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that there is- that bond of union , that Brotherly love , that sublime charity which is not to be found in any other society of men . Let us show this , and our opponents will be fewer , and the candidates for admission more numerous ; and let us never forget that there is no position more dangerous than a house divided against itself . " The W . M . then congratulated the Lodge on the prospects of this their fourth
year of their new existence , stating that their members were numerous and their funds satisfactory , concluding by saying ,, that having now reached the highest place of honour in a Craft Lodge , it remained for him to testify his gratitude to those who had placed him in the chair , and to assure them that his only wish was that he might be able to maintain the honour of the Lodge , and at the proper time pass the jewel into other . hands with the consciousness that he had at least attempted to do his duty .
The healths of the W . M ., Officers , and Brethren of the several Lodges of Cumberland , Honor and Pectitude , were then given and responded to , with the hope that they may ever be united in bonds of harmony and love . Bro . Johnson , P . Prov . G . J . W ., proposed the health of the retiring Master , Bro . F . Smith , congratulating hini on the efficient manner in which he had performed the various duties of the chair during his year of office . Bro . Johnson then proceeded to give some very interesting incidents connected with the history
of the Lodge , by stating that it was the third year of its resuscitation , hutthanks to the nursing care of' two well-. kn . bwn- physicians , Bros . Drs . Tunstall and Hodges , —it was restored to perfect health and vigour , and firmly placed again on its legs , thereby relieving another Brother and resuscitator , Bro . Triggs , from the professional and painful duty of consigning it to its silent grave . For the two first years it was under the fostering care of P . M ' s . Tunstall and Broadley , when the new blood of the Lodge was brought into action , and Bro . F . Smith was elected to the chair . Those Brethren who had been constant attendants at the
regular Lodge meetings well knew and appreciated his untiring energy and desire to promote the good of Masonry and the interest of the Lodge . But therewere many there who never had the pleasure of meeting him before , and could only judge of him by the performance of his duties that evening ; but the warm expression of approbation from every visitor proved that they fully recognized his claim to respect , and that he possessed every qualification to be placed amongst the greater lights in Masonry .
Bro . P . M . Smith , in responding to the toast , took the opportunity to thank the Officers and Brethren of the Lodge for the kind support and assistance they had given him in carrying out the various duties of the chair , and assured them that from the kind expressions of their approbation evinced towards him that evening he was more than compensated for the time and anxiety necessarily devolving upon it , and , after
passing a well-merited compliment to his successor , very much amused the Brethren with some well-timed anecdotes of would-be Masonic impostors that had called on him for relief during his year of office , enforcing on the Master and Brethren generally the necessity of using every precaution to prevent Masonic funds from being un-Masonically applied .
Yarious other toasts followed , and the Brethren separated , highly delighted with their evening ' s entertainment . We must not omit to mention that the enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced by some excellent songs from Bros . Milsom , K . King , Coombs , Nealy , and other Brethren . HuNTSi'iLii . — Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) .- ~ On the 30 th ult ., a Lodge of Emergency was held at the Bighbridge Inn , to receive the report of the
standing Committee , and for the transaction of other important Masonic business . Bro . Charles Lowell , having given proof of his efficiency , was passed to the degree of P . O ., and Bros . Williams and Phillips were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . The W . M .., Bro . Rankin , presided , and performed his duties in an admirable manner . Bro . maunders , J . W ., after drawing the attention of the members to the smallness of the present Lodge room , proposed " that immediate steps be taken to obtain increased accommodation , " seconded by the W . M . After some desultory conversation , it was ultimately decided that a committee should be appointed to
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that there is- that bond of union , that Brotherly love , that sublime charity which is not to be found in any other society of men . Let us show this , and our opponents will be fewer , and the candidates for admission more numerous ; and let us never forget that there is no position more dangerous than a house divided against itself . " The W . M . then congratulated the Lodge on the prospects of this their fourth
year of their new existence , stating that their members were numerous and their funds satisfactory , concluding by saying ,, that having now reached the highest place of honour in a Craft Lodge , it remained for him to testify his gratitude to those who had placed him in the chair , and to assure them that his only wish was that he might be able to maintain the honour of the Lodge , and at the proper time pass the jewel into other . hands with the consciousness that he had at least attempted to do his duty .
The healths of the W . M ., Officers , and Brethren of the several Lodges of Cumberland , Honor and Pectitude , were then given and responded to , with the hope that they may ever be united in bonds of harmony and love . Bro . Johnson , P . Prov . G . J . W ., proposed the health of the retiring Master , Bro . F . Smith , congratulating hini on the efficient manner in which he had performed the various duties of the chair during his year of office . Bro . Johnson then proceeded to give some very interesting incidents connected with the history
of the Lodge , by stating that it was the third year of its resuscitation , hutthanks to the nursing care of' two well-. kn . bwn- physicians , Bros . Drs . Tunstall and Hodges , —it was restored to perfect health and vigour , and firmly placed again on its legs , thereby relieving another Brother and resuscitator , Bro . Triggs , from the professional and painful duty of consigning it to its silent grave . For the two first years it was under the fostering care of P . M ' s . Tunstall and Broadley , when the new blood of the Lodge was brought into action , and Bro . F . Smith was elected to the chair . Those Brethren who had been constant attendants at the
regular Lodge meetings well knew and appreciated his untiring energy and desire to promote the good of Masonry and the interest of the Lodge . But therewere many there who never had the pleasure of meeting him before , and could only judge of him by the performance of his duties that evening ; but the warm expression of approbation from every visitor proved that they fully recognized his claim to respect , and that he possessed every qualification to be placed amongst the greater lights in Masonry .
Bro . P . M . Smith , in responding to the toast , took the opportunity to thank the Officers and Brethren of the Lodge for the kind support and assistance they had given him in carrying out the various duties of the chair , and assured them that from the kind expressions of their approbation evinced towards him that evening he was more than compensated for the time and anxiety necessarily devolving upon it , and , after
passing a well-merited compliment to his successor , very much amused the Brethren with some well-timed anecdotes of would-be Masonic impostors that had called on him for relief during his year of office , enforcing on the Master and Brethren generally the necessity of using every precaution to prevent Masonic funds from being un-Masonically applied .
Yarious other toasts followed , and the Brethren separated , highly delighted with their evening ' s entertainment . We must not omit to mention that the enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced by some excellent songs from Bros . Milsom , K . King , Coombs , Nealy , and other Brethren . HuNTSi'iLii . — Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) .- ~ On the 30 th ult ., a Lodge of Emergency was held at the Bighbridge Inn , to receive the report of the
standing Committee , and for the transaction of other important Masonic business . Bro . Charles Lowell , having given proof of his efficiency , was passed to the degree of P . O ., and Bros . Williams and Phillips were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . The W . M .., Bro . Rankin , presided , and performed his duties in an admirable manner . Bro . maunders , J . W ., after drawing the attention of the members to the smallness of the present Lodge room , proposed " that immediate steps be taken to obtain increased accommodation , " seconded by the W . M . After some desultory conversation , it was ultimately decided that a committee should be appointed to