analogous . " The Board has authority to hear and determine all subjects of Masonic complaint or irregularity respecting Lodges or individual Masons , when regularly brought before it , and generally to take cognizance of all matters relating to the Craft . It may proceed to admonition , fine , or suspension , according to the laws ; and its decision shall be final , unless an appeal be made to the
Grand Lodge . But should any case be of so flagrant a nature as to require the erasure of a Lodge or the expulsion of a Brother , the ,-Board shall make a special report thereon to the Grand Lodge . " He also quoted page 104 , sec . 21 : " The Board may recommend to the Grand Lodge whatever it shall deem necessary or advantageous to the welfare and good government of the Craft , and may originate plans for the better regulation ^ the G ran d Lodge and the arrangement of
its general transactions . " Words more explicit , he contended , could not be found to convey their meaning . Next they had to consider what the Colonial Board had done . It reported that Grand Lodge will perceive , & c . The G . M . : " "Will you state what motion you intend to make , as that would save time ? " ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Binckes said , that what he wanted was to have the report of the Colonial
Board accepted in its entirety . Bro . Binckes was here interrupted by the MPAllTURK OP HIS ROYAL IHG 11 N 12 SS 1 MOTOR tfllKDTCRICK . WILLIAM 01 ? PRUSSIA . The Grand Dir . of Cer . directed the Grand Stewards and Grand Officers to arrange themselves in duo form , which having been done , His royal highness said : " I beg your lordnhip ' s permission to assure you and