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Histoky Of The Ancient And Accepted Bite...
The following ballustre , previously published , gives the estimate set upon the pretensions of the Atwood Supreme Councillors : —
Into ! Sotot § x % < f wliManfe $ tr $ mm fnptk DEUS MEUMQTJE JUS . ORDO AB CHAO . JFrcttt tfye dB & $ t of the Supreme Grand Council of the M . P . Sovereigns , Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and last Degree . " Ancient and Accepted Bite , under the C . C . of the Zenith , near the B . E ., answering to 40 ° 42 ' 40 " N . L ., and 2 ° 51 ' 0 '' EX ., Meridian of Washington City .
To our Illustrious , most Valiant and Sublime Princes of tlie Royal Secret , Knights of K- — -H , Illustrious Princes and Knights , Qrand , Ineffable , and Sublime , Free and Accepted Masons of all Degrees , ancient and modern , over the surface of the twoHemispheres ; ¦
¦;—TO ALL TO WHOM THESE LETTERS SHALL COME , GREETING : HEALTH—STABILITY—POWER . 3 £ ttOu ? || c , That at a Stated Session of the Supreme Grand Council of the M v P ¦¦¦ .. * Sovereigns , Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and last Degree " Ancient and Accepted Bite , " duly and legally ^ established , constituted and organized for ffye Northern Masonic District and Jurisdiction of the United States of North America , held on the 30 th day of the 3 rd lunar month , called Sivan , An ° * Heb - 5611 , Bes - 2387 , Ord s- 733 , et M ™ - 537 , and of the Christian Era , the 30 th day of June , 1851 , at their Gkand East , New York City :
It was unanimously resolved , decreed , and ordered , that the following official Manifesto be published , and sent forth to all the various Masonic Grand Bodies over the two Hemispheres . Whereas , a certain printed paper , in the assumed garb of a Masonic document , purporting to emanate from a pretended "Sublime Consistory of Sovereign Princes of the Boyal Secret , and Supreme Grand Council of the Thirty-three
Degrees , of and for the State of New York , " has , since the last Stated Session of this Supreme Grand Council , been artfully prepared and disseminated among the Masonic fraternity , under date of the 7 th of April , 1851 , with two counterfeited stamps , and-the following names appended thereto , to wit : —Henry C . Atwood , John W . Timson , John W . Simons , Edmund B . Hayes , Daniel Sickles , George E . Marshall , Thomas Hyatt , A . Colo Veloni , and David Cochrane , all of which was also republished in the American Keystone of the 23 rd of April last .
The covert attacks made in said paper on our Supreme Grand Council , and our venerable and venerated chief , the slanderous insinuations and illogical deductions for which that paper is remarkable , render it too contemptible for serious comment . Its false assumptions and misrepresentations of well-known and well-established facts , if they are not wilful perversions of the truth , evince gross ignorance of the true principles of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masonry .
The said paper having been read and fully considered , it was unanimously declared to be , and is hereby denounced as a most outrageous imposture and conspiracy against our most Illustrious Order in general , and this Supreme Grand Council in particular . And Whfjieah , said conspiracy and imposture have been further developed in a second publication in the New York Ilerald of the 20 th inst ., and in the New York Express of the day following , purporting to be a notice of the pretended establishment of a " Supreme Grand Council for the Northern Hemisphere (!) of the United States of America /' with the following names as officers thereof , headed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Histoky Of The Ancient And Accepted Bite...
The following ballustre , previously published , gives the estimate set upon the pretensions of the Atwood Supreme Councillors : —
Into ! Sotot § x % < f wliManfe $ tr $ mm fnptk DEUS MEUMQTJE JUS . ORDO AB CHAO . JFrcttt tfye dB & $ t of the Supreme Grand Council of the M . P . Sovereigns , Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and last Degree . " Ancient and Accepted Bite , under the C . C . of the Zenith , near the B . E ., answering to 40 ° 42 ' 40 " N . L ., and 2 ° 51 ' 0 '' EX ., Meridian of Washington City .
To our Illustrious , most Valiant and Sublime Princes of tlie Royal Secret , Knights of K- — -H , Illustrious Princes and Knights , Qrand , Ineffable , and Sublime , Free and Accepted Masons of all Degrees , ancient and modern , over the surface of the twoHemispheres ; ¦
¦;—TO ALL TO WHOM THESE LETTERS SHALL COME , GREETING : HEALTH—STABILITY—POWER . 3 £ ttOu ? || c , That at a Stated Session of the Supreme Grand Council of the M v P ¦¦¦ .. * Sovereigns , Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and last Degree " Ancient and Accepted Bite , " duly and legally ^ established , constituted and organized for ffye Northern Masonic District and Jurisdiction of the United States of North America , held on the 30 th day of the 3 rd lunar month , called Sivan , An ° * Heb - 5611 , Bes - 2387 , Ord s- 733 , et M ™ - 537 , and of the Christian Era , the 30 th day of June , 1851 , at their Gkand East , New York City :
It was unanimously resolved , decreed , and ordered , that the following official Manifesto be published , and sent forth to all the various Masonic Grand Bodies over the two Hemispheres . Whereas , a certain printed paper , in the assumed garb of a Masonic document , purporting to emanate from a pretended "Sublime Consistory of Sovereign Princes of the Boyal Secret , and Supreme Grand Council of the Thirty-three
Degrees , of and for the State of New York , " has , since the last Stated Session of this Supreme Grand Council , been artfully prepared and disseminated among the Masonic fraternity , under date of the 7 th of April , 1851 , with two counterfeited stamps , and-the following names appended thereto , to wit : —Henry C . Atwood , John W . Timson , John W . Simons , Edmund B . Hayes , Daniel Sickles , George E . Marshall , Thomas Hyatt , A . Colo Veloni , and David Cochrane , all of which was also republished in the American Keystone of the 23 rd of April last .
The covert attacks made in said paper on our Supreme Grand Council , and our venerable and venerated chief , the slanderous insinuations and illogical deductions for which that paper is remarkable , render it too contemptible for serious comment . Its false assumptions and misrepresentations of well-known and well-established facts , if they are not wilful perversions of the truth , evince gross ignorance of the true principles of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masonry .
The said paper having been read and fully considered , it was unanimously declared to be , and is hereby denounced as a most outrageous imposture and conspiracy against our most Illustrious Order in general , and this Supreme Grand Council in particular . And Whfjieah , said conspiracy and imposture have been further developed in a second publication in the New York Ilerald of the 20 th inst ., and in the New York Express of the day following , purporting to be a notice of the pretended establishment of a " Supreme Grand Council for the Northern Hemisphere (!) of the United States of America /' with the following names as officers thereof , headed