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History Of The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
( Continued from p ' age 704 . ) ... Beo . Yates , in his " Horse Esotericse , " speaking of the Ancient and Accepted Bite , says : —•
" As is well known to every learned Brother , the myth-historic , religious , naojogic , philosophic , and moral teachings o £ the high Degrees and Orders of this Kite , are but the amplified and matured teachings of the three fundamental Masonic Degrees . These la ^ t are the germ , the former the offshoots of the true Masonic tree . Masonry is a unit , and nothing is or should be taught in the high Degrees in contravention to the religious , philosophical , moral , and truly Catholic principles , inculcated in the Degrees of Entered Apprentice , Fellow Craft , and Master Mason . If in any case there is a semblance of aught different from this , ¦¦
it will be for the reason that the import of the teachings of the Sublime Degrees is not well understood or appreciated . It is not alone the traitor to our cause through design , but at times the true , well-intentioned Brother , from ignorance or misapprehension , who may exhibit under an aspect seemi n g ly unmeaning , if not friTolous , and even inculcating false doctrines , Masonic rites and ceremonies ,: which , if properly exp lained , -would command the highest admiration . " As an instance of the manner in which true and ^ veil-meaning
Brethren haye , through want of acquaintance with the arcana and philosophy of the high Degrees , tended to lower them in the estimation of the Craft , might be quoted Laurie ' s criticism of a circular forwarded from the Supreme Council of Charleston , in 1802 * .- . ' Again , Dr . Oliver , in " his " Historical Landmarks , " in many instances gives definitions and explanations of Degrees of our Ancient and Accepted Bite , that , had he been a member of , or acquainted with the esoterics of that Rite at the time he wrote , he would be the last person to promulgate . The Ancient and Accepted Rite , like the York Bite , has had its traitors and false teachers : foremost among them Avas Cerneau ; and
he , up to the present time , has Lad his abettors and followers , who , in direct violation of the Constitutions of the 1 st May , 1786 ; confer at a nominal fee , without stint or the least regard to the true nature or character of the official dignity of Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33 rcl Degree ; or , more properly speaking , they have palmed upon the public a spurious invention of the Grand Orient of Trance , denominated " S . G . I . G . 33 ° , " and have given it to applicants who paid their required fee—thus perverting the design of the original
* Beo Laurie ' s History of Freemasonry , " Edinburgh ; 1804 , p . 292
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History Of The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
( Continued from p ' age 704 . ) ... Beo . Yates , in his " Horse Esotericse , " speaking of the Ancient and Accepted Bite , says : —•
" As is well known to every learned Brother , the myth-historic , religious , naojogic , philosophic , and moral teachings o £ the high Degrees and Orders of this Kite , are but the amplified and matured teachings of the three fundamental Masonic Degrees . These la ^ t are the germ , the former the offshoots of the true Masonic tree . Masonry is a unit , and nothing is or should be taught in the high Degrees in contravention to the religious , philosophical , moral , and truly Catholic principles , inculcated in the Degrees of Entered Apprentice , Fellow Craft , and Master Mason . If in any case there is a semblance of aught different from this , ¦¦
it will be for the reason that the import of the teachings of the Sublime Degrees is not well understood or appreciated . It is not alone the traitor to our cause through design , but at times the true , well-intentioned Brother , from ignorance or misapprehension , who may exhibit under an aspect seemi n g ly unmeaning , if not friTolous , and even inculcating false doctrines , Masonic rites and ceremonies ,: which , if properly exp lained , -would command the highest admiration . " As an instance of the manner in which true and ^ veil-meaning
Brethren haye , through want of acquaintance with the arcana and philosophy of the high Degrees , tended to lower them in the estimation of the Craft , might be quoted Laurie ' s criticism of a circular forwarded from the Supreme Council of Charleston , in 1802 * .- . ' Again , Dr . Oliver , in " his " Historical Landmarks , " in many instances gives definitions and explanations of Degrees of our Ancient and Accepted Bite , that , had he been a member of , or acquainted with the esoterics of that Rite at the time he wrote , he would be the last person to promulgate . The Ancient and Accepted Rite , like the York Bite , has had its traitors and false teachers : foremost among them Avas Cerneau ; and
he , up to the present time , has Lad his abettors and followers , who , in direct violation of the Constitutions of the 1 st May , 1786 ; confer at a nominal fee , without stint or the least regard to the true nature or character of the official dignity of Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33 rcl Degree ; or , more properly speaking , they have palmed upon the public a spurious invention of the Grand Orient of Trance , denominated " S . G . I . G . 33 ° , " and have given it to applicants who paid their required fee—thus perverting the design of the original
* Beo Laurie ' s History of Freemasonry , " Edinburgh ; 1804 , p . 292