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No . 630 , *& e . & c . The election for W . M . for the ensuing year will take place at the meeting of the Lodge in December next , and , from the great share of popularity Bro . Collings enjoys , little doubt can be entertained of the result . Albion Lodg-e ( No . 0 ) . —At the , monthly meeting of this Lodge , on the 2 nd November , a Brother found duly qualified was raised to the 3 rd Degree .
Enoch Lodge ( No . 11 ) . — The long vacation over , the meetings of this Lodge were resumed on Wednesday , 11 th November , when the members assembled at the Freemasons' Tavern / under the presidency of their W . M ., Bro . W . S . Masterman , who initiated Mr . Henry Ebblewhite into the mysteries of the Craft , and passed Bro . Sinnott to the 2 nd Degree , receiving able assistance from his various officers . A somewhat lengthened discussion ensued on a motion of which due notice had been given , having for its object the constitution of a class of
members who , having belonged to the Lodge for five years , or having passed the chair , may be allowed to continue their membership by payment of £ 1 annually , and the banqueting fee on every occasion of their dining . This plan _ , or one very similar , has , we know , been found to work well in many Lodges , though we give no opinion on its merits here . It has , however , we see , been characterized as u unwise" in the columns of a contemporary , and as the author of the remarks therein is a Brother highly and deservedly esteemed for his intimate acquaintance
with every subject appertaining to Masonic discipline and practice , we cannot help attaching much weight to the sentiments of so undoubted an authority . We understand there was a considerable amount of " speechifying" on the occasion , though perhaps not more than was necessary , seeing that a motion of this nature would naturally require some elucidation as to its details and general bearings . That some of the speakers were " tiresome , " we think highly probable ; and it has been conveyed to us that the remarks of one of the opponents of the motion were
couched in the worst possible taste , and were severely animadverted vapon by many of those present . Through some mistake , which was much regretted , and not on its merits , the motion fell to the ground , whereupon fresh notice was given , and it will come on for discussion at the next meeting , in December . The banquet 'was attended by thirty-four Brethren , amongst whom were three visitors , viz . — Bros . E . Crew , P . M . No . 1 ; Emmens , P . M . No . 201 ; and W . G-. Boss . The noticeable events of the evening were the presence of eleven P . Ms , of the Lodge ,
the excellent and characteristically amusing singing of Bro . Boss , and a most telling and effective speech from Bro . Crew , in response for the toast of " The Visitors / ' in which he alluded to the claims of the various Masonic charities upon tlie sympathy and support of the Craft , supporting his appeal in a manner which none but himself can parallel . Bro . Crew also contributed some delightful songs , as did Bros . Donald King and C . Watson , thus materially adding to the enjoyment of an evening which was rendered complete by the unflagging attention of the respected Dir . of Cers ., Bro . Temple , P . M .
Kent Lodge ( No . 15 ) . —This highly flourishing Lodge held its second meeting this season on Wednesday , the 11 th November , at Bro . Harris ' s , the Three Tuns , High-street , Bow . The business of the evening consisted of three raisings , two passings , and three initiations , the whole of which ceremonies were worked in a very efficient manner by Bro . 0 . C . Gibbs , W . M ., assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Bogers and Mariner , At the conclusion of the ceremonies , the W . M . called on Bro . Bkdiard Barnes , P . M . and Treas . ( also the Father of the Lodge ) , to perforin the pleasing duty of presenting to Bro . Henry Smith , P . M ., a Past Master ' s jewel , which was unanimously voted to him by the members , as a token of tho kind and brotherly feeling entertained towards him by his Brethren . Bro . Barnes observed that very great credit was due to Bro . Smith , not only for his courtesy at
all times to his Brethren , but also for his kind and philanthropic feelings towards the necessities of them and their widows ; and he felt highly delighted at the request of the Lodge to present this token of their esteem to one so deserving , and trusted that he would ever consider and wear it as such . Bro . Smith , with feelings of emotion , assured the Brethren that it would be highly prized by him , aB a
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No . 630 , *& e . & c . The election for W . M . for the ensuing year will take place at the meeting of the Lodge in December next , and , from the great share of popularity Bro . Collings enjoys , little doubt can be entertained of the result . Albion Lodg-e ( No . 0 ) . —At the , monthly meeting of this Lodge , on the 2 nd November , a Brother found duly qualified was raised to the 3 rd Degree .
