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token of their approbation of his conduct . The Brethren , about thirty in number , adjourned to an elegant banquet , prepared in Bro . Harris ' s usual recherche style . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , which were duly responded to .
Neptune Lodge ( No . 22 ) . — The Brethren of this Lodge assembled for the second time this season at Badley ' s Hotel , in New Bridge-street , on Thursday , the 29 th October ( present , Bros . James Ashwell , W . M . ; Batty , S . W . ; Farran , J . W . ; and several Bast Masters and Brethren ) , when Bros . Clapp and Earle were passed to the 2 nd Degree . At the request of the W . M ., Bro . Henry Muggeridge gave the explanation of the Lodge-board , to the great delight of the Brethren . It is to be regretted that this most important elucidation of Masonry is so seldom heard out of Lodges of Instruction ; we cannot but think it would he well if it were made imperative to be delivered in all Lodges at least once in every year . Bros . Gibbs , W . M .. N o * 15 , Catlin , Green , How , and Nelthorpe , were visitors .
Bobert Burns Lodge ( No . 25 ) . —The above Lodge met for the second time this season , on Monday , November 2 , at the Freemasons' Tavern , sixty-five members being present . Bro . Clements , the W . M ., as visual , presided , and performed the various duties in excellent style ; and when we say that five initiations , five passings , and one raising , were carried through , independent of other important inatters , it will be seen that the work was exceedingly heavy . However , the W . M . did his working admirably , receiving the congratulations of the members for the excellent lesson it afforded them . The W . M . acknowledged
the compliments of the Brethren , and assured them that he felt proud of being able to do his duty ; he had to thank Bro . Bennett , his Senior Warden , and the rest of the officers , for their attendance and efficiency . The gentlemen-initiated were Messrs . Bose , Herring , Sommers , Hutchings , and Dawes ; the passings being Bros . Bendall , Lyon , Benjamin , Moss , and Cant . Bro . Haite received the degree ofM . M . The visitors present were Bro . Gibbs , W . M ., No . 15 , Dartford ; Bro . Simpson , No . " 152 ; Bro . Harrison , P . M . No . 202 ; Bro . Boyd , No . 169 ; Bro . Thomas , No . 745 : Bro . Carter , Bro . Budd , No . 103 ; and Bro . J . W . Adams ,
B . M ., No . 169 , the last of whom w as proposed as a joining member . Five more gentlemen were proposed , making a list of nine on the books for initiation . The Master said he should call an Emergency on the 30 th , so that they might be able to receive all the candidates . He , the W . M ., must , at the same time , congratulate the Lodge , not only on its increasing numbers , but also on its respectability . Their list of members now showed upwards of one hundred , and yet "the cry is still they come . " During the evening , it was announced that two pounds were voted from the benevolent fund to a distressed Brother .
Globe Lodge ( No . 28 ) . —An Emergency meeting of this Lodge took place , on Thursday , 19 th Nov ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , a large assemblage of Brethren being present . The W . M ., Bro . Goodman , presided , and initiated into the privileges and mysteries of Freemasonry the following gentlemen : —Messrs . F . J . Hill , John Day , Henry E . Thompson , and J . S . Ridley , all of whom appeared duly impressed with the beauty of the cerernonv . Brother Nappi received the Degree of
M . M . j after which the Brethren partook of an elegant banquet , at the conclusion of which the W . M . gave the usual Masonic toasts , and , in proposing " The Past Masters , " adverted to the very flourishing state of the Lodge , complimenting Bro . Blackburn , P . M . and Sec , and Bro . William Watson , who had rescued the Lodge , some short time since , from extinction . " The Initiates" was proposed , and duly responded to . There was some good singing , and the Brethren dispersed soon after eleven o ' clock .
Bihtannto Lodge ( No . 38 ) . —The members of this excellent Lodge met at the Thatched House , on the 13 th November , when two Brethren were passed , and three raised to their respective Degrees .
G-ihon LonoM ( No . 57 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge on the 19 th November , two gentlemen were initiated into the Order , and Bro . Sowden elected as W . M , for the coming year .
