Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 14 of 18 →
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Townsend , P . Prov . G . Purs . ; and W . Bro . O . Townsend , P ; Prov . G . Purs . ; Bros . Findley , Gerling , & c , Prov . G . Stewards . It appears that the R . W . D . Prov . G . M . intends to visit all the ' Lodges in his district ; not only to inspect their manner of working , but also to promote fraternal feelings within the Province . At this meeting it was deemed expedient , and decided unanimously , to remove the Lodge from the Assembly Rooms to the Great White Horse Hotel .
The beautiful ceremony of installing the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . G . Turner , w as performed by Bro . Franks , P . Prov . G . Reg ., in his usual perfect , pleasing , and workman-like manner ^ which gave universal satisfaction to the assembled fraternity . The W . M . then proceeded to install his Officers for the ensuing year . The followingBrethren were then appointed : —Bros . H . Luff , S . W . ; Gerling , J . W . ; Harrison , S . D . ; Stubbs , J . D . ; Bonning , I . G . ; Robinson , Tyler . The Treas ., W . P . Mills , P . Prov . G . S . W ., and Chap , Re v . Bro . Poer , elected by the Lodge , were
also invested with collars and badges of office . Immediately after the Officers had taken their respective places , they were addressed by the W . M . in a very impressive manner , upon the necessity of their punctual and regular attendance at the Lodge ; as from the want of punctuality in the attendance of the Officers the W . M . and Brethren were often put to great and unwarrantable inconvenience . He exhorted them to promote good order and regularity ; to imitate all that was praiseworthy , and to avoid all that appeared defective , and strictly to act according to Masonic etiquette .
The Lodge was then duly closed , and the Brethren adjourned to the supper , plentifully provided by Bro . Guiver . After the removal of the cloth , the health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . S . B . King . The W . M . ( Bro . G . Turner ) , in replying , thanked the Brethren for the kind manner in which his health was proposed and drunk . He hoped he should
discharge the duties of that high office to their satisfaction ; and , as no man was perfect , he trusted they would bear with his infirmities ; he should always be happy to receive a hint from any of the old Past Masters , and would endeavour to act so that peace and harmony should prevail in his Lodge , and he had no doubt that every courtesy would be shown to him by the Brethren , and that they would never desert the Master until the work w as finished .
The health of the immediate P . M ., Bro . King , was then proposed by the W . M . in highly eulogistic terms . Bro . King replied that he was pleased to find that he had discharged his duties as the Master of the Lodge , for the second time , to the satisfaction of all the Brethren . He maintained it was a great honour to preside over so large and influential a Lodge as he had had the pleasure to do for the last twelve months , as it was composed of many old and respectable tradesmen and professional men of the town of Ipswich , many of whom were his own personal friends .
The W . M . then proposed the health of Bro . Pranks , as the installing Master , and thanked him kindly for the manner in which he had performed that beautiful ceremony . He was always frank , courteous , and kindly in his demeanour , and distinguished by his suaviter in onodo , and his willingness to oblige all the Brethren . He was acquainted with all the oral working of Freemasonry , and he trusted he should always have the pleasure of seeing him amongst them .
Bro . Franks replied that he was quite unprepared for the eulogistic manner his health had been proposed by the W . M . He was always ready and cheerfully willing to give his humble assistance in any department of Masonry in which his services were required , and was fully rewarded for any trouble he had taken to perfect himself in oral Freemasonry , as the Brethren appeared so satisfied with his exertions . The Brethren shortly after separated , highly pleased with their entertainment .
SUSSEX . Bjugiitox . — -Royal Clarence Lodge ( No . 338 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday , 18 th Dec , when Bro . Wilson Stuckey , the W . M ,, initiated Viscount Pevensey , M . P . for East Sussex , and Mr . H . P . Maples into the VOL . III . 7 E
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Townsend , P . Prov . G . Purs . ; and W . Bro . O . Townsend , P ; Prov . G . Purs . ; Bros . Findley , Gerling , & c , Prov . G . Stewards . It appears that the R . W . D . Prov . G . M . intends to visit all the ' Lodges in his district ; not only to inspect their manner of working , but also to promote fraternal feelings within the Province . At this meeting it was deemed expedient , and decided unanimously , to remove the Lodge from the Assembly Rooms to the Great White Horse Hotel .
The beautiful ceremony of installing the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . G . Turner , w as performed by Bro . Franks , P . Prov . G . Reg ., in his usual perfect , pleasing , and workman-like manner ^ which gave universal satisfaction to the assembled fraternity . The W . M . then proceeded to install his Officers for the ensuing year . The followingBrethren were then appointed : —Bros . H . Luff , S . W . ; Gerling , J . W . ; Harrison , S . D . ; Stubbs , J . D . ; Bonning , I . G . ; Robinson , Tyler . The Treas ., W . P . Mills , P . Prov . G . S . W ., and Chap , Re v . Bro . Poer , elected by the Lodge , were
also invested with collars and badges of office . Immediately after the Officers had taken their respective places , they were addressed by the W . M . in a very impressive manner , upon the necessity of their punctual and regular attendance at the Lodge ; as from the want of punctuality in the attendance of the Officers the W . M . and Brethren were often put to great and unwarrantable inconvenience . He exhorted them to promote good order and regularity ; to imitate all that was praiseworthy , and to avoid all that appeared defective , and strictly to act according to Masonic etiquette .
The Lodge was then duly closed , and the Brethren adjourned to the supper , plentifully provided by Bro . Guiver . After the removal of the cloth , the health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . S . B . King . The W . M . ( Bro . G . Turner ) , in replying , thanked the Brethren for the kind manner in which his health was proposed and drunk . He hoped he should
discharge the duties of that high office to their satisfaction ; and , as no man was perfect , he trusted they would bear with his infirmities ; he should always be happy to receive a hint from any of the old Past Masters , and would endeavour to act so that peace and harmony should prevail in his Lodge , and he had no doubt that every courtesy would be shown to him by the Brethren , and that they would never desert the Master until the work w as finished .
The health of the immediate P . M ., Bro . King , was then proposed by the W . M . in highly eulogistic terms . Bro . King replied that he was pleased to find that he had discharged his duties as the Master of the Lodge , for the second time , to the satisfaction of all the Brethren . He maintained it was a great honour to preside over so large and influential a Lodge as he had had the pleasure to do for the last twelve months , as it was composed of many old and respectable tradesmen and professional men of the town of Ipswich , many of whom were his own personal friends .
The W . M . then proposed the health of Bro . Pranks , as the installing Master , and thanked him kindly for the manner in which he had performed that beautiful ceremony . He was always frank , courteous , and kindly in his demeanour , and distinguished by his suaviter in onodo , and his willingness to oblige all the Brethren . He was acquainted with all the oral working of Freemasonry , and he trusted he should always have the pleasure of seeing him amongst them .
Bro . Franks replied that he was quite unprepared for the eulogistic manner his health had been proposed by the W . M . He was always ready and cheerfully willing to give his humble assistance in any department of Masonry in which his services were required , and was fully rewarded for any trouble he had taken to perfect himself in oral Freemasonry , as the Brethren appeared so satisfied with his exertions . The Brethren shortly after separated , highly pleased with their entertainment .
SUSSEX . Bjugiitox . — -Royal Clarence Lodge ( No . 338 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday , 18 th Dec , when Bro . Wilson Stuckey , the W . M ,, initiated Viscount Pevensey , M . P . for East Sussex , and Mr . H . P . Maples into the VOL . III . 7 E