Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 11 of 12 →
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w structure to partake of a most liberally-supplied banquet , which was extremely well served , under the immediate superintendence of the proprietor , Bro . Foster . Panmure Lodge ( No . 1 , 022 ) . —This Lodge , for which we last month noticed a Warrant had been granted , to be held at the Swan Tavern , Stock well , was
consecrated on the 30 th JN ovember , with great eclat . The Kight rlon . Lord ranmure , D . G . M ., being prevented attending on the occasion , the consecration- was ably gone through at a few days' notice by Bro . Thomas , P . M . of No . 7 d 5 , assisted by Bro . W . Watson , P . M . No . 23 ; after which the W . M ., Bro . Joseph Thomas Warren , of Lodges Nos . 25 and 745 , was impressively installed into the chair of K . S . b y Bro . D . R . Farmer , also of No . 25 , and P . M . of No . 745 . The W . M . then initiated two gentlemen into the Order in a very efficient manner , having
previously appointed his Officers as follows : —Bros . Charnoek , S . W . ; Braham , J . W . ; D . B , Farmer , Treas . ; J . R . Warren , Sec . ; Clout , S . D . ; Plummer , J . D . ; Thomas , C . S . ; Dean , W . S . ; and - Garret , I . G . When we consider that the majority of the Officers so appointed are able not only to work the ceremonies in the three Degrees , but likewise the fifteen Sections in the Lectures , it argues well for the progress of Preemasonry in the south . The business of the Lodge
concluded , the Brethren were called from labour to refreshment , and partook of an elegant banquet , provided by the worthy host , Bro . George Wardell , in a most liberal manner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly responded to , Bro . George Wardell returned thanks for the newly initiated Brethren in a neat and elegant speech , expressing his regret that he did not join the ancient and honourable Order many years ago . The W . M . next proposed the health of the visitors , and prosperity to their respective Lodges , coupling with it the name of Bro . Mugfferidge , W . M . of the Panmure Lodge , No . 1 , 017 , who kindly
responded in a most appropriate manner . The harmony of the evening was much enhanced by some excellent songs from Bros . George Tedder , Dean , Garrod , Braham , & c , and the , musical exertions of Bro . Saqui . The meeting was brought to -a close shortly after eleven o ' clock . The Brethren separated highly gratified with all that had taken place , and adjourned until the third Monday in April , the meetings of this Lod ^ e being arranged to take place during the summer months .
Amongst the visitors , besides Bro . Muggeridge , we noticed Bros . W . Watson , P . M . No . 25 ; Lewis , W . M . No . 53 ; Saqui , P . M . No . 247 ; J . W . Ward , W . M . No . 12 ; Cohen , P . M . No . 247 ; Stroud , P . M . No . 745 ; C . Ireland , P . M . No . 805 ; Collard , W . M . No . 168 ; Rogers , P . M . No . 228 ; Ladd , Welsford , Harris , Meymott , G . Tedder , Bower , Halsey , Lascellen ,, & c .
INSTKUCTION . Albion Lodck ( No . 9 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at Bro . Gurton \ s , 10 , Old Bond-street , Piccadilly , on Sunday , the 29 th of November , when the fifteen Sections were beautifully worked . Bro . Collard , W . M . of No . 168 , P . M . of No , 209 , & c , was in the chair , and gave , in a most impressive manner , the introductory addresses to each lecture . He was supported by Bros . W . Watson , P . M . of No , 23 , & c ., as S . W . ; Carter , as J . W . ; and about forty distinguished
members ol the Craft ; indeed , it has seldom been our good fortune to have met , in a Lodge of Instruction , so many able working Masons . The Sections were given by the following Brethren : —First Lecture , Section 1 , by Bro . Caulcher ; Section 2 , by Bro . Crofton , S . W . ; Section 3 , by Bro . Barnshaw ; Section 4 , by Bro . Queely , P . M . ; Section 5 , by Bro . Stacey ; Section 6 , by Bro . M . Levinson , W . M . No . 209 ; and Section 7 , Bro . T . A . Adams , P . M ., & c . & c . Second Lecture ,
Section 1 , by Bro . Carter ; Section 2 , by Bro . Gladwin ; Section 3 , by Bro , 1 . Allen ; Section 4 , by Bro . Harrison , P . M . ; and Section 5 , by Bro . Tyrrell . Third Lecture , Section 1 , by Bro . Gurton , W . M . of No . 211 ; Section 2 , by Bro . Paly ; and Section 3 , by Bro . W . Watson . Bros . T . Griffiths , of Lodge No . 287 , and J . G . Proud , of No . 81 , were elected members ; and Bro . Collard , the W . M ., was elected an honorary member . The Lodge was closed at half-past nine , and the Brethren expressed the great pleasure the working afforded them .
