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regard and esteem , was presented , in the name of the Lodge , by Bro . Dr .. Paget Blake , P . M . ; as S . W . : — " LODGE OF ST . JOHN , TORQUAY . u To Bro . Franldin Thomas , P . Prov . G . Reg ., Oxo % ; P . M . of the Alfred Lodge Oxford ; of the Clierwell Lodge , Banbury ; and for two successive years of the -. fit . John ' s Lodge , Torquay .
" We , the Brethren of the Torquay Lodge of St . John , desire to convey to you our warm acknowledgments for the zealous interest you have taken in the welfare and prosperity of our Lodge . " 'It . is with sincere regret we have to anticipate your departure from amongst us ,- —a regret rendered more painful from the nature of the circumstances that have obliged you to take such a step- —your impaired health , and the unsuitable ness of our climate to your constitutional requirements .
" Although Providence has ordained that you shall no longer labour with us , we shall ever preserve iff our memory the many and efficient services you have rendered to Freemasonry in general , and to ourselves in particular ; - —in the valuable instruction you have given to the younger Brethren in the duties and mysteries of the Craft , —and in zealously seeking to promote the grand objects of our Order , by a practical display of those truly Masonic virtues—brotherly love , relief , and truth . "In conclusion , we would express the sincere regard and esteem we all feel towards you as a Brother , and the high respect we entertain for your superior attainments in Masonic kno wledge . And may the Great Architect of the Universe vouchsafe to you a speedy return to health , and an abundant measure of prosperity and happiness . "
The new Masonic Hall , in Park-place , is fast drawing to completion , and when finished will do the builder , Mr . John Harvey ( Melville-place ) , much credit , as he appears to have spared no pains in carrying out the architect ' s design with thorough good workmanship . —Torquay Directory . Totnes . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 1 , 012 ) . —A Lodge of Emergency was held at the Masonic Booms on Thursday , the 6 th December , when the M . W . Bro . Henry Bridges , P . M . of Lodges Nos . 38 and 3 C 7 , raised Bros . R . H . Watson , H . H . Watson , J . Marks , and C . A . Bundle to the Sublime Degree of M . M . The ceremony w as performed in the most impressive manner .
G LOUCESTE EISHI RE . Cheltenham .- —Foundation Lodge ( No . 97 ) .-r ~ The agenda paper for the meeting of November 25 supplied confirmation of what we have said in former notices as regards the continued prosperity of this Lodge . Two fresh members were added to it in the persons of Messrs . Charles Ashly Walters and John Robinson Lee , who were introduced to a knowledge of the arcana of our venerable science , and Bro . J . H . Thomas was raised to the 3 rd Degree , the ceremonies being performed in a style that reflected the greatest credit on the W . Mi ., Bro . T . Gr . Palmer , and also upon his Officers , who were all in their places , and afforded efficient support .
This being the evening appointed for the election of W . M . and Treasurer for the following year , the Brethren , by a unanimous vote , selected Bro . A . Steed , S . W ., for the former distinguished position , and Bro . 0 . P . Elcum for the office of Treasurer . The annual festival of this Lodge is usually held' on St . John ' s Day ; but as that , day falls on a Sunday thin year , it was resolved that VVeduesday , 23 rd . December , should be . substituted . This comprised the whole of the business before the Lodge , and at its conclusion the Brethren adjourned to banquety and passed the remainder of the evening in perfect harmony and Brotherly love .
Stroud . —Sherborne Lodge ( No . 1 , 004 ) . — We have in former numbers noticed the extraordinary success which has attended this Lodge , and we have no doubt the following short sketch will be acceptable to our readers .: — -When the two first members sought to open the Lodge , they were the only two Masons who attended
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regard and esteem , was presented , in the name of the Lodge , by Bro . Dr .. Paget Blake , P . M . ; as S . W . : — " LODGE OF ST . JOHN , TORQUAY . u To Bro . Franldin Thomas , P . Prov . G . Reg ., Oxo % ; P . M . of the Alfred Lodge Oxford ; of the Clierwell Lodge , Banbury ; and for two successive years of the -. fit . John ' s Lodge , Torquay .
" We , the Brethren of the Torquay Lodge of St . John , desire to convey to you our warm acknowledgments for the zealous interest you have taken in the welfare and prosperity of our Lodge . " 'It . is with sincere regret we have to anticipate your departure from amongst us ,- —a regret rendered more painful from the nature of the circumstances that have obliged you to take such a step- —your impaired health , and the unsuitable ness of our climate to your constitutional requirements .
" Although Providence has ordained that you shall no longer labour with us , we shall ever preserve iff our memory the many and efficient services you have rendered to Freemasonry in general , and to ourselves in particular ; - —in the valuable instruction you have given to the younger Brethren in the duties and mysteries of the Craft , —and in zealously seeking to promote the grand objects of our Order , by a practical display of those truly Masonic virtues—brotherly love , relief , and truth . "In conclusion , we would express the sincere regard and esteem we all feel towards you as a Brother , and the high respect we entertain for your superior attainments in Masonic kno wledge . And may the Great Architect of the Universe vouchsafe to you a speedy return to health , and an abundant measure of prosperity and happiness . "
The new Masonic Hall , in Park-place , is fast drawing to completion , and when finished will do the builder , Mr . John Harvey ( Melville-place ) , much credit , as he appears to have spared no pains in carrying out the architect ' s design with thorough good workmanship . —Torquay Directory . Totnes . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 1 , 012 ) . —A Lodge of Emergency was held at the Masonic Booms on Thursday , the 6 th December , when the M . W . Bro . Henry Bridges , P . M . of Lodges Nos . 38 and 3 C 7 , raised Bros . R . H . Watson , H . H . Watson , J . Marks , and C . A . Bundle to the Sublime Degree of M . M . The ceremony w as performed in the most impressive manner .
G LOUCESTE EISHI RE . Cheltenham .- —Foundation Lodge ( No . 97 ) .-r ~ The agenda paper for the meeting of November 25 supplied confirmation of what we have said in former notices as regards the continued prosperity of this Lodge . Two fresh members were added to it in the persons of Messrs . Charles Ashly Walters and John Robinson Lee , who were introduced to a knowledge of the arcana of our venerable science , and Bro . J . H . Thomas was raised to the 3 rd Degree , the ceremonies being performed in a style that reflected the greatest credit on the W . Mi ., Bro . T . Gr . Palmer , and also upon his Officers , who were all in their places , and afforded efficient support .
This being the evening appointed for the election of W . M . and Treasurer for the following year , the Brethren , by a unanimous vote , selected Bro . A . Steed , S . W ., for the former distinguished position , and Bro . 0 . P . Elcum for the office of Treasurer . The annual festival of this Lodge is usually held' on St . John ' s Day ; but as that , day falls on a Sunday thin year , it was resolved that VVeduesday , 23 rd . December , should be . substituted . This comprised the whole of the business before the Lodge , and at its conclusion the Brethren adjourned to banquety and passed the remainder of the evening in perfect harmony and Brotherly love .
Stroud . —Sherborne Lodge ( No . 1 , 004 ) . — We have in former numbers noticed the extraordinary success which has attended this Lodge , and we have no doubt the following short sketch will be acceptable to our readers .: — -When the two first members sought to open the Lodge , they were the only two Masons who attended