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Symbolism Op The Shock.
sumptuous one . Even Milton , filled as was his soul with all the imaginings of poetry , lias given but a faint idea of the scene : — u Nor past uncelebrated nor unsung
[ By the celestial choirs , when orient light , Exhaling first from darkness , they , beheld , Birth-day of heaven and earth ; with joy and shout The hollow universal orb they filfd , And touched their golden harps , and hymning praised God and his works , Creator , Him they sung . "
We feel , when we meditate on the subject , that stillness and silence must have fled before the Almighty Voice , and the earth itself have trembled in the throes of its new existence , when the gloomy pall of darkness was rolled as a curtain from the face of nature , And now , by this ceremony which we have been considering—by this Shock of Enlightenment , —we seek , humbly indeed ,
and at an inconceivable distance , to preserve the recollection and to embody the idea of the birth of material light , by the representation of the circumstances that accompanied it , and their reference to the birth of intellectual or Masonic light . The one was the type of the other , and hence the illumination o £ the candidate is attended jwith soinethirig of ceremony that will imitate the primal illustrations of tlie universe , most feebly and indistinctly , it is true , and yet not
altogether without impressiveness . The Shock of Enlightenment is , then , a symbol of the change which is now taking place in the intellectual condition—it is a sign to accompany that well-known motto of the Order , " Lux e tenebris "it is the symbol of the birth of spiritual light . —American Freemason ,
London And Middlesex Archeological Society.
REMINISCENCES OP A VISIT TO THE TOWER OF LONDON , BY A BROTHER . In our last number of this Magazine , when speaking of the movements and progress of this society , and giving a report of the visit to Hampton CourtTalace , wo promised to narrate an inspection of the Tower of London , which was entirely
thrown open for the occasion , to the members of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society , by permission of the Principal Secretary of State for War , our esteemed B .. W . D . G . M ., LordPanmure ; a favour so rarely granted , yet given with such liberality , that we feel bound again to return him our very best thanks . On Tuesday , the 21 st of July last , the members assembled ( with the visitors ,
many of whom were of the fairer sex ) on the Tower Green , at twelve o ' clock precisely , when Lord de Eos , the Lieutenant Constable of the Tower , was voted into the chair by acclamation , and the proceedings of the day were opened by an address from the Kev . Charles Boutell , stating the reason of the meeting , and detailing a programme of the towers to be visited . VOL . III . G K
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Symbolism Op The Shock.
sumptuous one . Even Milton , filled as was his soul with all the imaginings of poetry , lias given but a faint idea of the scene : — u Nor past uncelebrated nor unsung
[ By the celestial choirs , when orient light , Exhaling first from darkness , they , beheld , Birth-day of heaven and earth ; with joy and shout The hollow universal orb they filfd , And touched their golden harps , and hymning praised God and his works , Creator , Him they sung . "
We feel , when we meditate on the subject , that stillness and silence must have fled before the Almighty Voice , and the earth itself have trembled in the throes of its new existence , when the gloomy pall of darkness was rolled as a curtain from the face of nature , And now , by this ceremony which we have been considering—by this Shock of Enlightenment , —we seek , humbly indeed ,
and at an inconceivable distance , to preserve the recollection and to embody the idea of the birth of material light , by the representation of the circumstances that accompanied it , and their reference to the birth of intellectual or Masonic light . The one was the type of the other , and hence the illumination o £ the candidate is attended jwith soinethirig of ceremony that will imitate the primal illustrations of tlie universe , most feebly and indistinctly , it is true , and yet not
altogether without impressiveness . The Shock of Enlightenment is , then , a symbol of the change which is now taking place in the intellectual condition—it is a sign to accompany that well-known motto of the Order , " Lux e tenebris "it is the symbol of the birth of spiritual light . —American Freemason ,
London And Middlesex Archeological Society.
REMINISCENCES OP A VISIT TO THE TOWER OF LONDON , BY A BROTHER . In our last number of this Magazine , when speaking of the movements and progress of this society , and giving a report of the visit to Hampton CourtTalace , wo promised to narrate an inspection of the Tower of London , which was entirely
thrown open for the occasion , to the members of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society , by permission of the Principal Secretary of State for War , our esteemed B .. W . D . G . M ., LordPanmure ; a favour so rarely granted , yet given with such liberality , that we feel bound again to return him our very best thanks . On Tuesday , the 21 st of July last , the members assembled ( with the visitors ,
many of whom were of the fairer sex ) on the Tower Green , at twelve o ' clock precisely , when Lord de Eos , the Lieutenant Constable of the Tower , was voted into the chair by acclamation , and the proceedings of the day were opened by an address from the Kev . Charles Boutell , stating the reason of the meeting , and detailing a programme of the towers to be visited . VOL . III . G K