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On Monday , the 30 th of November , the anniversary of St . Andrew ' s day , the election of Office-bearers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland took place , when his Grace the Duke of Athol , K . T ., was again re-elected Master Mason of Scotland ; Henry Inglis , of Stonehouse , W . S ., S . G . W . ; Major-General Swinburne , J . G . W . After the election a banquet took place at Gibb / s Royal Hotel , PrincesTstreet ^ when about 250 Masons were present . His Grace the Duke of Athol , K . T ., Master Mason of Scotland , occupied the chair , supported on the right by the
Right Hon . Lord Loughborough ; Bros . Captain Irving , 16 th Lancers ; George Patterson , of Castle Huntley ; F . Skene , Advocate ; J . A . Stewart , W . S . ; and on the left by Lord James Murray ; Major-General Swinburne ; ——Mercer of G-orthie , late Colonial Secretary of Hong-Xong ; J * . Laurie , W . S ., and Samuel Somerville , M . D . ; H . Inglis , W . S ., S . G . W ., officiated as croupier , supported on the right by Bro . W . Downing Bruce , and on the left by Bro . Hope Yere . The only local toast proposed by : the duke was that of u Bro . Downing Bruce , and success to the Alloa Lodge , No . 69 , "
of which he is Representative Master , and for which that gentleman returned thanks , and in doing so , expressed his regret at the ; absence of the gallant officer ( his brother , Capt . Robert Bruce , of the 8 th King ' s regt . ) , who had on their last meeting so ably and eloquently responded to this toast , and which , they would remember , had called forth the enthusiastic applause of all present . The Representative Master , after stating the number of distinguished
men who had been members of the Alloa Lodge since its establishment , now upwards of one hundred years , said that although old in years they were still in the vigour of youth , and perhaps never in a more prosperous state . The roll of members contained officers of the 42 nd , 79 th , 92 nd , and 93 rd Highlanders . He therefore claimed for Alloa , No . 69 , tl e title of " Lodge of the Highland Brigade . " He concluded by congratulating his grace on his holding the high office of Grand Master of Scotland , and resumed his weat amid much applause .
ROYAL ARCH . SUPREME Gil AND CHAPTER OF SCOTLAND . A Quarterly Convocation of this Chapter took place on the 16 th December , in the Turf Hotel , Edinburgh , E . C . John Deuchar , acting G . Z . ; Dr . W . D . Mac-Ritchie ,, H . : and Donald Campbell , acting J . The minutes of the last quarterly
meeting , and subsequent meetings of Audit and General Committee , were read and approved . From the former it appeared that the iinancial condition of the Chapter was fast improving , it having been stated that the fees received during the quarter just ended had ( with the exception of the last few years ) exceeded double or treble the amount of any annual receipts since the institution of the Chapter .
A Warrant was granted for instituting a Royal Arch Chapter at Geelong , in the colony of Victoria , under the name and title of " St . Andrew ' s in the South Royal Arch Chapter , " to form No . 81 on the Registry of Scotland ; the first Office-bearers being—Comps . Thomas Charles Harwood , Z . ; John Young , H . ; and Michael Samuel Levy , J . ; George Thomson , E . ; James Alder , N . ; William James Holding , 1 st Scribe ; James D . McKie , 2 nd Scribe ; Alexander Type , 3 rd Scribe ; Edward Hall Poynton , Treas . ; and John Miller , Sword-Bearer ; all members of the Glasgow Chapter , No . 50 , excepting Comp . Thomson , who is of the Glasgow Cathedral Chapter , No . 67 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Monday , the 30 th of November , the anniversary of St . Andrew ' s day , the election of Office-bearers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland took place , when his Grace the Duke of Athol , K . T ., was again re-elected Master Mason of Scotland ; Henry Inglis , of Stonehouse , W . S ., S . G . W . ; Major-General Swinburne , J . G . W . After the election a banquet took place at Gibb / s Royal Hotel , PrincesTstreet ^ when about 250 Masons were present . His Grace the Duke of Athol , K . T ., Master Mason of Scotland , occupied the chair , supported on the right by the
Right Hon . Lord Loughborough ; Bros . Captain Irving , 16 th Lancers ; George Patterson , of Castle Huntley ; F . Skene , Advocate ; J . A . Stewart , W . S . ; and on the left by Lord James Murray ; Major-General Swinburne ; ——Mercer of G-orthie , late Colonial Secretary of Hong-Xong ; J * . Laurie , W . S ., and Samuel Somerville , M . D . ; H . Inglis , W . S ., S . G . W ., officiated as croupier , supported on the right by Bro . W . Downing Bruce , and on the left by Bro . Hope Yere . The only local toast proposed by : the duke was that of u Bro . Downing Bruce , and success to the Alloa Lodge , No . 69 , "
of which he is Representative Master , and for which that gentleman returned thanks , and in doing so , expressed his regret at the ; absence of the gallant officer ( his brother , Capt . Robert Bruce , of the 8 th King ' s regt . ) , who had on their last meeting so ably and eloquently responded to this toast , and which , they would remember , had called forth the enthusiastic applause of all present . The Representative Master , after stating the number of distinguished
men who had been members of the Alloa Lodge since its establishment , now upwards of one hundred years , said that although old in years they were still in the vigour of youth , and perhaps never in a more prosperous state . The roll of members contained officers of the 42 nd , 79 th , 92 nd , and 93 rd Highlanders . He therefore claimed for Alloa , No . 69 , tl e title of " Lodge of the Highland Brigade . " He concluded by congratulating his grace on his holding the high office of Grand Master of Scotland , and resumed his weat amid much applause .
ROYAL ARCH . SUPREME Gil AND CHAPTER OF SCOTLAND . A Quarterly Convocation of this Chapter took place on the 16 th December , in the Turf Hotel , Edinburgh , E . C . John Deuchar , acting G . Z . ; Dr . W . D . Mac-Ritchie ,, H . : and Donald Campbell , acting J . The minutes of the last quarterly
meeting , and subsequent meetings of Audit and General Committee , were read and approved . From the former it appeared that the iinancial condition of the Chapter was fast improving , it having been stated that the fees received during the quarter just ended had ( with the exception of the last few years ) exceeded double or treble the amount of any annual receipts since the institution of the Chapter .
A Warrant was granted for instituting a Royal Arch Chapter at Geelong , in the colony of Victoria , under the name and title of " St . Andrew ' s in the South Royal Arch Chapter , " to form No . 81 on the Registry of Scotland ; the first Office-bearers being—Comps . Thomas Charles Harwood , Z . ; John Young , H . ; and Michael Samuel Levy , J . ; George Thomson , E . ; James Alder , N . ; William James Holding , 1 st Scribe ; James D . McKie , 2 nd Scribe ; Alexander Type , 3 rd Scribe ; Edward Hall Poynton , Treas . ; and John Miller , Sword-Bearer ; all members of the Glasgow Chapter , No . 50 , excepting Comp . Thomson , who is of the Glasgow Cathedral Chapter , No . 67 .