Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 8 of 12 →
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W . M . proposed " The Visitors , " for which Bro . Adlard returned -thanks ; and "The P . Ms ., " to which Bro . W . Carpenter responded—a very gratifying episode intervening in the presentation of a handsome P . M . ' s Jewel ( unanimously voted by the Lodge ) to Bro . Garrod , in a neat speech , by the W . M ., the honour being unaffectedly acknowledged by the P . M . Other toasts followed , including " Success to the Freemasons' Magazine , ' ' which was briefly acknowledged , and altogether a delightful evening was spent , auspicious anticipations being expressed for the year upon which the Lodge had entered .
Manchestek Lodge ( No . 209 ) . —This excellent working Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Bro . Clemow ' s , Anderton ' s Hotel , on Thursday , December 1 . 7 , a large number of the Brethren being present . The W . M ,, Bro . Isidor Levinson , presided , passing Bro . Spraik to the Degree of Fellows-Craft , raising Bro . Mackney ( the celebrated vocalist ) to the Degree of Master Mason , and initiating into the Order two gentlemen who had been well and worthily recommended , viz ., Messrs . Charles Maddocks and Thomas Cocks . The ceremonies having been rendered , both
by W . M . and Officers , in a manner to xiphoid the good name which this Lodge has obtained for the excellence of its working , the election of Master , Treasurer , and Tyler for the succeeded year was proceeded with . Bro . Norman , the S . W „ , being unanimously voted to the chair , and Bro . Collard re-elected to the office of Treasurer , with the unanimous concurrence of the Lodge . Prior to the closing of Lodge , it was urged that a Past Master ' s Jewel should be voted to the present Mastesy as a very slight testimony of the esteem in which he was held
by the Brethren , for his urbanity of manners , and their appreciation of his Masonic talent . The proposition was unanimously agreed to , and arranged to be presented at the next meeting . These and several other matters of interest being disposed of , the Lodge was ' closed in due form , and the Brethren adjourned to banquet , which was of a most recherche character . Among the various toasts which followed , we may mention "The W . M . / ' which was enthusiastically received , and
eloquently responded to . " The P . Ms ., " ably responded to by Bro . Collard , P . M . and Treas . The visitors were Bros . J . Burton , P . M . No . 9 ; Werrall , W . M . elect No . 234 ; Lafitte , Grand Orient of France ; Bryan , No . 158 ; Taylor , No . 211 ; Thorn , P . M . No . 234 ; Brett , W . M . No . 206 . The last-named Brother acknowledging the kind reception given to the visitors , assuring the W . M . and Brethren that he had never experienced a greater treat than that afforded him by witnessing their mode of working in this Lodge—it was perfection ^
and an excellent lesson for any Brother aspiring to office . " Bro . Norman , W . M . Elect , " was the next toast , the W . M . thanking him for his attention to his duties as S . W ., and the assistance it gave him ; for no W . M ., however well versed in the duties of the chair , could properly carry them out without good Officers . Bro . Norman replied , in a laconic but graceful speech , and hoped to give satisfaction to his constituents . iC The Initiates" was then proposed , Bro . Maddocks returning thanks , and made some allusions to the universality of
Freemasonryhe felt that in entering that noble Order man grasped the world , for Masonry was in the ascendant wherever science was known ; it had existed from time immemorial—great cities had been destroyed , kingdoms had passed away , but still Masonry flourished . The Brethren might think him premature in offering these few remarks upon the subject , seeing that he had so recently been initiated , but he ( Bro . Maddocks ) could assure them that the true principle of Masonry was no secret to those acquainted with history ; its antecedents showed that to
Freemasonry the world was indebted for its finest institutions , and the propagation of the best principles which adorned the human mind . The Brother then concluded , wishing prosperity to the Manchester Lodge . The Brethren soon after dispersed , having passed a delightful evening , much enhanced by some excellent singing from Bro . Mackney and others . We must not omit to mention that there was a great improvement upon this occasion in the Lodge working , by the introduction of an harmonium , which added to the solemnity of the ceremonies , and was greatly admired . St . James ' s Union Lodge ( No . 211 ) , —The members of this Lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , December 8 , at the Freemasons' Tavern ,
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W . M . proposed " The Visitors , " for which Bro . Adlard returned -thanks ; and "The P . Ms ., " to which Bro . W . Carpenter responded—a very gratifying episode intervening in the presentation of a handsome P . M . ' s Jewel ( unanimously voted by the Lodge ) to Bro . Garrod , in a neat speech , by the W . M ., the honour being unaffectedly acknowledged by the P . M . Other toasts followed , including " Success to the Freemasons' Magazine , ' ' which was briefly acknowledged , and altogether a delightful evening was spent , auspicious anticipations being expressed for the year upon which the Lodge had entered .
