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congratulate himself on entering upon his year of office under such auspicious circumstances . The W . M . of this Lodge , Bro . Wm . Gath , convened a Lodge of Emergency on the 19 th December inst ., the business coming before the last regular meeting
being too much to get through conveniently . A gentleman was duly initiated into the secrets and mysteries of our Order by the W . M . in his impressive and excellent style ; the working tools were also given by him , and the charge delivered by Bro . Rogerson , P . M ., both in their usual admirable manner . Two Brethren were also raised to the Sublime Degree by the W . M ., ~ to enable him to go out of office at the approaching Festival of St . John without leaving arrears of business .
Huddehsfield . —Huddersfield Lodge ( No . 365 ) .: —The Brethren of this Lodge met on Wednesday , Dec . 2 nd , at their room at the Zetland Hotel , for the purpose of witnessing the installation of Pro-. Jos . Brook as W . M . The duties of installation were admirably performed by Bro . Hardy , of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 342 , assisted by Bro . Wm . Smith , P . Prov . G . D . C . The Officers for the year are , Bros . Benj . Hutchinson , S . W . ; Edward Hading , J . W . ; Edward Battye , Chap . ; P . M . Thompson , Treas . ; J . Whitely , Sec . ; James Battye , Org . ; Wm . Lockwood ,
S . D . ; J . Boothroyd , J . D . ; W . Taylor , I . G . ; Jno . Wilson and B . Smith , Stewards ; and we have no doubt but that Va . ey will discharge their duties effectively , for in this Lodge offices are only given from Masonic merit . Bro . Hanson , the late W . M ., has , during his year of office , given the utmost satisfaction to every member of the Lodge , and his working has elicited the admiration of every visiting Brother competent to give an opinion ; and from what we know of the present W . M . ' s working abilities and kindness of heart , we are sure he will worthily walk in the footsteps of his predecessor .
Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) . — 0 a Saturday , Nov . 28 th , a dinner party was given at the Freemasons' Hall , to celebrate the i nauguration of the portrait of Bro . Wm . Kilner , P . M . and P . Z ., P . Prov . G . S . of Works , the first W . M . of this Lodge . The portrait is in full Masonic Craft clothing . It is exquisitely painted , and a more faithful , life-like likeness we never saw . It does the greatest credit to the artist , Bro . Howell , P . M ., of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 317 , Richmond , Surrey , and it cannot fail to enhance his reputation as a portrait painter . The expenseof
the painting and frame has been defrayed by voluntary subscription amongst the members of this Lodge , headed by Bro . Lord Goderich , P . M . and P . G . S . W . About thirty sat down to dinner . After the cloth was drawn , the W . M ., Bro . Walter Matthewson , having given the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , called on Bro . T . A . Bottomley , M . R . C . S ., P . J . W . ( Sec . to the Portrait Committee ) , who in an able speech presented the painting to Bro . Kilner , begging him to consider
it a testimony of the high esteem in which he is held by the Brethren , and of their high appreciation of the important services he has rendered the Craft . Bro . Kilner responded in a very feeling manner , thanking the Brethren for the honour they had done him , and concluded by presenting them with the painting , which was suitably acknowledged by the W . M . A number of other toasts were then given , including "The Ladies , " on whose behalf thanks were returned in an eloquent speech by Bro . H . Brook , of the 2 nd West York Yeomanry Cavalry .
The installation of Bro . Jno . Kirk , P . J . W ., as W . M . for the year ensuing , took place on Friday evening , Dec . 4 th . The Lodge was opened at about six o ' clock , and two Brethren were raised to the degree of M . M * by Bro . Walter Matthewson , W . M ., the tracing-board and working tools being very ably explained by Bro . W . Cross Marsh , P . M . The installing Officer , Bro . J . T . V . Hardy , A . M ., P . M ., Prov . G . J . D ., in a very impressive manner then conducted the ceremony of
placing Bro . Kirk in the chair of K . S . The new W . M . next appointed the following Brethren his Officers : —Bros . J . Lister , S . W . ; S . Hardy , J . W . ; Rev . W . Robinson , Chap . ; J . Radcliffe , Hon . Sec . ; A . Palmer , S . D . ; A . Jackson , J . D . ; Willis , I . C-I . ; Turner and T . R . Webb , I > ir . of Cer . ; Dyson , Robinson , and Hare , Purveyors ; Senior and Hirst , Stewards . We have much pleasure in stating that these appointments have given satis faction to the Brethren generally . In answer to a letter received from the D . Prov . G . M ., the Brethren decided that they did
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congratulate himself on entering upon his year of office under such auspicious circumstances . The W . M . of this Lodge , Bro . Wm . Gath , convened a Lodge of Emergency on the 19 th December inst ., the business coming before the last regular meeting
being too much to get through conveniently . A gentleman was duly initiated into the secrets and mysteries of our Order by the W . M . in his impressive and excellent style ; the working tools were also given by him , and the charge delivered by Bro . Rogerson , P . M ., both in their usual admirable manner . Two Brethren were also raised to the Sublime Degree by the W . M ., ~ to enable him to go out of office at the approaching Festival of St . John without leaving arrears of business .
