Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
pose . The lectures are announced as follows : —Tuesday , 15 th December , Bro . M . Cooke , on Music , with vocal illustrations ; Tuesday , 29 th December , Bro . E . Cox , on the History of the Tower of London , illustrated by diagrams , & c . ; and Tuesday , 12 th January , Bro .. J . 'L . King , on Natural Philosophy , illustrated by numerous experiments .
We regret to announce that Bro . White , the late respected G . Sec . has met with a rather serious accident . On stepping out of an omnibus , at the Bank , on the evening of the 25 th November , he was knocked down by a cart , the wheel of which went over his left arm , which is severely injured .
At the last meeting of the Board of Benevolence , on the 18 th November , £ 160 were granted amongst seven applicants for relief / Three of the votes being for £ 30 each , and one for £ 50 , will of course require the confirmation of Grand Lodge . A charter has been granted for a new Lodge , under the title of " The Derby " ( No . 1026 ) . The Lodge is to be held at the Derby Arms , Bootle , Lancashire .
UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . The following is the paper of business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday next , December 2 , 1857 : — Minutes of Quarterly Communication , 2 nd September , for confirmation . Nomination of M . W . G . M . Pursuant to the notice given at the last Quarterly Communication , the
M . W . G . M . will move , — " That , taking into consideration the numerous murders and barbarities committed by the sepoys of Bengal upon the British inhabitants , and the great extent of distress and misery entailed upon their families , distress and suffering scarcely paralleled in history , this Grand Lodge do grant the sum of £ 1 , 000 , to be paid out of the Fund of General Purposes in aid of the voluntary fund now in the course of formation for the relief of the sufferers . "
A letter from the M . W . G . M . of Massachusetts , addressed to the M . W . G . M . of England , and his reply , will be read . A memorial , addressed to the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and A . ccepted Masons of England , from " the Ancient Grand Lodge of Canada , " signed " Allan N . Macnab , Prov . G . M ., " will be laid before the Grand Lodge . The G . Reg ., by direction of the M . W . G . M ., will move that the following alterations be made in the Book of Constitutions , in conformity with the
resolutions of Grand Lodge approved of in March last : — After Art . 26 , at page 65 , to add , " In order to avoid delay , and for the accommodation of Lodges in the colonies and foreign parts for which a Prov . G . M . is appointed , those Lodges may make their returns and payments to the Prov . G . M . or such Brother as he may direct , hut for the due remittance of which to the Grand Lodge the Prov . G . M . shall be personally responsible ; which Prov . G . M . is thereupon to deliver Grand Lodge Certificates , which will be furnished to him for the purpose , and which Certificates are to be countersigned as specified at page 85 . " When a return and payment has so been made to a Prov . G . M ., or other
brother on ins behalf , the Lodge making the same shall forthwith transmit to the G . Sec , in London , a duplicate of the return , signed by the W . M . and the Sec . or Treaa ., specifying the date when , and the party to whom , the return and payment have been made , and also specifying for whom the Prov . G . M . has issued Certificates ; and , further , the Prov . G . M . shall immediately , or with all reasonable expedition , forward to the G . Sec . the returns received from the several Lodges in his district , together with the amount payable thereon , so that the Brethren may be duly registered and the money placed to the credit of the respective Lodges in the G . Treasurer ' s accounts .
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The Masonic Mirror.
pose . The lectures are announced as follows : —Tuesday , 15 th December , Bro . M . Cooke , on Music , with vocal illustrations ; Tuesday , 29 th December , Bro . E . Cox , on the History of the Tower of London , illustrated by diagrams , & c . ; and Tuesday , 12 th January , Bro .. J . 'L . King , on Natural Philosophy , illustrated by numerous experiments .
We regret to announce that Bro . White , the late respected G . Sec . has met with a rather serious accident . On stepping out of an omnibus , at the Bank , on the evening of the 25 th November , he was knocked down by a cart , the wheel of which went over his left arm , which is severely injured .
At the last meeting of the Board of Benevolence , on the 18 th November , £ 160 were granted amongst seven applicants for relief / Three of the votes being for £ 30 each , and one for £ 50 , will of course require the confirmation of Grand Lodge . A charter has been granted for a new Lodge , under the title of " The Derby " ( No . 1026 ) . The Lodge is to be held at the Derby Arms , Bootle , Lancashire .
UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . The following is the paper of business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday next , December 2 , 1857 : — Minutes of Quarterly Communication , 2 nd September , for confirmation . Nomination of M . W . G . M . Pursuant to the notice given at the last Quarterly Communication , the
M . W . G . M . will move , — " That , taking into consideration the numerous murders and barbarities committed by the sepoys of Bengal upon the British inhabitants , and the great extent of distress and misery entailed upon their families , distress and suffering scarcely paralleled in history , this Grand Lodge do grant the sum of £ 1 , 000 , to be paid out of the Fund of General Purposes in aid of the voluntary fund now in the course of formation for the relief of the sufferers . "
A letter from the M . W . G . M . of Massachusetts , addressed to the M . W . G . M . of England , and his reply , will be read . A memorial , addressed to the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and A . ccepted Masons of England , from " the Ancient Grand Lodge of Canada , " signed " Allan N . Macnab , Prov . G . M ., " will be laid before the Grand Lodge . The G . Reg ., by direction of the M . W . G . M ., will move that the following alterations be made in the Book of Constitutions , in conformity with the
resolutions of Grand Lodge approved of in March last : — After Art . 26 , at page 65 , to add , " In order to avoid delay , and for the accommodation of Lodges in the colonies and foreign parts for which a Prov . G . M . is appointed , those Lodges may make their returns and payments to the Prov . G . M . or such Brother as he may direct , hut for the due remittance of which to the Grand Lodge the Prov . G . M . shall be personally responsible ; which Prov . G . M . is thereupon to deliver Grand Lodge Certificates , which will be furnished to him for the purpose , and which Certificates are to be countersigned as specified at page 85 . " When a return and payment has so been made to a Prov . G . M ., or other
brother on ins behalf , the Lodge making the same shall forthwith transmit to the G . Sec , in London , a duplicate of the return , signed by the W . M . and the Sec . or Treaa ., specifying the date when , and the party to whom , the return and payment have been made , and also specifying for whom the Prov . G . M . has issued Certificates ; and , further , the Prov . G . M . shall immediately , or with all reasonable expedition , forward to the G . Sec . the returns received from the several Lodges in his district , together with the amount payable thereon , so that the Brethren may be duly registered and the money placed to the credit of the respective Lodges in the G . Treasurer ' s accounts .