Manchestek Lodge ( No . 209 ) . —This excellent working Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Bro . Clemow ' s , Anderton ' s Hotel , on Thursday , December 1 . 7 , a large number of the Brethren being present . The W . M ,, Bro . Isidor Levinson , presided , passing Bro . Spraik to the Degree of Fellows-Craft , raising Bro . Mackney ( the celebrated vocalist ) to the Degree of Master Mason , and initiating into the Order two gentlemen who had been well and worthily recommended , viz ., Messrs . Charles Maddocks and Thomas Cocks . The ceremonies having been rendered , both
by W . M . and Officers , in a manner to xiphoid the good name which this Lodge has obtained for the excellence of its working , the election of Master , Treasurer , and Tyler for the succeeded year was proceeded with . Bro . Norman , the S . W „ , being unanimously voted to the chair , and Bro . Collard re-elected to the office of Treasurer , with the unanimous concurrence of the Lodge . Prior to the closing of Lodge , it was urged that a Past Master ' s Jewel should be voted to the present Mastesy as a very slight testimony of the esteem in which he was held
by the Brethren , for his urbanity of manners , and their appreciation of his Masonic talent . The proposition was unanimously agreed to , and arranged to be presented at the next meeting . These and several other matters of interest being disposed of , the Lodge was ' closed in due form , and the Brethren adjourned to banquet , which was of a most recherche character . Among the various toasts which followed , we may mention "The W . M . / ' which was enthusiastically received , and
eloquently responded to . " The P . Ms ., " ably responded to by Bro . Collard , P . M . and Treas . The visitors were Bros . J . Burton , P . M . No . 9 ; Werrall , W . M . elect No . 234 ; Lafitte , Grand Orient of France ; Bryan , No . 158 ; Taylor , No . 211 ; Thorn , P . M . No . 234 ; Brett , W . M . No . 206 . The last-named Brother acknowledging the kind reception given to the visitors , assuring the W . M . and Brethren that he had never experienced a greater treat than that afforded him by witnessing their mode of working in this Lodge—it was perfection ^
and an excellent lesson for any Brother aspiring to office . " Bro . Norman , W . M . Elect , " was the next toast , the W . M . thanking him for his attention to his duties as S . W ., and the assistance it gave him ; for no W . M ., however well versed in the duties of the chair , could properly carry them out without good Officers . Bro . Norman replied , in a laconic but graceful speech , and hoped to give satisfaction to his constituents . iC The Initiates" was then proposed , Bro . Maddocks returning thanks , and made some allusions to the universality of
Freemasonryhe felt that in entering that noble Order man grasped the world , for Masonry was in the ascendant wherever science was known ; it had existed from time immemorial—great cities had been destroyed , kingdoms had passed away , but still Masonry flourished . The Brethren might think him premature in offering these few remarks upon the subject , seeing that he had so recently been initiated , but he ( Bro . Maddocks ) could assure them that the true principle of Masonry was no secret to those acquainted with history ; its antecedents showed that to
Freemasonry the world was indebted for its finest institutions , and the propagation of the best principles which adorned the human mind . The Brother then concluded , wishing prosperity to the Manchester Lodge . The Brethren soon after dispersed , having passed a delightful evening , much enhanced by some excellent singing from Bro . Mackney and others . We must not omit to mention that there was a great improvement upon this occasion in the Lodge working , by the introduction of an harmonium , which added to the solemnity of the ceremonies , and was greatly admired . St . James ' s Union Lodge ( No . 211 ) , —The members of this Lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , December 8 , at the Freemasons' Tavern ,