Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
The Board have also to report , that in consequence of the great inconvenience experienced from the want of adequate light and sufficient ventilation in the Hall and Temple , they are engaged in an inquiry as to the most suitable mode of obtaining these results , and they have directed a sub-committee to try some experiments in lighting the Hall , at an expense not exceeding £ 20 , and that these
experiments are now in the course of trial . The want of a censer to be used at the dedication of Lodges and other Masonic ceremonies having been frequently felt , the Board beg to report that they have directed one to be purchased ; and they recommend that the M . W . G . M . be respectfully requested to give directions that the vessels used at the consecration of Lodges , and which are the property of Grand Lodge , be allowed to be used at the consecration of any private Lodge which may apply for their use ; such vessels to be under the charge of the G . Dir . of Cers ., and the expense of removal ,
and any damage or loss which may occur , to be made good by the Lodge applying . The Board have further to report , that having received a report from the Library arid Museum Committee , they are of opinion that it is highly desirable , both for the interests of the Order and for the advantage of the Brethren generally , that a fitting and proper room should be provided as a museum and library , which should be open to all members of Grand Lodge under proper regulations . That an earnest invitation be addressed to the Brethren of the Order , wheresoever situate , inviting contributions of Masonic works , or of any objects tending to illustrate the Order : accompanied by an assurance that the Board will spare no efforts
to cause a suitable and fit repository to be provided for their reception . Th e Board have fin ally to report , that a complain t was preferred against the Wellington Lodge , No . 805 , Lewisham , by Bro . John Crosswell , for illegally excluding him . On due inquiry into all the circumstances , the Board found that the Lodge had failed to comply with the requisitions laid down in the Book of Constitutions , inasmuch as they had given Bro . Crosswell no regular notice of the time when the alleged cause of complaint against him would be taken into consideration . The Board have therefore decided that the exclusion of Bro . Crosswell is invalid , and that he is consequently still a member of the Wellington Lodge , No . 805 . Freemasons ' Hall , 18 th November , 1857 .
Election of P . Ms , for Board of Benevolence . PROPOSED MOTIONS . ^ By W . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal , P . M . No . 460 . — " That it is expedient that there should he an annual festival in aid of the funds of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . That the M . W . the G . M . be respectfully requested to fix such a time for the same , as he may deem most conducive to the interest of the said charity . " By W . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal , P . M . No . 460 . — "That the M . W . the G . M . be respectfully informed that no communication has been received from the Prov . G . M . of Berkshire or West Lancashire , in compliance with the return ordered by
Grand Lodge in March ; and that the W . M . the G . M . be respectfully requested to obtain the said return . " By W . Bro . Rev . William Westall , P . M . No . 356 . — " That the Charge at the initiation of an Entered Apprentice be printed and bound up with every future edition of the Book of Constitutions . " By W . Bro . Rev . William Westall , P . M . No . 356 . — "In the Book of Constitutions , page 20 , sec . 8 , edition 1855 , to leave oat all from the word ' attend ' to the end of the section , and insert the following : — ' The immediate P . M . may
supply his place ; should that Brother be unable to attend , some other P . M . of such Lodge may act for him , but in every case the P . M . must be a subscribing member of that Lodge . '" By Bro . Ralph A . Benson , S . W . No . 10 . — " That all reports of boards and committees shall , in future , be printed and circulated on their presentation to Grand Lodge . "
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The Masonic Mirror.
The Board have also to report , that in consequence of the great inconvenience experienced from the want of adequate light and sufficient ventilation in the Hall and Temple , they are engaged in an inquiry as to the most suitable mode of obtaining these results , and they have directed a sub-committee to try some experiments in lighting the Hall , at an expense not exceeding £ 20 , and that these
experiments are now in the course of trial . The want of a censer to be used at the dedication of Lodges and other Masonic ceremonies having been frequently felt , the Board beg to report that they have directed one to be purchased ; and they recommend that the M . W . G . M . be respectfully requested to give directions that the vessels used at the consecration of Lodges , and which are the property of Grand Lodge , be allowed to be used at the consecration of any private Lodge which may apply for their use ; such vessels to be under the charge of the G . Dir . of Cers ., and the expense of removal ,
and any damage or loss which may occur , to be made good by the Lodge applying . The Board have further to report , that having received a report from the Library arid Museum Committee , they are of opinion that it is highly desirable , both for the interests of the Order and for the advantage of the Brethren generally , that a fitting and proper room should be provided as a museum and library , which should be open to all members of Grand Lodge under proper regulations . That an earnest invitation be addressed to the Brethren of the Order , wheresoever situate , inviting contributions of Masonic works , or of any objects tending to illustrate the Order : accompanied by an assurance that the Board will spare no efforts
to cause a suitable and fit repository to be provided for their reception . Th e Board have fin ally to report , that a complain t was preferred against the Wellington Lodge , No . 805 , Lewisham , by Bro . John Crosswell , for illegally excluding him . On due inquiry into all the circumstances , the Board found that the Lodge had failed to comply with the requisitions laid down in the Book of Constitutions , inasmuch as they had given Bro . Crosswell no regular notice of the time when the alleged cause of complaint against him would be taken into consideration . The Board have therefore decided that the exclusion of Bro . Crosswell is invalid , and that he is consequently still a member of the Wellington Lodge , No . 805 . Freemasons ' Hall , 18 th November , 1857 .
Election of P . Ms , for Board of Benevolence . PROPOSED MOTIONS . ^ By W . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal , P . M . No . 460 . — " That it is expedient that there should he an annual festival in aid of the funds of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . That the M . W . the G . M . be respectfully requested to fix such a time for the same , as he may deem most conducive to the interest of the said charity . " By W . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal , P . M . No . 460 . — "That the M . W . the G . M . be respectfully informed that no communication has been received from the Prov . G . M . of Berkshire or West Lancashire , in compliance with the return ordered by
Grand Lodge in March ; and that the W . M . the G . M . be respectfully requested to obtain the said return . " By W . Bro . Rev . William Westall , P . M . No . 356 . — " That the Charge at the initiation of an Entered Apprentice be printed and bound up with every future edition of the Book of Constitutions . " By W . Bro . Rev . William Westall , P . M . No . 356 . — "In the Book of Constitutions , page 20 , sec . 8 , edition 1855 , to leave oat all from the word ' attend ' to the end of the section , and insert the following : — ' The immediate P . M . may
supply his place ; should that Brother be unable to attend , some other P . M . of such Lodge may act for him , but in every case the P . M . must be a subscribing member of that Lodge . '" By Bro . Ralph A . Benson , S . W . No . 10 . — " That all reports of boards and committees shall , in future , be printed and circulated on their presentation to Grand Lodge . "