Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 10 of 12 →
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The beautiful ceremony of installation was performed in a most feeling and impressive manner by Bro . Wilson , —a disciple of the late Peter Gilkes—who , by perseverance and industry , has gained the highest honours in the Craft The Master being duly installed , proceeded to the appointment of Officers , which were as follows :. —Bros . Brewer , S . W . ; Newnham , J . W . ; Johnson , S . D . ; Barringer , J . D . ; Warne , I . G . ; Dunning , re-elected Treas . ; Bogers , reappointed Sec . ; and Biley ,
Tyler . Bro . Footit having proposed Bro . Jeremiah Burch , of Lodge No . 817 ( North Essex ) , at the previous meeting , as a joining member , he was now balloted for , and announced as unanimously elected . The Brethren soon after adjourned to banquet , which was well served by Bro . Clemow , and gave general satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , Bro . S . B . Wilson replying for the D . G . M ., Lord Panmure , and the rest of the Grand Officers , paying a welldeserved compliment to the D . G . M ., who , he said , was devoted to the interests of the Order , and whose attendance at Grand Lodge was as frequent as the
peculiar nature of his lordship ' s avocations permitted . Bro . Wilson also paid a handsome compliment to the Lodge of Confidence for the efficiency of its working : he had never seen the Degrees more beautifully given than upon this occasion ; and in concluding , wished continued prosperity to No . 228 . Several other toasts were given and responded to , after which the Brethren separated . The visitors were Bros . Coxhead , W . M . No . 391 ; Stevenson , P . M . No . 391 ; Buchannan , S . W . No . 391 ; W . Hill , No . 114 ; Shepherd , W . M . No . 29 ; G . P . Taylor , No . 201 ; and S . B . Wilson , J . G . D .
Pehcy Lodge ( No . 234 ) . — This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 8 th inst ., at Bro . Painter ' s , the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street , when the W . M ., Bro . Lambert , initiated a gentleman into the Order ; after which Bro . Burrell , S . W ., was duly elected W . M * for the ensuing year ; Bro . Thorne was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , he having performed the duties of that office for very many years , receiving special marks of the fraternal regards of the Brethren ; and the veteran Bro . Rice re-elected Tyler , being the twenty-ninth
occasion of his appointment to that important post . Much discussion ensued upon a report to the effect that the Percy Lodge of Instruction had ceased to exist , having been amalgamated with , and now called The Percy and Manchester Lodge of Instruction . Such an amalgamation being without request to , or sanction of , the mother Lodge , it was resolved to meet as usual on Tuesday , the 15 th , at Bro . Wyatt ' s , Down-street , Piccadilly , when it was hoped arrangements would be
made for holding the Percy Lodge of Instruction at Bro . Painter ' s ; the Brethren of the Percy Lodge can then attend its usual weekly meetings , which hitherto they have been unable to do . At the conclusion of business the Brethren retired to refreshment , and spent a most delightful evening . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Berens , No . 229 ; Atkins , No . 329 ; Preeman , No . 90 ; Winton and Clinton , No . 408 , Bristol .