Enoch Lodge ( No . 11 ) . — The long vacation over , the meetings of this Lodge were resumed on Wednesday , 11 th November , when the members assembled at the Freemasons' Tavern / under the presidency of their W . M ., Bro . W . S . Masterman , who initiated Mr . Henry Ebblewhite into the mysteries of the Craft , and passed Bro . Sinnott to the 2 nd Degree , receiving able assistance from his various officers . A somewhat lengthened discussion ensued on a motion of which due notice had been given , having for its object the constitution of a class of
members who , having belonged to the Lodge for five years , or having passed the chair , may be allowed to continue their membership by payment of £ 1 annually , and the banqueting fee on every occasion of their dining . This plan _ , or one very similar , has , we know , been found to work well in many Lodges , though we give no opinion on its merits here . It has , however , we see , been characterized as u unwise" in the columns of a contemporary , and as the author of the remarks therein is a Brother highly and deservedly esteemed for his intimate acquaintance
with every subject appertaining to Masonic discipline and practice , we cannot help attaching much weight to the sentiments of so undoubted an authority . We understand there was a considerable amount of " speechifying" on the occasion , though perhaps not more than was necessary , seeing that a motion of this nature would naturally require some elucidation as to its details and general bearings . That some of the speakers were " tiresome , " we think highly probable ; and it has been conveyed to us that the remarks of one of the opponents of the motion were
couched in the worst possible taste , and were severely animadverted vapon by many of those present . Through some mistake , which was much regretted , and not on its merits , the motion fell to the ground , whereupon fresh notice was given , and it will come on for discussion at the next meeting , in December . The banquet 'was attended by thirty-four Brethren , amongst whom were three visitors , viz . — Bros . E . Crew , P . M . No . 1 ; Emmens , P . M . No . 201 ; and W . G-. Boss . The noticeable events of the evening were the presence of eleven P . Ms , of the Lodge ,
the excellent and characteristically amusing singing of Bro . Boss , and a most telling and effective speech from Bro . Crew , in response for the toast of " The Visitors / ' in which he alluded to the claims of the various Masonic charities upon tlie sympathy and support of the Craft , supporting his appeal in a manner which none but himself can parallel . Bro . Crew also contributed some delightful songs , as did Bros . Donald King and C . Watson , thus materially adding to the enjoyment of an evening which was rendered complete by the unflagging attention of the respected Dir . of Cers ., Bro . Temple , P . M .
Kent Lodge ( No . 15 ) . —This highly flourishing Lodge held its second meeting this season on Wednesday , the 11 th November , at Bro . Harris ' s , the Three Tuns , High-street , Bow . The business of the evening consisted of three raisings , two passings , and three initiations , the whole of which ceremonies were worked in a very efficient manner by Bro . 0 . C . Gibbs , W . M ., assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Bogers and Mariner , At the conclusion of the ceremonies , the W . M . called on Bro . Bkdiard Barnes , P . M . and Treas . ( also the Father of the Lodge ) , to perforin the pleasing duty of presenting to Bro . Henry Smith , P . M ., a Past Master ' s jewel , which was unanimously voted to him by the members , as a token of tho kind and brotherly feeling entertained towards him by his Brethren . Bro . Barnes observed that very great credit was due to Bro . Smith , not only for his courtesy at
all times to his Brethren , but also for his kind and philanthropic feelings towards the necessities of them and their widows ; and he felt highly delighted at the request of the Lodge to present this token of their esteem to one so deserving , and trusted that he would ever consider and wear it as such . Bro . Smith , with feelings of emotion , assured the Brethren that it would be highly prized by him , aB a