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lowing Brethren for his Officers , they were duly installed : —Bros . J . Jones , S . W . ; J . Hickman , J . W . ; G . Cox , Treas . W . E . Turner , Sec . ; W . Oastler , S . D . ; Henry Perks , I . G . ; and Stanley and Brooks , Tylers . Votes of thanks were then passed to the late W . M . for his services during the past year , and to Bro . Bennett , P . M ., for his services at installation . The Lodge was then closed according
to ancient and immemorial custom , and the Brethren , nearly forty , adjourned to an excellent repast , presided over by the W . M ., Bros . J . Jones and J . Hickman occupying the Wardens ' chairs . There were also present Bros . P . M ' s . Baxter , J . Bennett , McMillan , Gosling , Cobley , Giles , Clutter buck , J . Sanders , and Woods ; P . M . No . 349 , and the W . M . No . 349 , & c . Bro . Jabez Jones , P . Prov . G . Org ., presided at the organ during the working of the Lodge , and at the pianoforte the remainder of the evening ; with considerable ability .
YORKSHIRE . Bbadfoed . —Lodge of Hope ( 379 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Duke-street , on Monday , the 30 th Nov ., under the able presidency of Bro . Gath , W-M ., who passed Bro . Clarke to the degree of Fellow Craft , going through the ceremony in a very expert manner , proving the pains he has been at during his year of office to become a proficient in the Craft . Bro . Hill , P . M ., gave the working tools , and Bro . Farrar , P . M ., the charge in
this degree in their wonted excellent style . Two gentlemen were balloted for and elected , but their initiation was unavoidably postponed . This being the meeting for the election of the W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Wm . Mawson was duly elected , the announcement being received by his Brethren with great applause . Bro . Robinson , who lias so efficiently discharged the duties for the past two years , was re-elected Treas . Bro . Holmes , Tyler ; and Bro . Buckley , P . M ., to take charge of the Lodge rooms . Bro . the Rev . H . de L . Willis , JD . D ., Chaplain of
the Lodge , and Prov . Grand Chaplain , then proceeded with the first of the course of Lectures which he had so considerately promised his Brethren . He prefaced his lecture by ample reference to the antiquity of Masonry and the divine authority for using signs and symbols . Basing his observations upon that short but beautifully comprehensive definition of Masonry , viz . — " Masonry , a system of
morality , veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols , " he proceeded to show that the illustration of great truths by symbols had the highest possible sanction , —that the practice was coeval with the first of the human family , and was ordained by God himself . The rev . lecturer then referred to the Psalms of David , especially the 121 st and 123 rd Psalms , to show that the father of royal Solomon was not ignorant of the importance of illustrating truths by means of signs and sy ?? tbols . Towards the conclusion of his lecture he observed as follows : — "As often as we
enter a Lodge room we enter a little world of signs and symbols ; the very ground we walk on illustrates by its chequered surface the varied character of the life through w hich we have to pass before we shall be called upon to enter the dark valley of the shadow of death . This is a truth that meets the eye every step we take in a Lodge room , and should be held in constant remembrance . Then again , if we look above us , there we observe the all-seeing eye , teaching us another truth , that our every thought , word , and action are known ± o Him , to whom all
hearts are open . This also should be ever remembered by the Brethren . " The rev . Brother closed his address by saying , he trusted his Brethren would receive his observations in this his preparatory lecture in the best spirit ; " and , " said he , " my only desire is that they be pondered over , and prove of some good to you . This will be all the reward I shall hope for , and if any advantage is gained by any Brother , that will be my great desire . " The lecture throughout was listened to with that breathless attention so peculiar to a Freemasons' Lodge , and
the rev . Brother resumed his seat amid the deafening plaudits of his Brethren Bro . Rogerson , P . M ., proposed a vote of thanks for the admirable lecture in appropriate terms , which was seconded by Bro . Farrar , P . M ., and carried by acclamation . Several visitors attended the Lodge on the occasion , the Brethren of the Lodge of Hope mustering about fifty ; and we may say that the worthy W . M . who is about to cease his presidency may well be proud of the efficient state in which he leaves all belonging to the Lodge ; and the W . M . elect has every reason to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
lowing Brethren for his Officers , they were duly installed : —Bros . J . Jones , S . W . ; J . Hickman , J . W . ; G . Cox , Treas . W . E . Turner , Sec . ; W . Oastler , S . D . ; Henry Perks , I . G . ; and Stanley and Brooks , Tylers . Votes of thanks were then passed to the late W . M . for his services during the past year , and to Bro . Bennett , P . M ., for his services at installation . The Lodge was then closed according
to ancient and immemorial custom , and the Brethren , nearly forty , adjourned to an excellent repast , presided over by the W . M ., Bros . J . Jones and J . Hickman occupying the Wardens ' chairs . There were also present Bros . P . M ' s . Baxter , J . Bennett , McMillan , Gosling , Cobley , Giles , Clutter buck , J . Sanders , and Woods ; P . M . No . 349 , and the W . M . No . 349 , & c . Bro . Jabez Jones , P . Prov . G . Org ., presided at the organ during the working of the Lodge , and at the pianoforte the remainder of the evening ; with considerable ability .