Jordan Lodge ( No . 237 ) . —This Lodge held its meeting at the Freemasons * Tavern , December 1 * 8 . The business consisted of the passing Bros . Swan and Flood to the 2 nd Degree , and the initiation of Mr . Thomas Sidney Smith , which ceremonies were performed by the W . M ., Bro . Arliss . The Brethren then proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when the choice unanimously fell on Bro . Watts , J . W . The business being completed , the Brethren retired to banquet , which was served up in the usual admirable style peculiar to this establishment , and the evening passed right merrily . Bro . Burton , P . M . No . 9 , was the only visitor . \
Lodge of United Stkenu'I ' u ( No . 27 o ) . —The members of this excellent working Lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Old Jerusalem Coffee-house , Clerkenwell-gate , on the 8 th December , when the W . M ., Bro . Lugg , in a most able manner , initiated two gentlemen into the mysteries of Preemasonry . The Brethren next proceeded to the election , when Bro . John Coggin was elected W . M ., and Bro . P . M . Allen , Treasurer , for the ensuing year . The other business having been disposed of , the Brethren adjourned to the antiquated hall of this ancient TOL . III . 7 0
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The beautiful ceremony of installation was performed in a most feeling and impressive manner by Bro . Wilson , —a disciple of the late Peter Gilkes—who , by perseverance and industry , has gained the highest honours in the Craft The Master being duly installed , proceeded to the appointment of Officers , which were as follows :. —Bros . Brewer , S . W . ; Newnham , J . W . ; Johnson , S . D . ; Barringer , J . D . ; Warne , I . G . ; Dunning , re-elected Treas . ; Bogers , reappointed Sec . ; and Biley ,
Tyler . Bro . Footit having proposed Bro . Jeremiah Burch , of Lodge No . 817 ( North Essex ) , at the previous meeting , as a joining member , he was now balloted for , and announced as unanimously elected . The Brethren soon after adjourned to banquet , which was well served by Bro . Clemow , and gave general satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , Bro . S . B . Wilson replying for the D . G . M ., Lord Panmure , and the rest of the Grand Officers , paying a welldeserved compliment to the D . G . M ., who , he said , was devoted to the interests of the Order , and whose attendance at Grand Lodge was as frequent as the
peculiar nature of his lordship ' s avocations permitted . Bro . Wilson also paid a handsome compliment to the Lodge of Confidence for the efficiency of its working : he had never seen the Degrees more beautifully given than upon this occasion ; and in concluding , wished continued prosperity to No . 228 . Several other toasts were given and responded to , after which the Brethren separated . The visitors were Bros . Coxhead , W . M . No . 391 ; Stevenson , P . M . No . 391 ; Buchannan , S . W . No . 391 ; W . Hill , No . 114 ; Shepherd , W . M . No . 29 ; G . P . Taylor , No . 201 ; and S . B . Wilson , J . G . D .
Pehcy Lodge ( No . 234 ) . — This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 8 th inst ., at Bro . Painter ' s , the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street , when the W . M ., Bro . Lambert , initiated a gentleman into the Order ; after which Bro . Burrell , S . W ., was duly elected W . M * for the ensuing year ; Bro . Thorne was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , he having performed the duties of that office for very many years , receiving special marks of the fraternal regards of the Brethren ; and the veteran Bro . Rice re-elected Tyler , being the twenty-ninth
occasion of his appointment to that important post . Much discussion ensued upon a report to the effect that the Percy Lodge of Instruction had ceased to exist , having been amalgamated with , and now called The Percy and Manchester Lodge of Instruction . Such an amalgamation being without request to , or sanction of , the mother Lodge , it was resolved to meet as usual on Tuesday , the 15 th , at Bro . Wyatt ' s , Down-street , Piccadilly , when it was hoped arrangements would be
made for holding the Percy Lodge of Instruction at Bro . Painter ' s ; the Brethren of the Percy Lodge can then attend its usual weekly meetings , which hitherto they have been unable to do . At the conclusion of business the Brethren retired to refreshment , and spent a most delightful evening . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Berens , No . 229 ; Atkins , No . 329 ; Preeman , No . 90 ; Winton and Clinton , No . 408 , Bristol .
Jordan Lodge ( No . 237 ) . —This Lodge held its meeting at the Freemasons * Tavern , December 1 * 8 . The business consisted of the passing Bros . Swan and Flood to the 2 nd Degree , and the initiation of Mr . Thomas Sidney Smith , which ceremonies were performed by the W . M ., Bro . Arliss . The Brethren then proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when the choice unanimously fell on Bro . Watts , J . W . The business being completed , the Brethren retired to banquet , which was served up in the usual admirable style peculiar to this establishment , and the evening passed right merrily . Bro . Burton , P . M . No . 9 , was the only visitor . \
Lodge of United Stkenu'I ' u ( No . 27 o ) . —The members of this excellent working Lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Old Jerusalem Coffee-house , Clerkenwell-gate , on the 8 th December , when the W . M ., Bro . Lugg , in a most able manner , initiated two gentlemen into the mysteries of Preemasonry . The Brethren next proceeded to the election , when Bro . John Coggin was elected W . M ., and Bro . P . M . Allen , Treasurer , for the ensuing year . The other business having been disposed of , the Brethren adjourned to the antiquated hall of this ancient TOL . III . 7 0