Article PEOVIFCIAL. ← Page 3 of 23 →
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Sublime Degree of Master Masons , and received an impressive charge from the W . M ., Bro . Weaver , who was assisted in the ceremony by the S . W . and J . W ,, Bros . C . Button , P . M ., and John Jones . At the close of business the Brethren were called to refreshment , and retired to banquet , which being over , the Lodge resumed labour , and was finally closed in form and solemn prayer .
Lodge of Independence ( No . 1 , 023 ) . —On Tuesday , Oct . 27 , the Brethren of this new Lodge met for the first time at their Lodg-e rooms , Bro . Henry Thomas ' s , Pied Bull Inn , Northgate-street . A large assembly of the Brethren being present , the Lodge was duly opened with the usual forms . When the warrant from the M . W . G . M . was read , the new Lodge was duly constituted , according to ancient custom ; after which the solemn ceremony of installing the first Master took place , and the appointment of-Secretary and Junior Wardens followed . The constituting
and installation were most ably performed by Bro . Horatio Lloyd , of the Cestrian , and the Prov . G . S . D ., Bro . Brown , acting as Birector of the Ceremonies . The new Master , Bro . J . H . Lyon , having been conducted to the chair , and the Wardens , Bro . Jones ( for Bro . Pigot ) and Bro . Tibbits , to their pdaces , several candidates were proposed , and a number of Brethren as joining members . The Masonic labours of the evening being closed , the Junior Wardens received commands to call the Brethren to refreshment , consisting of a cold collation , served
by the worthy host , Bro . H . Thomas . The W . M . occupied the chair , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given with honour ; and at an early hour the Lodge was called to labour , and adjourned until the last Tuesday in November . This Lodge is likely to prosper under the able management of the present efficient officers . It appears that the original Lodge , held at the inn some forty or fifty years ago , was called the Lodge of Independence ^ , ; and the number at , that time was 482 . Only two of the then members are now living in Chester , who were made in that Lodge by a fine old Mason of the name of Bleclock .
DERBYSHIBE . PKOVIKCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Tuesday , November 3 , the B . W . the Prov . G . M . of Derbyshire , Bro . Charles Bobert Colville , M . P ., held his Provincial Grand Lodge at the Boyal Hotel , Berby . The Tyrian Lodge , No . 315 , held their regular monthly Lodge at one p . m .,
when Bro . Thomas Cox was raised by Bro . Henchley , P . M . At two o ' clock the Prov . G . M . opened his Lodge in ancient form , assisted by his officers . There was a very numerous attendance of the Craft . The usual business of the Lodge was transacted , reports were read by the W . M . s ' of all the Lodges in the province , and a petition was presented praying for a new Lodge to be opened at Mr . Williamson ' s , Arboretum Hotel , Derby . The B . W . Prov . G . M . expressed himself strongly in favour of a new Lodge .
The B . W . Prov . G . M . then appointed his Provincial Grand Officers for the year ensuing as follows : —Bros . J . Gadsby , D . G . M . ; A . Butel , S . G . W . ; S . Collinson , J . G . W . ; Bev . G . Wright , G . Chap . ; S . Wilder , Treas . ; S . Henchley , jun ., Beg . ; J . Swain , Sec . ; J . Gamble , G . Deacon ; Bedfern , J . D . ; W . Giles ,
Sup . of Works ; G . Mason , Dir . of Cer . ; W . Can trill , Assist . Dir . of Cer . ; W . Hewitt , Sword-Bearer ; H . Carson , Pursuivant ; H . Manfull , Standard-Bearer ; W . Faulkner , Tyler ; Cutts and Bennison ( Scamlale Lodge , No . 1 ) 81 ) , Stewards . At five o ' clock the banquet was served up . The B . W . Prov . G . M . presided , his P . G . Wardens acting as croupiers . The repast was of the most bountiful description .
DEVONSHIRE . 8 [ Storehouse . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 22 < 1 ) . ~ -An Emergency meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , November 16 , at St . George ' s Hall , for the purpose of initiating John Thomas Soltau , Esq ., Lieutenant South Devon Militia , son of Bro . George W . Soltau , P . Prov . G . S . W . for Devon ; Morton Parker Eden , Esq ., Lieutenant Boyal Artillery , son of Major-General Eden , the Commander-in-Chief of the Western District ; Major Edgar Grantham Bredin , Boyal Artillery ; and
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Sublime Degree of Master Masons , and received an impressive charge from the W . M ., Bro . Weaver , who was assisted in the ceremony by the S . W . and J . W ,, Bros . C . Button , P . M ., and John Jones . At the close of business the Brethren were called to refreshment , and retired to banquet , which being over , the Lodge resumed labour , and was finally closed in form and solemn prayer .
