Article EOYAL ARCH ← Page 3 of 3 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Page 1 of 2 →
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Eoyal Arch
giving the symbolical and mystical lectures , the explanation of the signs , and the pedestal . The historical lecture and other duties devolving upon them were ably performed by G . Hudson , J . Pendleton , P . S ., and W . Hudson , N ., who were well up to their work . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the Prov . G . Supt ., Col . Vernon , proposed , Gr . Hudson , J ., seconded , and it was carried unanimously , —« " That the thanks of the Companions of this Chapter are eminently due to Comp . Lewis for coming forward at a moment's notice and so ably conducting
the ceremony : that it be inscribed on the minutes of the Chapter , as a lasting memorial of his ability and the gratitude of the Companions for his services . " The Companions then adjourned to refreshment . The M . E . Comp . Col . Vernon , Prov . G . Supt ., presided . There were present also as visitors , Comps . C . J . Vigne , Prov . G . Supt ., Dorset ; H . C . Vernon , Prov . G . Supt ., Worcestershire ; R . Shuttleworth , . Representative of the Grand Lodge of England at Berne . M . E . Comp . H . C . Verdon was proposed as a joining member , and Comp . Shuttleworth as an honorary member .
Knights Templar
St . Geokge ' s Encampment . —At a meeting of this Encampment , at Radley ' s Hotel , on the 18 th Dec . ( Sir Knight S . Bawson , E . G . ) , Comps . W . T . Mercer , D . Prov . G . M . for China ; G . A . E . Norris , Hong-Kong ; and E . J . Morris , Swansea , were installed Masonic Knights Templar in a most efficient manner by Sir Knight Dr . Hinxrnan , Proy . G . Com . for Kent , assisted by Sir Knight P . Laindas , as Expert . In addition to the previous illustrious visitors , on this occasion were Sir Knight J . Masson , G . Chan . ; J . N . Tonakins , G . Treas ; Capt . N . G-. Philips , E . G ., Melita Encamp ., Malta . After the ceremony of installation , Sir Knight R . Costa proposed , and Sir Knight It . Spencer seconded , that the sum of
ten guineas be subscribed towards the Indian Belief Eund , which was carried unanimously . Sir Knight S . Bawson , Prov . G . M . for China , was re-elected E . G . for the ensuing year . The Pater of the Encampment , Sir Knight J . H . Goldsworthy , we were glad to see , occupied his usual stall . The lately installed Six Knight J . W . Lawrance came expressly from Peterborough to attend this meeting . In proposing the healths of the newly-installed Sir Knights , the Eminent Com . remarked , that in consequence of Sir Knights Mercer and Norris being residents of Hong-Kong , he hop > ed the time would not be far distant when the Grder would have flourishing encampments in that colony .
Handsworth , Staffordshire . —The Beauseant Encampment . —The Sir Knights assembled on Wednesday , Dec . 16 c The minutes of the previous meeting were read and con finned . The ballot was then taken for Comp . R . Shuttleworth , the Representative of the Grand Lodge of England in Switzerland . Sir Knight the Lord Leigh , the Eminent Commander , being absent , Sir Knight Masefield , a Past Commander , undertook the ceremony of installation , and conferred with due
solemnity the honours of this exalted degree , hive pounds were voted from the Alms Fund for the Indian Relief Fund . The Sir Knights then adjourned to banquet , which was served with particular good taste by Bro . Bolton . The Prov . G . Com , presided ; the usual toasts were drunk with due honours . In reply to the toast of the evening , Sir Knight Shuttleworth narrated many amusing incidents of the usages of the Brethren on the Continent , and expressed the satisfaction lie felt at being admitted into this illustrious Order .