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token of their approbation of his conduct . The Brethren , about thirty in number , adjourned to an elegant banquet , prepared in Bro . Harris ' s usual recherche style . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , which were duly responded to .
Neptune Lodge ( No . 22 ) . — The Brethren of this Lodge assembled for the second time this season at Badley ' s Hotel , in New Bridge-street , on Thursday , the 29 th October ( present , Bros . James Ashwell , W . M . ; Batty , S . W . ; Farran , J . W . ; and several Bast Masters and Brethren ) , when Bros . Clapp and Earle were passed to the 2 nd Degree . At the request of the W . M ., Bro . Henry Muggeridge gave the explanation of the Lodge-board , to the great delight of the Brethren . It is to be regretted that this most important elucidation of Masonry is so seldom heard out of Lodges of Instruction ; we cannot but think it would he well if it were made imperative to be delivered in all Lodges at least once in every year . Bros . Gibbs , W . M .. N o * 15 , Catlin , Green , How , and Nelthorpe , were visitors .
Bobert Burns Lodge ( No . 25 ) . —The above Lodge met for the second time this season , on Monday , November 2 , at the Freemasons' Tavern , sixty-five members being present . Bro . Clements , the W . M ., as visual , presided , and performed the various duties in excellent style ; and when we say that five initiations , five passings , and one raising , were carried through , independent of other important inatters , it will be seen that the work was exceedingly heavy . However , the W . M . did his working admirably , receiving the congratulations of the members for the excellent lesson it afforded them . The W . M . acknowledged
the compliments of the Brethren , and assured them that he felt proud of being able to do his duty ; he had to thank Bro . Bennett , his Senior Warden , and the rest of the officers , for their attendance and efficiency . The gentlemen-initiated were Messrs . Bose , Herring , Sommers , Hutchings , and Dawes ; the passings being Bros . Bendall , Lyon , Benjamin , Moss , and Cant . Bro . Haite received the degree ofM . M . The visitors present were Bro . Gibbs , W . M ., No . 15 , Dartford ; Bro . Simpson , No . " 152 ; Bro . Harrison , P . M . No . 202 ; Bro . Boyd , No . 169 ; Bro . Thomas , No . 745 : Bro . Carter , Bro . Budd , No . 103 ; and Bro . J . W . Adams ,
B . M ., No . 169 , the last of whom w as proposed as a joining member . Five more gentlemen were proposed , making a list of nine on the books for initiation . The Master said he should call an Emergency on the 30 th , so that they might be able to receive all the candidates . He , the W . M ., must , at the same time , congratulate the Lodge , not only on its increasing numbers , but also on its respectability . Their list of members now showed upwards of one hundred , and yet "the cry is still they come . " During the evening , it was announced that two pounds were voted from the benevolent fund to a distressed Brother .
Globe Lodge ( No . 28 ) . —An Emergency meeting of this Lodge took place , on Thursday , 19 th Nov ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , a large assemblage of Brethren being present . The W . M ., Bro . Goodman , presided , and initiated into the privileges and mysteries of Freemasonry the following gentlemen : —Messrs . F . J . Hill , John Day , Henry E . Thompson , and J . S . Ridley , all of whom appeared duly impressed with the beauty of the cerernonv . Brother Nappi received the Degree of
M . M . j after which the Brethren partook of an elegant banquet , at the conclusion of which the W . M . gave the usual Masonic toasts , and , in proposing " The Past Masters , " adverted to the very flourishing state of the Lodge , complimenting Bro . Blackburn , P . M . and Sec , and Bro . William Watson , who had rescued the Lodge , some short time since , from extinction . " The Initiates" was proposed , and duly responded to . There was some good singing , and the Brethren dispersed soon after eleven o ' clock .
Bihtannto Lodge ( No . 38 ) . —The members of this excellent Lodge met at the Thatched House , on the 13 th November , when two Brethren were passed , and three raised to their respective Degrees .
G-ihon LonoM ( No . 57 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge on the 19 th November , two gentlemen were initiated into the Order , and Bro . Sowden elected as W . M , for the coming year .