Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 5 of 5 Article METROPOLITAN Page 1 of 9 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
By W . Bro . I ^ rederick Bin ekes , P . M . No . 11 . —" That an additional grant of £ 500 he made to the Widows' Annuity Fund , thus increasing the grant to an amount equal to that voted to each of the other Masonic charities , on the proposition of the M . W . G . M ., in Grand Lodge ,, June 4 , 1856 . " *?
Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 3 ) . —A meeting of the members took place on Wednesday , 11 th November , at the Freemasons' Tavern ; Bro . Gillespie in the chair . Two gentlemen were initiated into the Order , the ceremony being well worked by the W . M . At the conclusion of the Lodge business , the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , supplied with the usual liberality of this celebrated hotel . The W . M ., in proposing " The Army and Navy , " spoke of a Brother of that Lodge , Captain Bailey , who , after having bled in the Crimea , is now fighting against rebellion in the East . He ( the W . M . ) hoped that the Great Architect of
the Universe would spare him to return to them again . Bro . Goldsworthy , P . G . S . D ., the father of the Lodge , was proposed ; who replied by thanking the Brethren , and adverting to the fact of having been associated with that Lodge between fifty and sixty years . Several other toasts followed , and the Brethren separated until the second Wednesday in the ensuing month . The visitors were , Bros . J . G . Reynell , G . G . S ., P . M . No . 31 T ; Merton , No . 7 ; Weekes , No . 340 ; J . Eedpath , No . 112 ; J . M . Leigh , No . 158 ; and F . G . Aubin , jun ., No . 281 . The harmony of the evening w as enhanced by the vocal exertions of Bros . Lawler , Donald King , Taylor , and Miss Ada Taylor .
Someeset House and Inverness Lodge ( No . 4 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 23 rd of November , under the able presidency of Bro . Roxburgh , W . M ., who raised Bro . Count Montemerli to the 3 rd Degree , —most beautifully performing the ceremony in French , Bro . F . Slight , the respected Treasurer of the Lodge , presented the Brethren with a very handsome set of ivory gavels , for the use of the Master and Wardens ; and it was unanimously resolved to record a vote of thanks to the worthy Brother on the minutes , for his handsome present . About thirty of the Brethren afterwards dined together , spending a very pleasant evening .
Boyal York Lodge ( No . 7 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge , held on Wednesday , the 18 th of November , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Isidore Levinson , two Brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree , and one passed to the 2 nd Degree , the ceremonies being performed by the W . M . with his usual care and correctness . The-Brethren afterwards , with their visitors , retired to refreshment provided by the worthy hosts of the Freemasons' Tavern . The usual toasts having been disposed of , Bro . Hopwood , P . M . and parent of the Lodge , in a very
feeling address , proposed tlie health of the W . M ., and , in terms of well-merited praise , alluded to his kindness of disposition , and to the great interest he ( the W . M . ) had always shown , and more particularly during the past year , in all matters connected with the welfare and prosperity of the Lodge . The toast was received with every demonstration of fraternal affection ; and Bro . Levinson , in returning thanks , was evidently much affected ; lie assured the Brethren that everything had been , and should he for the future , done by him to preserve the
harmony of the Lodge . Tlie health of " The Visitors" was responded to by Bros . Snelland Head ' ; "The Past Masters , " by Bro . John Hervey , P . G . S . D . ; "The Wardens , " by Bro . Colli ngs , Prov . G . Beg . of Wiltshire ; and " The Junior Officers / ' by Bro . Bohn , W . M . No . 955 . The visitors , as usual at this Lodge , were very numerous . Amongst them we noticed Bros . Edward Snell , P . M . No . 5 ; J . Bnrnside , of the Felix Lodge , Aden ; Benjamin Head , P . M . No . 5 ; the Rev . Lewis P . Mercier , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , Warwickshire ; E , Becker ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
By W . Bro . I ^ rederick Bin ekes , P . M . No . 11 . —" That an additional grant of £ 500 he made to the Widows' Annuity Fund , thus increasing the grant to an amount equal to that voted to each of the other Masonic charities , on the proposition of the M . W . G . M ., in Grand Lodge ,, June 4 , 1856 . " *?
Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 3 ) . —A meeting of the members took place on Wednesday , 11 th November , at the Freemasons' Tavern ; Bro . Gillespie in the chair . Two gentlemen were initiated into the Order , the ceremony being well worked by the W . M . At the conclusion of the Lodge business , the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , supplied with the usual liberality of this celebrated hotel . The W . M ., in proposing " The Army and Navy , " spoke of a Brother of that Lodge , Captain Bailey , who , after having bled in the Crimea , is now fighting against rebellion in the East . He ( the W . M . ) hoped that the Great Architect of
the Universe would spare him to return to them again . Bro . Goldsworthy , P . G . S . D ., the father of the Lodge , was proposed ; who replied by thanking the Brethren , and adverting to the fact of having been associated with that Lodge between fifty and sixty years . Several other toasts followed , and the Brethren separated until the second Wednesday in the ensuing month . The visitors were , Bros . J . G . Reynell , G . G . S ., P . M . No . 31 T ; Merton , No . 7 ; Weekes , No . 340 ; J . Eedpath , No . 112 ; J . M . Leigh , No . 158 ; and F . G . Aubin , jun ., No . 281 . The harmony of the evening w as enhanced by the vocal exertions of Bros . Lawler , Donald King , Taylor , and Miss Ada Taylor .
Someeset House and Inverness Lodge ( No . 4 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 23 rd of November , under the able presidency of Bro . Roxburgh , W . M ., who raised Bro . Count Montemerli to the 3 rd Degree , —most beautifully performing the ceremony in French , Bro . F . Slight , the respected Treasurer of the Lodge , presented the Brethren with a very handsome set of ivory gavels , for the use of the Master and Wardens ; and it was unanimously resolved to record a vote of thanks to the worthy Brother on the minutes , for his handsome present . About thirty of the Brethren afterwards dined together , spending a very pleasant evening .
Boyal York Lodge ( No . 7 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge , held on Wednesday , the 18 th of November , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Isidore Levinson , two Brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree , and one passed to the 2 nd Degree , the ceremonies being performed by the W . M . with his usual care and correctness . The-Brethren afterwards , with their visitors , retired to refreshment provided by the worthy hosts of the Freemasons' Tavern . The usual toasts having been disposed of , Bro . Hopwood , P . M . and parent of the Lodge , in a very
feeling address , proposed tlie health of the W . M ., and , in terms of well-merited praise , alluded to his kindness of disposition , and to the great interest he ( the W . M . ) had always shown , and more particularly during the past year , in all matters connected with the welfare and prosperity of the Lodge . The toast was received with every demonstration of fraternal affection ; and Bro . Levinson , in returning thanks , was evidently much affected ; lie assured the Brethren that everything had been , and should he for the future , done by him to preserve the
harmony of the Lodge . Tlie health of " The Visitors" was responded to by Bros . Snelland Head ' ; "The Past Masters , " by Bro . John Hervey , P . G . S . D . ; "The Wardens , " by Bro . Colli ngs , Prov . G . Beg . of Wiltshire ; and " The Junior Officers / ' by Bro . Bohn , W . M . No . 955 . The visitors , as usual at this Lodge , were very numerous . Amongst them we noticed Bros . Edward Snell , P . M . No . 5 ; J . Bnrnside , of the Felix Lodge , Aden ; Benjamin Head , P . M . No . 5 ; the Rev . Lewis P . Mercier , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , Warwickshire ; E , Becker ,