Huddehsfield . —Huddersfield Lodge ( No . 365 ) .: —The Brethren of this Lodge met on Wednesday , Dec . 2 nd , at their room at the Zetland Hotel , for the purpose of witnessing the installation of Pro-. Jos . Brook as W . M . The duties of installation were admirably performed by Bro . Hardy , of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 342 , assisted by Bro . Wm . Smith , P . Prov . G . D . C . The Officers for the year are , Bros . Benj . Hutchinson , S . W . ; Edward Hading , J . W . ; Edward Battye , Chap . ; P . M . Thompson , Treas . ; J . Whitely , Sec . ; James Battye , Org . ; Wm . Lockwood ,
S . D . ; J . Boothroyd , J . D . ; W . Taylor , I . G . ; Jno . Wilson and B . Smith , Stewards ; and we have no doubt but that Va . ey will discharge their duties effectively , for in this Lodge offices are only given from Masonic merit . Bro . Hanson , the late W . M ., has , during his year of office , given the utmost satisfaction to every member of the Lodge , and his working has elicited the admiration of every visiting Brother competent to give an opinion ; and from what we know of the present W . M . ' s working abilities and kindness of heart , we are sure he will worthily walk in the footsteps of his predecessor .
Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) . — 0 a Saturday , Nov . 28 th , a dinner party was given at the Freemasons' Hall , to celebrate the i nauguration of the portrait of Bro . Wm . Kilner , P . M . and P . Z ., P . Prov . G . S . of Works , the first W . M . of this Lodge . The portrait is in full Masonic Craft clothing . It is exquisitely painted , and a more faithful , life-like likeness we never saw . It does the greatest credit to the artist , Bro . Howell , P . M ., of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 317 , Richmond , Surrey , and it cannot fail to enhance his reputation as a portrait painter . The expenseof
the painting and frame has been defrayed by voluntary subscription amongst the members of this Lodge , headed by Bro . Lord Goderich , P . M . and P . G . S . W . About thirty sat down to dinner . After the cloth was drawn , the W . M ., Bro . Walter Matthewson , having given the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , called on Bro . T . A . Bottomley , M . R . C . S ., P . J . W . ( Sec . to the Portrait Committee ) , who in an able speech presented the painting to Bro . Kilner , begging him to consider
it a testimony of the high esteem in which he is held by the Brethren , and of their high appreciation of the important services he has rendered the Craft . Bro . Kilner responded in a very feeling manner , thanking the Brethren for the honour they had done him , and concluded by presenting them with the painting , which was suitably acknowledged by the W . M . A number of other toasts were then given , including "The Ladies , " on whose behalf thanks were returned in an eloquent speech by Bro . H . Brook , of the 2 nd West York Yeomanry Cavalry .
The installation of Bro . Jno . Kirk , P . J . W ., as W . M . for the year ensuing , took place on Friday evening , Dec . 4 th . The Lodge was opened at about six o ' clock , and two Brethren were raised to the degree of M . M * by Bro . Walter Matthewson , W . M ., the tracing-board and working tools being very ably explained by Bro . W . Cross Marsh , P . M . The installing Officer , Bro . J . T . V . Hardy , A . M ., P . M ., Prov . G . J . D ., in a very impressive manner then conducted the ceremony of
placing Bro . Kirk in the chair of K . S . The new W . M . next appointed the following Brethren his Officers : —Bros . J . Lister , S . W . ; S . Hardy , J . W . ; Rev . W . Robinson , Chap . ; J . Radcliffe , Hon . Sec . ; A . Palmer , S . D . ; A . Jackson , J . D . ; Willis , I . C-I . ; Turner and T . R . Webb , I > ir . of Cer . ; Dyson , Robinson , and Hare , Purveyors ; Senior and Hirst , Stewards . We have much pleasure in stating that these appointments have given satis faction to the Brethren generally . In answer to a letter received from the D . Prov . G . M ., the Brethren decided that they did