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LodgeVof Felicity ( No . 66 ) . —This Lodge met on Monday , 16 th Nov ., at the London Tavern , Bro . R . Kynaston , P . G . S ., W . M . The business was the raising of one Brother to the Third Degree . Lodge business being closed , the Brethren partook of a very excellent banquet .
Royal Jubilee Lodge ( No . 85 ) . —The members of this Lodge met for the despatch of Masonic business , on Monday , November 2 , at Bro . Clemow ' s , Anderton ' s Hotel ; Bro . Hayward , P . M ., officiating for the W . M ., who was unavoidably absent . Bro . James was passed to the 2 nd Degree , and Bro . Lascelles ; raised to the third , the ceremonies being well performed by Bro . Hayward , assisted by Bro . Henry Garrod , W . M . No . 206 , who performed the offices of I . G . and Deacon . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to an excellent banquet . The
W . M ., Bro . Sargeant , having arrived , presided with his usual ability , and a pleasant evening resulted . The P . Ms , present were Bros . Hayward , Coefield ( secretary ) , Stroud , and Parr , who , in' returning thanks for the toast of " The Past Masters , " took the opportunity of expressing his regret at the paucity of attendance of officers ; hoping for the future , that the Brethren holdingoffice would endeavour to be a little more attentive to the Master and their duties , and not require the Jubilee Lodge to ask assistance at the hands of brother visitors .
Mount Lebanon LoDaE ( No . 87 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous and numerous Lodge took place on Tuesday , 17 th November , at Bro . Coulton ' s , Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . The Lodge was duly opened by Bro . E . Smith , W . M . The WM . raised Bro . W , II . Goodwin to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason , passed Bro . Strahn to the Degree of a Fellow-Craft , and initiated Mr . S . Benjafield into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The whole of the ceremonies were performed in his usual excellent manner . After the business was concluded , ahout thirty of the Brethren retired to an excellent banquet , and spent a very pleasant evening . The visitors were Bros . Whitehouse , P . M . No . 15 ; Welsford , I . G . No . 805 .
Moira Lodge ( No . 109 ) . —The first meeting of the season was held on Tuesday , the 27 th of October , at the London Tavern , in Bishopsgate-street , Bro . F . Slight , W . M . A ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . George Simons , late of No . 76 , as a joining member , and also for Mr . Vincent Wanostrocht ; in hoth instances the result was declared to be unanimous , and the latter , being in attendance , was initiated . Bro . Thomas E . Smith was raised to the 3 rd Degree . All business being closed , the Brethren adjourned to a most excellent banquet , under the superintendence of Mr . Chater , the new proprietor . There was a numerous attendance of the members and some visitors ; among the latter we noticed the V . W . Bro . D . Gooch , D . Bro v . G . M . for Wiltshire ; Bros . Briggs , Flynn , S . Ledger , Boberts , and Bristow .
Lodge of ' Good Repout ( No . 158 ) . —This Lodge held the usual monthly meeting on Thursday , November 5 , at Radley ' s Hotel , the assemblage of Brethren being numerous . Bro . Newman Ward , W . M ., presided , and initiated Mr . Joseph Manuel Leigh into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry ; and passed to the 2 nd Degree Bros . Blythe , Gomme , and Jourdain . The working was highly creditable to the Lodge , the Officers being fully up to the mark . Business concluded , the Brethren partook of a first-rate banquet , and a pleasant evening was passed in harmony and the interchange of Masonic sentiments . The Lodge was honoured by the presence of several visitors , among whom we noticed Bros . M'Namara ,
Horsley , Redpath , Lawrence , and Morrison . Lodge of Faith ( No . 165 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled at Bro . Conchman ' s , Vauxhall-road , on the 24 th November , when a candidate was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry ; two Brethren passed , and one raised . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to supper , and passed a happy evening .
Pjiudeft Bukthhen" Lodge ( No . 169 ) . —A meeting of this now flourishing Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , Nov . 24 , under the able presidency of Bro . Blackburn , W . M . Bro . Daker was duly raised to the 3 rd Degree , and Messrs , Thorpe and Baker initiated into the Order . Bro . Charles Hart ,
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LodgeVof Felicity ( No . 66 ) . —This Lodge met on Monday , 16 th Nov ., at the London Tavern , Bro . R . Kynaston , P . G . S ., W . M . The business was the raising of one Brother to the Third Degree . Lodge business being closed , the Brethren partook of a very excellent banquet .
