Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 12 of 12
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SriiONG Man Lodge ( No . 53 ) . —The anniversary festival of the above Lodge of Instruction took place on the 15 th of December , at the Sun Tavern , Long Acre , Bro . Thomas Alexander Adams , P . M . ( No . 206 ) , in the chair . Prior to the banquet taking place , the Seven Sections of the Pirst Lecture were most ably worked by Bros . W . Watson , Codner , Cottibrune , and Boyd , the questions being put by the W . M . in admirable style . The Brethren afterwards sat down to nn
excellent dinner , highly creditable to the liberality of the host , Bro . Morbey . The cloth being cleared , the chairman proposed the health of " the Queen and Craft" in a neat speech , adverting to the fact of their beloved sovereign being the daughter of a Mason , her eldest child—the Princess Boyal—was about being wadded to a Mason , and as time progressed they had every reason to- believe that Her Gracious Majesty would be hailed as the mother of Masons ; under these circumstances , she was doubly endeared to them , independent of her illustrious
position as ruler of this great kingdom . The toast was received with loud applause , after which the health-of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., followed by that of the D . G . M ., Lord Panmure , were given . In proposing what might be termed the toast of the evening , Bro . Watson ( with permission of the W . M . ) begged to call the attention of Brethren to the value of Lodges of Instruction , without which no Brother could possibly render himself fit to take office . True it was that many had passed the chair without taking that trouble
but how had they passed -it ? Why , by calling upon others to do the duties for them . Whatever was worth doing at all , was worth doing well . These remarks were not intended to apply to noblemen and gentlemen whose peculiar duties were of a . nature to preclude the possibility of attendance at Instruction Lodges . He ( Brother Watson ) would observe that , by placing such Brethren to preside over them as Masters , it gave prestige to Lodges which all Brothers were not in a position to give ; consequently the necessity of instruction , so that Brethren
should become competent to perform the duties they might be called upon to fulfil in a manner to uphold the dignity of their respective Lodges . Thus , while a noble Brother , from his high position in society , gave eclat to the Lodge he presided over , another Brother , in the more ordinary walks of life , rendered his Lodge distinguished for Masonic working . In conclusion , Bro . Watson proposed "Prosperity to the Strong Man Lod ^ e of Instruction . " The chairman then
called upon the Brethren to toast the mother Lodge , under whose warrant they assembled—" The Strong Man ( No . 53 ) " —saying he could not propose this toast without expressing regret at the paucity of attendance of the members of that Lodge , not only upon this festive occasion , but at the weekly meetings . He found there were but two Brothers of that Lodge present , Bros . Codnor and
Hales ; the same number—the same brethren , he believed—being also present at the festival last year ; he ( Bro . Adams ) would include them in the toast . The Brothers alluded to returned thanks . The chairman ' s health was then proposed by Bro . William Watson , who most eloquently dilated upon the excellent Masonic information to be gained by an association with Bro . Adams , than whom no one was more desirous of dispensing the knowledge so necessary to the advancement of the Order . Several other toasts followed , which being disposed of , the Brethren
separated at an early hour in peace and harmony . DoMATio and CoNtfiDKNCK Lodges . —The Brethren of the Confidence Lodge having honoured the Domatic Lodge with a visit at the Queen Elizabeth , King ' srow , Walworth , last month , it was unanimously resolved , at the usual weekly meeting of the latter , on Wednesday , the 9 th December , to make a return visit to the Confidence Lodge , at the Bengal Arms , Birchin-lane , City , on Wednesday , the 6 th January , on which evening the Domatic Brethren will adjourn theii usual meeting for the purpose .
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SriiONG Man Lodge ( No . 53 ) . —The anniversary festival of the above Lodge of Instruction took place on the 15 th of December , at the Sun Tavern , Long Acre , Bro . Thomas Alexander Adams , P . M . ( No . 206 ) , in the chair . Prior to the banquet taking place , the Seven Sections of the Pirst Lecture were most ably worked by Bros . W . Watson , Codner , Cottibrune , and Boyd , the questions being put by the W . M . in admirable style . The Brethren afterwards sat down to nn
excellent dinner , highly creditable to the liberality of the host , Bro . Morbey . The cloth being cleared , the chairman proposed the health of " the Queen and Craft" in a neat speech , adverting to the fact of their beloved sovereign being the daughter of a Mason , her eldest child—the Princess Boyal—was about being wadded to a Mason , and as time progressed they had every reason to- believe that Her Gracious Majesty would be hailed as the mother of Masons ; under these circumstances , she was doubly endeared to them , independent of her illustrious
position as ruler of this great kingdom . The toast was received with loud applause , after which the health-of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., followed by that of the D . G . M ., Lord Panmure , were given . In proposing what might be termed the toast of the evening , Bro . Watson ( with permission of the W . M . ) begged to call the attention of Brethren to the value of Lodges of Instruction , without which no Brother could possibly render himself fit to take office . True it was that many had passed the chair without taking that trouble
but how had they passed -it ? Why , by calling upon others to do the duties for them . Whatever was worth doing at all , was worth doing well . These remarks were not intended to apply to noblemen and gentlemen whose peculiar duties were of a . nature to preclude the possibility of attendance at Instruction Lodges . He ( Brother Watson ) would observe that , by placing such Brethren to preside over them as Masters , it gave prestige to Lodges which all Brothers were not in a position to give ; consequently the necessity of instruction , so that Brethren
should become competent to perform the duties they might be called upon to fulfil in a manner to uphold the dignity of their respective Lodges . Thus , while a noble Brother , from his high position in society , gave eclat to the Lodge he presided over , another Brother , in the more ordinary walks of life , rendered his Lodge distinguished for Masonic working . In conclusion , Bro . Watson proposed "Prosperity to the Strong Man Lod ^ e of Instruction . " The chairman then
called upon the Brethren to toast the mother Lodge , under whose warrant they assembled—" The Strong Man ( No . 53 ) " —saying he could not propose this toast without expressing regret at the paucity of attendance of the members of that Lodge , not only upon this festive occasion , but at the weekly meetings . He found there were but two Brothers of that Lodge present , Bros . Codnor and
Hales ; the same number—the same brethren , he believed—being also present at the festival last year ; he ( Bro . Adams ) would include them in the toast . The Brothers alluded to returned thanks . The chairman ' s health was then proposed by Bro . William Watson , who most eloquently dilated upon the excellent Masonic information to be gained by an association with Bro . Adams , than whom no one was more desirous of dispensing the knowledge so necessary to the advancement of the Order . Several other toasts followed , which being disposed of , the Brethren
separated at an early hour in peace and harmony . DoMATio and CoNtfiDKNCK Lodges . —The Brethren of the Confidence Lodge having honoured the Domatic Lodge with a visit at the Queen Elizabeth , King ' srow , Walworth , last month , it was unanimously resolved , at the usual weekly meeting of the latter , on Wednesday , the 9 th December , to make a return visit to the Confidence Lodge , at the Bengal Arms , Birchin-lane , City , on Wednesday , the 6 th January , on which evening the Domatic Brethren will adjourn theii usual meeting for the purpose .