Huotsptll , Somersetshire . —The Vale of Jehoshaphat Encampment . —The Conclave met on Tuesday , Dec . 15 . Comps . T . Graham , W . Henderson , and W . T . Ansell , of Chapter No . 367 , F . R . M . Gossett , of Lodge No . 38 , and J . Slatter , of Lodge No . 1 , 012 , were severally installed by Sir Knight Taylor , the M . E . Dep . G . Com . of the Order , who performed the ceremony in a manner which called forth
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Eoyal Arch
giving the symbolical and mystical lectures , the explanation of the signs , and the pedestal . The historical lecture and other duties devolving upon them were ably performed by G . Hudson , J . Pendleton , P . S ., and W . Hudson , N ., who were well up to their work . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the Prov . G . Supt ., Col . Vernon , proposed , Gr . Hudson , J ., seconded , and it was carried unanimously , —« " That the thanks of the Companions of this Chapter are eminently due to Comp . Lewis for coming forward at a moment's notice and so ably conducting
the ceremony : that it be inscribed on the minutes of the Chapter , as a lasting memorial of his ability and the gratitude of the Companions for his services . " The Companions then adjourned to refreshment . The M . E . Comp . Col . Vernon , Prov . G . Supt ., presided . There were present also as visitors , Comps . C . J . Vigne , Prov . G . Supt ., Dorset ; H . C . Vernon , Prov . G . Supt ., Worcestershire ; R . Shuttleworth , . Representative of the Grand Lodge of England at Berne . M . E . Comp . H . C . Verdon was proposed as a joining member , and Comp . Shuttleworth as an honorary member .
Knights Templar
St . Geokge ' s Encampment . —At a meeting of this Encampment , at Radley ' s Hotel , on the 18 th Dec . ( Sir Knight S . Bawson , E . G . ) , Comps . W . T . Mercer , D . Prov . G . M . for China ; G . A . E . Norris , Hong-Kong ; and E . J . Morris , Swansea , were installed Masonic Knights Templar in a most efficient manner by Sir Knight Dr . Hinxrnan , Proy . G . Com . for Kent , assisted by Sir Knight P . Laindas , as Expert . In addition to the previous illustrious visitors , on this occasion were Sir Knight J . Masson , G . Chan . ; J . N . Tonakins , G . Treas ; Capt . N . G-. Philips , E . G ., Melita Encamp ., Malta . After the ceremony of installation , Sir Knight R . Costa proposed , and Sir Knight It . Spencer seconded , that the sum of
ten guineas be subscribed towards the Indian Belief Eund , which was carried unanimously . Sir Knight S . Bawson , Prov . G . M . for China , was re-elected E . G . for the ensuing year . The Pater of the Encampment , Sir Knight J . H . Goldsworthy , we were glad to see , occupied his usual stall . The lately installed Six Knight J . W . Lawrance came expressly from Peterborough to attend this meeting . In proposing the healths of the newly-installed Sir Knights , the Eminent Com . remarked , that in consequence of Sir Knights Mercer and Norris being residents of Hong-Kong , he hop > ed the time would not be far distant when the Grder would have flourishing encampments in that colony .
Handsworth , Staffordshire . —The Beauseant Encampment . —The Sir Knights assembled on Wednesday , Dec . 16 c The minutes of the previous meeting were read and con finned . The ballot was then taken for Comp . R . Shuttleworth , the Representative of the Grand Lodge of England in Switzerland . Sir Knight the Lord Leigh , the Eminent Commander , being absent , Sir Knight Masefield , a Past Commander , undertook the ceremony of installation , and conferred with due
solemnity the honours of this exalted degree , hive pounds were voted from the Alms Fund for the Indian Relief Fund . The Sir Knights then adjourned to banquet , which was served with particular good taste by Bro . Bolton . The Prov . G . Com , presided ; the usual toasts were drunk with due honours . In reply to the toast of the evening , Sir Knight Shuttleworth narrated many amusing incidents of the usages of the Brethren on the Continent , and expressed the satisfaction lie felt at being admitted into this illustrious Order .
Huotsptll , Somersetshire . —The Vale of Jehoshaphat Encampment . —The Conclave met on Tuesday , Dec . 15 . Comps . T . Graham , W . Henderson , and W . T . Ansell , of Chapter No . 367 , F . R . M . Gossett , of Lodge No . 38 , and J . Slatter , of Lodge No . 1 , 012 , were severally installed by Sir Knight Taylor , the M . E . Dep . G . Com . of the Order , who performed the ceremony in a manner which called forth