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sided over- by the W . M . The visitors present were : —Bros . Anslow , P . M . ; Odell ; Arnold , J . W . and Stewart , —Bro . Anslow returning thanks upon the visitors healths being drunk , and bearing his emphatic testimony to the excellence which had characterized all the ceremonies of the evening . Manchester Lodge ( No . 209 ) . —The meeting of this Lodge took place on the 19 th November , at Anderton ' s Hotel , under the able presidency of Bro . M . Levinson , the W . M .- , when one raising and two passings were very impressively
performed . The Lodge has now excellent furniture , and the appointments , which have been contributed by the members , are unique . On the motion , by Bro . Collard , that the several contributions from the Brethren the Lodge furniture be recorded on the minutes , the W . M ., in seconding the proposition , congratulated the Lodge on having attained so desirable an object—a perfect set of furniture without drawing on the resources of the Lodge-funds . This was mainly attributable to the extraordinary zeal and perseverance of P . M . Bro . Collard , in having
accomplished so laudable an undertaking . After disposing of other routin 3 business , and a proposition of a gentleman for initiation , the Brethren adjourned to refreshment , which was served in a very satisfactory manner by the worthy host , Bro . Clemow . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . J . Levinson , W . M . No . 7 ; Gurton , W . M . No . 211 ; Lambert , W . M . No . 234 ; Odell , P . M . No . 165 ; Paunchand , No . 7 , \ Jenkins , & c . After a pleasant evening , which was enhanced by excellent harmony , the Brethren retired at an early hour . This Lodge is rising to an eminence amply merited by its hospitality and strict observance of the ritual and harmony .
St . James ' s Union Lodge ( No . 211 ) . —This numerous Lodge held its second meeting for the season on Tuesday , 10 th November , at the Freemasons' Tavern , nearly fifty Brethren being present . The W . M ., Bro . John Gurton , took his seat at six o ' clock , supported by Bros . Crofton , S . W ., and Stacey , who most ably officiated , both as S . D . and J . D . Bro . Garner , the father of the Lodge , acted as
J . W . ; the P . Ms , present being , Bros . Kennedy , Kelly , G . Gurton , & c . Bros . Boyle and Walker were raised to the Degree of M . M . Bros . Gill , Pardow , and Goodeson were entrusted wdth the 2 nd Degree ; and Messrs . Charles , Henry Swann , and Andrew R . Clark initiated into the Order . Bro . H . P . Tuck , of
Malta , was balloted for , and received as a joining member , —the arduous ceremonies and duties being beautifully rendered by the W . M . Before closing the Lodge , it was proposed that five guineas should be voted from the Lodge fund , and a further subscription raised among the members , for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to Bro . John Gurton , who had nearly completed two years as Master of No . 211 , and who had never been absent from his duties once during that period . It was urged that the W . M * had raised the Lodge to the high
position it held in the Craft . He , also , was the first to introduce a Benevolent Fund to the Lodge , for the relief of the aged members , —an example that all Lodges would do well to follow . The proposal for the testimonial was warmly seconded , and a committee formed to carry out the arrangements ; after which the Brethren adjourned to banquet , which was followed by the usual toasts . The Master , in proposing "The Officers , " called the attention of the Lodge to the services of their excellent Secretary , Bro . Lacon , who was always at his post , and
to whom he ( Bro . Gurton ) was indebted for his introduction to the St . James ' s Lodge . The visitors upon this occasion were : —Bros . Collard , P . M . No . 209 , W . M . No . 168 ; Archer , S . W . No . 166 ; Stuart , No . 1 , Scotland ; Boyd , No . 778 ; Barnshaw , No . 752 ; Lindsay T . Pillan , No ., 548 , Sydney . An excellent musical entertainment added to the pleasures of the meeting , the vocalists being Bros . E . Hart , Taylor , Charles Hart , J . Gurton , and Miss Ada Taylor .