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w structure to partake of a most liberally-supplied banquet , which was extremely well served , under the immediate superintendence of the proprietor , Bro . Foster . Panmure Lodge ( No . 1 , 022 ) . —This Lodge , for which we last month noticed a Warrant had been granted , to be held at the Swan Tavern , Stock well , was
consecrated on the 30 th JN ovember , with great eclat . The Kight rlon . Lord ranmure , D . G . M ., being prevented attending on the occasion , the consecration- was ably gone through at a few days' notice by Bro . Thomas , P . M . of No . 7 d 5 , assisted by Bro . W . Watson , P . M . No . 23 ; after which the W . M ., Bro . Joseph Thomas Warren , of Lodges Nos . 25 and 745 , was impressively installed into the chair of K . S . b y Bro . D . R . Farmer , also of No . 25 , and P . M . of No . 745 . The W . M . then initiated two gentlemen into the Order in a very efficient manner , having
previously appointed his Officers as follows : —Bros . Charnoek , S . W . ; Braham , J . W . ; D . B , Farmer , Treas . ; J . R . Warren , Sec . ; Clout , S . D . ; Plummer , J . D . ; Thomas , C . S . ; Dean , W . S . ; and - Garret , I . G . When we consider that the majority of the Officers so appointed are able not only to work the ceremonies in the three Degrees , but likewise the fifteen Sections in the Lectures , it argues well for the progress of Preemasonry in the south . The business of the Lodge
concluded , the Brethren were called from labour to refreshment , and partook of an elegant banquet , provided by the worthy host , Bro . George Wardell , in a most liberal manner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly responded to , Bro . George Wardell returned thanks for the newly initiated Brethren in a neat and elegant speech , expressing his regret that he did not join the ancient and honourable Order many years ago . The W . M . next proposed the health of the visitors , and prosperity to their respective Lodges , coupling with it the name of Bro . Mugfferidge , W . M . of the Panmure Lodge , No . 1 , 017 , who kindly
responded in a most appropriate manner . The harmony of the evening was much enhanced by some excellent songs from Bros . George Tedder , Dean , Garrod , Braham , & c , and the , musical exertions of Bro . Saqui . The meeting was brought to -a close shortly after eleven o ' clock . The Brethren separated highly gratified with all that had taken place , and adjourned until the third Monday in April , the meetings of this Lod ^ e being arranged to take place during the summer months .
Amongst the visitors , besides Bro . Muggeridge , we noticed Bros . W . Watson , P . M . No . 25 ; Lewis , W . M . No . 53 ; Saqui , P . M . No . 247 ; J . W . Ward , W . M . No . 12 ; Cohen , P . M . No . 247 ; Stroud , P . M . No . 745 ; C . Ireland , P . M . No . 805 ; Collard , W . M . No . 168 ; Rogers , P . M . No . 228 ; Ladd , Welsford , Harris , Meymott , G . Tedder , Bower , Halsey , Lascellen ,, & c .
INSTKUCTION . Albion Lodck ( No . 9 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at Bro . Gurton \ s , 10 , Old Bond-street , Piccadilly , on Sunday , the 29 th of November , when the fifteen Sections were beautifully worked . Bro . Collard , W . M . of No . 168 , P . M . of No , 209 , & c , was in the chair , and gave , in a most impressive manner , the introductory addresses to each lecture . He was supported by Bros . W . Watson , P . M . of No , 23 , & c ., as S . W . ; Carter , as J . W . ; and about forty distinguished
members ol the Craft ; indeed , it has seldom been our good fortune to have met , in a Lodge of Instruction , so many able working Masons . The Sections were given by the following Brethren : —First Lecture , Section 1 , by Bro . Caulcher ; Section 2 , by Bro . Crofton , S . W . ; Section 3 , by Bro . Barnshaw ; Section 4 , by Bro . Queely , P . M . ; Section 5 , by Bro . Stacey ; Section 6 , by Bro . M . Levinson , W . M . No . 209 ; and Section 7 , Bro . T . A . Adams , P . M ., & c . & c . Second Lecture ,
Section 1 , by Bro . Carter ; Section 2 , by Bro . Gladwin ; Section 3 , by Bro , 1 . Allen ; Section 4 , by Bro . Harrison , P . M . ; and Section 5 , by Bro . Tyrrell . Third Lecture , Section 1 , by Bro . Gurton , W . M . of No . 211 ; Section 2 , by Bro . Paly ; and Section 3 , by Bro . W . Watson . Bros . T . Griffiths , of Lodge No . 287 , and J . G . Proud , of No . 81 , were elected members ; and Bro . Collard , the W . M ., was elected an honorary member . The Lodge was closed at half-past nine , and the Brethren expressed the great pleasure the working afforded them .