Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 13 of 18 →
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ascertain the most convenient and best plan for carrying out so desirable an object . The committee vtets then appointed . After the termination of the business , the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , and , after spending a most delightful evening , which was greatly enhanced by some admirable singing , separated with the utmost harmony and cordiality . We have since been informed that it has been decided to build a new Lodge room on an extensive scale , which , when completed / promises to be second to none in the province . We wish them ¦ " God speed . "
SOUTH WALES . Havekford West . —Cambrian Lodge ( No . 683 ) . —At the monthly meeting of the members of this lodge , Bro . Parry , P . Prov . G . S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year .
Pembroke-do ok . —Loyal Welsh Lodge ( No . 525 ) . —At the usual monthly meeting of this Lodge on the 1 st December , Bro . Bennett was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . After the Masonic business of the evening was completed , the Brethren sat down to commemorate the event , and for a brief space enjoyed the pleasures of each other ' s society with all that fraternal unanimity for which the Graft has ever been so conspicuous . At this festive entertainment were present Bros . Gillies , W . M . ; Bennett , W . M . elect ; Thomas , Prov . G . Dir . Cer . ; Parry , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; McLean , P . M . '• Husband , P . M ... ; : Cargill , P . M . ; Hutchings , P . M . ; Gook , Treas . ; and most of the present Officers of the year , as well as a large gathering of the members generally .
STAFFORDSHIRE . Tipton . —Noalis Ark Lodge ( No . 435 ) . —A very numerous meeting of the Brethren of this Lodge assembled at the Masonic Hall on Friday , Dec . 18 th . The Lodge having been opened in the 1 st Degree , the circular calling the meeting was then read , and minutes of the last confirmed . The W . M . then called upon Bro . the Bev . E . A Gueynne , P . M ., to deliver the funeral oration upon Bro . the late
John Davies , J . W . The oration was delivered in a very impressive manner , the rev . Brother taking a review of the Masonic career of the departed Brother , as well as observing upon bis conduct in the world at large , narrating his various acquirements , extolling his virtues , and calling upon the Brethren to imitate his bright example . The W . M . said the next business of the Brethren was to elect the W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler for the ensuing year . For W . M . he had great
pleasure in proposing Bro . Mainwareing , the present S . W . The ballot having been taken , it was declared unanimous . Bro . Mainwareing returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . The Brethren then adjourned to banquet , and did justice to the provision made by Brother B . Whitehouse . The usual toasts were dispensed with , the only one given by the W . M . being to the memory of our departed Brother , which was drunk in solemn silence . SUFFOLK .
Hadleigh . —Lodge of Virtue and Silence ( No . 417 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the White Lion Hotel , on Thursday , the 26 th Nov ., when the W . M . Bro . H . Last , in behalf of the Brethren , presented to the father of the Lodge , Bro . W . Hart , a handsome gold P . M / s jewel , with the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . W . Hart , P . M . and P . G . I ) ., as a mark of esteem and regard , by the Brethren of the Lodge of Yirtue and Silence , No . 417 , for his unceasing endeavours to promote the good of Masonry . Hadleigh , 1857 . "
Ipswich . —Lodge of Perfect Friendship ( No . 522 ) . —On Wednesday , Dec . 1 G , this Lodge held its usual monthly meeting , and it having been announced that the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . R . Martin , and the Officers of the Prov . Grand 'Lodge would attend , there was a very large muster of the Brethren . The Prov . Grand Officers present were R . W . Bros . P . Martin , D . Prov . G . M . ; W . P . Mills Prov . S . G . W . ; Bev . P . W . Freeman , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Pitcher , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; J :. Head , P , Prov . W . G . J . ; Bros . E . Dorling , Prov . G . Sec : W .
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ascertain the most convenient and best plan for carrying out so desirable an object . The committee vtets then appointed . After the termination of the business , the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , and , after spending a most delightful evening , which was greatly enhanced by some admirable singing , separated with the utmost harmony and cordiality . We have since been informed that it has been decided to build a new Lodge room on an extensive scale , which , when completed / promises to be second to none in the province . We wish them ¦ " God speed . "
SOUTH WALES . Havekford West . —Cambrian Lodge ( No . 683 ) . —At the monthly meeting of the members of this lodge , Bro . Parry , P . Prov . G . S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year .
Pembroke-do ok . —Loyal Welsh Lodge ( No . 525 ) . —At the usual monthly meeting of this Lodge on the 1 st December , Bro . Bennett was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . After the Masonic business of the evening was completed , the Brethren sat down to commemorate the event , and for a brief space enjoyed the pleasures of each other ' s society with all that fraternal unanimity for which the Graft has ever been so conspicuous . At this festive entertainment were present Bros . Gillies , W . M . ; Bennett , W . M . elect ; Thomas , Prov . G . Dir . Cer . ; Parry , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; McLean , P . M . '• Husband , P . M ... ; : Cargill , P . M . ; Hutchings , P . M . ; Gook , Treas . ; and most of the present Officers of the year , as well as a large gathering of the members generally .
STAFFORDSHIRE . Tipton . —Noalis Ark Lodge ( No . 435 ) . —A very numerous meeting of the Brethren of this Lodge assembled at the Masonic Hall on Friday , Dec . 18 th . The Lodge having been opened in the 1 st Degree , the circular calling the meeting was then read , and minutes of the last confirmed . The W . M . then called upon Bro . the Bev . E . A Gueynne , P . M ., to deliver the funeral oration upon Bro . the late
John Davies , J . W . The oration was delivered in a very impressive manner , the rev . Brother taking a review of the Masonic career of the departed Brother , as well as observing upon bis conduct in the world at large , narrating his various acquirements , extolling his virtues , and calling upon the Brethren to imitate his bright example . The W . M . said the next business of the Brethren was to elect the W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler for the ensuing year . For W . M . he had great
pleasure in proposing Bro . Mainwareing , the present S . W . The ballot having been taken , it was declared unanimous . Bro . Mainwareing returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . The Brethren then adjourned to banquet , and did justice to the provision made by Brother B . Whitehouse . The usual toasts were dispensed with , the only one given by the W . M . being to the memory of our departed Brother , which was drunk in solemn silence . SUFFOLK .
Hadleigh . —Lodge of Virtue and Silence ( No . 417 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the White Lion Hotel , on Thursday , the 26 th Nov ., when the W . M . Bro . H . Last , in behalf of the Brethren , presented to the father of the Lodge , Bro . W . Hart , a handsome gold P . M / s jewel , with the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . W . Hart , P . M . and P . G . I ) ., as a mark of esteem and regard , by the Brethren of the Lodge of Yirtue and Silence , No . 417 , for his unceasing endeavours to promote the good of Masonry . Hadleigh , 1857 . "
Ipswich . —Lodge of Perfect Friendship ( No . 522 ) . —On Wednesday , Dec . 1 G , this Lodge held its usual monthly meeting , and it having been announced that the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . R . Martin , and the Officers of the Prov . Grand 'Lodge would attend , there was a very large muster of the Brethren . The Prov . Grand Officers present were R . W . Bros . P . Martin , D . Prov . G . M . ; W . P . Mills Prov . S . G . W . ; Bev . P . W . Freeman , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Pitcher , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; J :. Head , P , Prov . W . G . J . ; Bros . E . Dorling , Prov . G . Sec : W .