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The Freemasons are , we understand , about to erect a new Masonic Hall in Georgetown , and to fit it up with all the paraphernalia necessary to a complete interpretation of the tropes , metaphors , and symbolism of that ancient and worshipful fraternity . This is a very important and a very wise determination of the Craft of this city . They should have a temple of their own , built in accordance with the plans and designs of an experienced Harod , and adapted to the different rites and ceremonies of the Order . It should be a Masonic temple—not merely a Freemasons' Lodge-room—having all the requisite accommodation for the
different departments of ancient Symbolic , Capitular , Chivalric , Cryptic , and Ineffable and Sublime Freemasonry . It is true that the Fraternity of the colony have only a Lodge arid Chapter here ; but there are , we understand , Knights Templar also , who , if they had an Encampment , would soon add largely to their numbers . There are , we believe , Masons of the hauts grades in the colony , so that a Lodge of Perfection , a Council of Princes of Jerusalem , and a Sovereign Chapter of Rose Croix would flourish here like a green bay-tree . Indeed , if the
matter be undertaken with spirit , we do not see anything to prevent the successful establishment in British Guiana of a Sovereign Consistory of Princes of the Royal Secret , and a Supreme ^ Council of Inspectors-General . There are no such bodies now in existence in the British West Indies , and should Guiana take the lead in their establishment , she must , according to the laws and constitutions , be the supreme authority over the whole West Indies ; grant warrants for the establishment of subordinate bodies throughout the colonies , and do all other
acts and things which the secret constitutions of the orders empower a Supreme Council to do . We must not be misunderstood . We mean that such a Council wonld have supreme jurisdiction over matters pertaining to its own rite alone ; it would not of course interfere with the existing bodies which hold their authority from the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of England . Should an Encampment of Knights Templar be established here , it also would be beyond the pale of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council ; or , in other words , the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite would not recognize or interfere with the degrees or regulations of any other rite . It contains in itself the quintessence of Freemasonry , and is the ne plus ultra of the Order in every point of view .
At the last meeting of the Royal Arch Chapter in this city , 200 dollars were appropriated as the nucleus of a fund for the above purpose ; and at a meeting of the Union Lodge ( No . 308 ) , held on Tuesday , Nov . 17 , the Brethren present , with the characteristic liberality of the Order , contributed the handsome sum of 400 dollars more from their private purses . During the same evening , it being the night for the annual election of Officers , the following Brethren were declared duly elected for the Masonic year ending on the 27 th of December , anno lucis 5858 : —Wm . Alexander , W . M . ; Alexander Cunninghame , S . W . ; Wm . Haley ., J . W . ; B . Y . Abraham , Treas . ; Joseph Jacobs , Sec . ; Joseph Klein , S . D . ; Wm . White , jun ., J . D . ; Thomas P . Macfarlane , I . Guard .
Among the business of the evening was the unanimous adoption of the following obituary resolutions , prefaced by an eloquent introductory eulogium by W . Bro . M'Nulty : — " 1 . That , in the untimely deaths of Bros . Blair and Ross , this Lodge deplores the loss of two most zealous and estimable members , whose progress in , and attachment to , the Order , foreshadowed the eminence they were almost certain to obtain among the Fraternity . " 2 . That , to mark our sense of , and deep and unfeigned regret for , these sad bereavements , this Lodge he now draped in the appropriate mourning for a period of six weeks "
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The Freemasons are , we understand , about to erect a new Masonic Hall in Georgetown , and to fit it up with all the paraphernalia necessary to a complete interpretation of the tropes , metaphors , and symbolism of that ancient and worshipful fraternity . This is a very important and a very wise determination of the Craft of this city . They should have a temple of their own , built in accordance with the plans and designs of an experienced Harod , and adapted to the different rites and ceremonies of the Order . It should be a Masonic temple—not merely a Freemasons' Lodge-room—having all the requisite accommodation for the
different departments of ancient Symbolic , Capitular , Chivalric , Cryptic , and Ineffable and Sublime Freemasonry . It is true that the Fraternity of the colony have only a Lodge arid Chapter here ; but there are , we understand , Knights Templar also , who , if they had an Encampment , would soon add largely to their numbers . There are , we believe , Masons of the hauts grades in the colony , so that a Lodge of Perfection , a Council of Princes of Jerusalem , and a Sovereign Chapter of Rose Croix would flourish here like a green bay-tree . Indeed , if the
matter be undertaken with spirit , we do not see anything to prevent the successful establishment in British Guiana of a Sovereign Consistory of Princes of the Royal Secret , and a Supreme ^ Council of Inspectors-General . There are no such bodies now in existence in the British West Indies , and should Guiana take the lead in their establishment , she must , according to the laws and constitutions , be the supreme authority over the whole West Indies ; grant warrants for the establishment of subordinate bodies throughout the colonies , and do all other
acts and things which the secret constitutions of the orders empower a Supreme Council to do . We must not be misunderstood . We mean that such a Council wonld have supreme jurisdiction over matters pertaining to its own rite alone ; it would not of course interfere with the existing bodies which hold their authority from the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of England . Should an Encampment of Knights Templar be established here , it also would be beyond the pale of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council ; or , in other words , the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite would not recognize or interfere with the degrees or regulations of any other rite . It contains in itself the quintessence of Freemasonry , and is the ne plus ultra of the Order in every point of view .
At the last meeting of the Royal Arch Chapter in this city , 200 dollars were appropriated as the nucleus of a fund for the above purpose ; and at a meeting of the Union Lodge ( No . 308 ) , held on Tuesday , Nov . 17 , the Brethren present , with the characteristic liberality of the Order , contributed the handsome sum of 400 dollars more from their private purses . During the same evening , it being the night for the annual election of Officers , the following Brethren were declared duly elected for the Masonic year ending on the 27 th of December , anno lucis 5858 : —Wm . Alexander , W . M . ; Alexander Cunninghame , S . W . ; Wm . Haley ., J . W . ; B . Y . Abraham , Treas . ; Joseph Jacobs , Sec . ; Joseph Klein , S . D . ; Wm . White , jun ., J . D . ; Thomas P . Macfarlane , I . Guard .
Among the business of the evening was the unanimous adoption of the following obituary resolutions , prefaced by an eloquent introductory eulogium by W . Bro . M'Nulty : — " 1 . That , in the untimely deaths of Bros . Blair and Ross , this Lodge deplores the loss of two most zealous and estimable members , whose progress in , and attachment to , the Order , foreshadowed the eminence they were almost certain to obtain among the Fraternity . " 2 . That , to mark our sense of , and deep and unfeigned regret for , these sad bereavements , this Lodge he now draped in the appropriate mourning for a period of six weeks "