YORKSHIRE . Bbadfoed . —Lodge of Hope ( 379 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Duke-street , on Monday , the 30 th Nov ., under the able presidency of Bro . Gath , W-M ., who passed Bro . Clarke to the degree of Fellow Craft , going through the ceremony in a very expert manner , proving the pains he has been at during his year of office to become a proficient in the Craft . Bro . Hill , P . M ., gave the working tools , and Bro . Farrar , P . M ., the charge in
this degree in their wonted excellent style . Two gentlemen were balloted for and elected , but their initiation was unavoidably postponed . This being the meeting for the election of the W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Wm . Mawson was duly elected , the announcement being received by his Brethren with great applause . Bro . Robinson , who lias so efficiently discharged the duties for the past two years , was re-elected Treas . Bro . Holmes , Tyler ; and Bro . Buckley , P . M ., to take charge of the Lodge rooms . Bro . the Rev . H . de L . Willis , JD . D ., Chaplain of
the Lodge , and Prov . Grand Chaplain , then proceeded with the first of the course of Lectures which he had so considerately promised his Brethren . He prefaced his lecture by ample reference to the antiquity of Masonry and the divine authority for using signs and symbols . Basing his observations upon that short but beautifully comprehensive definition of Masonry , viz . — " Masonry , a system of
morality , veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols , " he proceeded to show that the illustration of great truths by symbols had the highest possible sanction , —that the practice was coeval with the first of the human family , and was ordained by God himself . The rev . lecturer then referred to the Psalms of David , especially the 121 st and 123 rd Psalms , to show that the father of royal Solomon was not ignorant of the importance of illustrating truths by means of signs and sy ?? tbols . Towards the conclusion of his lecture he observed as follows : — "As often as we
enter a Lodge room we enter a little world of signs and symbols ; the very ground we walk on illustrates by its chequered surface the varied character of the life through w hich we have to pass before we shall be called upon to enter the dark valley of the shadow of death . This is a truth that meets the eye every step we take in a Lodge room , and should be held in constant remembrance . Then again , if we look above us , there we observe the all-seeing eye , teaching us another truth , that our every thought , word , and action are known ± o Him , to whom all
hearts are open . This also should be ever remembered by the Brethren . " The rev . Brother closed his address by saying , he trusted his Brethren would receive his observations in this his preparatory lecture in the best spirit ; " and , " said he , " my only desire is that they be pondered over , and prove of some good to you . This will be all the reward I shall hope for , and if any advantage is gained by any Brother , that will be my great desire . " The lecture throughout was listened to with that breathless attention so peculiar to a Freemasons' Lodge , and
the rev . Brother resumed his seat amid the deafening plaudits of his Brethren Bro . Rogerson , P . M ., proposed a vote of thanks for the admirable lecture in appropriate terms , which was seconded by Bro . Farrar , P . M ., and carried by acclamation . Several visitors attended the Lodge on the occasion , the Brethren of the Lodge of Hope mustering about fifty ; and we may say that the worthy W . M . who is about to cease his presidency may well be proud of the efficient state in which he leaves all belonging to the Lodge ; and the W . M . elect has every reason to