Royal Jubilee Lodge ( No . 85 ) . —The members of this Lodge met for the despatch of Masonic business , on Monday , November 2 , at Bro . Clemow ' s , Anderton ' s Hotel ; Bro . Hayward , P . M ., officiating for the W . M ., who was unavoidably absent . Bro . James was passed to the 2 nd Degree , and Bro . Lascelles ; raised to the third , the ceremonies being well performed by Bro . Hayward , assisted by Bro . Henry Garrod , W . M . No . 206 , who performed the offices of I . G . and Deacon . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to an excellent banquet . The
W . M ., Bro . Sargeant , having arrived , presided with his usual ability , and a pleasant evening resulted . The P . Ms , present were Bros . Hayward , Coefield ( secretary ) , Stroud , and Parr , who , in' returning thanks for the toast of " The Past Masters , " took the opportunity of expressing his regret at the paucity of attendance of officers ; hoping for the future , that the Brethren holdingoffice would endeavour to be a little more attentive to the Master and their duties , and not require the Jubilee Lodge to ask assistance at the hands of brother visitors .
Mount Lebanon LoDaE ( No . 87 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous and numerous Lodge took place on Tuesday , 17 th November , at Bro . Coulton ' s , Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . The Lodge was duly opened by Bro . E . Smith , W . M . The WM . raised Bro . W , II . Goodwin to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason , passed Bro . Strahn to the Degree of a Fellow-Craft , and initiated Mr . S . Benjafield into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The whole of the ceremonies were performed in his usual excellent manner . After the business was concluded , ahout thirty of the Brethren retired to an excellent banquet , and spent a very pleasant evening . The visitors were Bros . Whitehouse , P . M . No . 15 ; Welsford , I . G . No . 805 .
Moira Lodge ( No . 109 ) . —The first meeting of the season was held on Tuesday , the 27 th of October , at the London Tavern , in Bishopsgate-street , Bro . F . Slight , W . M . A ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . George Simons , late of No . 76 , as a joining member , and also for Mr . Vincent Wanostrocht ; in hoth instances the result was declared to be unanimous , and the latter , being in attendance , was initiated . Bro . Thomas E . Smith was raised to the 3 rd Degree . All business being closed , the Brethren adjourned to a most excellent banquet , under the superintendence of Mr . Chater , the new proprietor . There was a numerous attendance of the members and some visitors ; among the latter we noticed the V . W . Bro . D . Gooch , D . Bro v . G . M . for Wiltshire ; Bros . Briggs , Flynn , S . Ledger , Boberts , and Bristow .
Lodge of ' Good Repout ( No . 158 ) . —This Lodge held the usual monthly meeting on Thursday , November 5 , at Radley ' s Hotel , the assemblage of Brethren being numerous . Bro . Newman Ward , W . M ., presided , and initiated Mr . Joseph Manuel Leigh into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry ; and passed to the 2 nd Degree Bros . Blythe , Gomme , and Jourdain . The working was highly creditable to the Lodge , the Officers being fully up to the mark . Business concluded , the Brethren partook of a first-rate banquet , and a pleasant evening was passed in harmony and the interchange of Masonic sentiments . The Lodge was honoured by the presence of several visitors , among whom we noticed Bros . M'Namara ,
Horsley , Redpath , Lawrence , and Morrison . Lodge of Faith ( No . 165 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled at Bro . Conchman ' s , Vauxhall-road , on the 24 th November , when a candidate was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry ; two Brethren passed , and one raised . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to supper , and passed a happy evening .
Pjiudeft Bukthhen" Lodge ( No . 169 ) . —A meeting of this now flourishing Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , Nov . 24 , under the able presidency of Bro . Blackburn , W . M . Bro . Daker was duly raised to the 3 rd Degree , and Messrs , Thorpe and Baker initiated into the Order . Bro . Charles Hart ,