Lion and Lamb Lodge ( No . 227 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , November 5 , at the Bridge House Hotel , Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M ., presiding , in the absence of Bro . Jackson , the W . M ., when Bros . Graves , Holland , and Terry , were passed to the 2 nd Degree , and Bros . Turner , Hawke , Powell , and Bobinson , were raised to the 3 rd Degree . At the head of the goodly show of P . Ms , this Lodge presents , was the worthy Treasurer
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sided over- by the W . M . The visitors present were : —Bros . Anslow , P . M . ; Odell ; Arnold , J . W . and Stewart , —Bro . Anslow returning thanks upon the visitors healths being drunk , and bearing his emphatic testimony to the excellence which had characterized all the ceremonies of the evening . Manchester Lodge ( No . 209 ) . —The meeting of this Lodge took place on the 19 th November , at Anderton ' s Hotel , under the able presidency of Bro . M . Levinson , the W . M .- , when one raising and two passings were very impressively
performed . The Lodge has now excellent furniture , and the appointments , which have been contributed by the members , are unique . On the motion , by Bro . Collard , that the several contributions from the Brethren the Lodge furniture be recorded on the minutes , the W . M ., in seconding the proposition , congratulated the Lodge on having attained so desirable an object—a perfect set of furniture without drawing on the resources of the Lodge-funds . This was mainly attributable to the extraordinary zeal and perseverance of P . M . Bro . Collard , in having
accomplished so laudable an undertaking . After disposing of other routin 3 business , and a proposition of a gentleman for initiation , the Brethren adjourned to refreshment , which was served in a very satisfactory manner by the worthy host , Bro . Clemow . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . J . Levinson , W . M . No . 7 ; Gurton , W . M . No . 211 ; Lambert , W . M . No . 234 ; Odell , P . M . No . 165 ; Paunchand , No . 7 , \ Jenkins , & c . After a pleasant evening , which was enhanced by excellent harmony , the Brethren retired at an early hour . This Lodge is rising to an eminence amply merited by its hospitality and strict observance of the ritual and harmony .
St . James ' s Union Lodge ( No . 211 ) . —This numerous Lodge held its second meeting for the season on Tuesday , 10 th November , at the Freemasons' Tavern , nearly fifty Brethren being present . The W . M ., Bro . John Gurton , took his seat at six o ' clock , supported by Bros . Crofton , S . W ., and Stacey , who most ably officiated , both as S . D . and J . D . Bro . Garner , the father of the Lodge , acted as
J . W . ; the P . Ms , present being , Bros . Kennedy , Kelly , G . Gurton , & c . Bros . Boyle and Walker were raised to the Degree of M . M . Bros . Gill , Pardow , and Goodeson were entrusted wdth the 2 nd Degree ; and Messrs . Charles , Henry Swann , and Andrew R . Clark initiated into the Order . Bro . H . P . Tuck , of
Malta , was balloted for , and received as a joining member , —the arduous ceremonies and duties being beautifully rendered by the W . M . Before closing the Lodge , it was proposed that five guineas should be voted from the Lodge fund , and a further subscription raised among the members , for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to Bro . John Gurton , who had nearly completed two years as Master of No . 211 , and who had never been absent from his duties once during that period . It was urged that the W . M * had raised the Lodge to the high
position it held in the Craft . He , also , was the first to introduce a Benevolent Fund to the Lodge , for the relief of the aged members , —an example that all Lodges would do well to follow . The proposal for the testimonial was warmly seconded , and a committee formed to carry out the arrangements ; after which the Brethren adjourned to banquet , which was followed by the usual toasts . The Master , in proposing "The Officers , " called the attention of the Lodge to the services of their excellent Secretary , Bro . Lacon , who was always at his post , and
to whom he ( Bro . Gurton ) was indebted for his introduction to the St . James ' s Lodge . The visitors upon this occasion were : —Bros . Collard , P . M . No . 209 , W . M . No . 168 ; Archer , S . W . No . 166 ; Stuart , No . 1 , Scotland ; Boyd , No . 778 ; Barnshaw , No . 752 ; Lindsay T . Pillan , No ., 548 , Sydney . An excellent musical entertainment added to the pleasures of the meeting , the vocalists being Bros . E . Hart , Taylor , Charles Hart , J . Gurton , and Miss Ada Taylor .
Lion and Lamb Lodge ( No . 227 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , November 5 , at the Bridge House Hotel , Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M ., presiding , in the absence of Bro . Jackson , the W . M ., when Bros . Graves , Holland , and Terry , were passed to the 2 nd Degree , and Bros . Turner , Hawke , Powell , and Bobinson , were raised to the 3 rd Degree . At the head of the goodly show of P . Ms , this Lodge presents , was the worthy Treasurer