Lodge of Independence ( No . 1 , 023 ) . —On Tuesday , Oct . 27 , the Brethren of this new Lodge met for the first time at their Lodg-e rooms , Bro . Henry Thomas ' s , Pied Bull Inn , Northgate-street . A large assembly of the Brethren being present , the Lodge was duly opened with the usual forms . When the warrant from the M . W . G . M . was read , the new Lodge was duly constituted , according to ancient custom ; after which the solemn ceremony of installing the first Master took place , and the appointment of-Secretary and Junior Wardens followed . The constituting
and installation were most ably performed by Bro . Horatio Lloyd , of the Cestrian , and the Prov . G . S . D ., Bro . Brown , acting as Birector of the Ceremonies . The new Master , Bro . J . H . Lyon , having been conducted to the chair , and the Wardens , Bro . Jones ( for Bro . Pigot ) and Bro . Tibbits , to their pdaces , several candidates were proposed , and a number of Brethren as joining members . The Masonic labours of the evening being closed , the Junior Wardens received commands to call the Brethren to refreshment , consisting of a cold collation , served
by the worthy host , Bro . H . Thomas . The W . M . occupied the chair , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given with honour ; and at an early hour the Lodge was called to labour , and adjourned until the last Tuesday in November . This Lodge is likely to prosper under the able management of the present efficient officers . It appears that the original Lodge , held at the inn some forty or fifty years ago , was called the Lodge of Independence ^ , ; and the number at , that time was 482 . Only two of the then members are now living in Chester , who were made in that Lodge by a fine old Mason of the name of Bleclock .
DERBYSHIBE . PKOVIKCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Tuesday , November 3 , the B . W . the Prov . G . M . of Derbyshire , Bro . Charles Bobert Colville , M . P ., held his Provincial Grand Lodge at the Boyal Hotel , Berby . The Tyrian Lodge , No . 315 , held their regular monthly Lodge at one p . m .,
when Bro . Thomas Cox was raised by Bro . Henchley , P . M . At two o ' clock the Prov . G . M . opened his Lodge in ancient form , assisted by his officers . There was a very numerous attendance of the Craft . The usual business of the Lodge was transacted , reports were read by the W . M . s ' of all the Lodges in the province , and a petition was presented praying for a new Lodge to be opened at Mr . Williamson ' s , Arboretum Hotel , Derby . The B . W . Prov . G . M . expressed himself strongly in favour of a new Lodge .
The B . W . Prov . G . M . then appointed his Provincial Grand Officers for the year ensuing as follows : —Bros . J . Gadsby , D . G . M . ; A . Butel , S . G . W . ; S . Collinson , J . G . W . ; Bev . G . Wright , G . Chap . ; S . Wilder , Treas . ; S . Henchley , jun ., Beg . ; J . Swain , Sec . ; J . Gamble , G . Deacon ; Bedfern , J . D . ; W . Giles ,
Sup . of Works ; G . Mason , Dir . of Cer . ; W . Can trill , Assist . Dir . of Cer . ; W . Hewitt , Sword-Bearer ; H . Carson , Pursuivant ; H . Manfull , Standard-Bearer ; W . Faulkner , Tyler ; Cutts and Bennison ( Scamlale Lodge , No . 1 ) 81 ) , Stewards . At five o ' clock the banquet was served up . The B . W . Prov . G . M . presided , his P . G . Wardens acting as croupiers . The repast was of the most bountiful description .
DEVONSHIRE . 8 [ Storehouse . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 22 < 1 ) . ~ -An Emergency meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , November 16 , at St . George ' s Hall , for the purpose of initiating John Thomas Soltau , Esq ., Lieutenant South Devon Militia , son of Bro . George W . Soltau , P . Prov . G . S . W . for Devon ; Morton Parker Eden , Esq ., Lieutenant Boyal Artillery , son of Major-General Eden , the Commander-in-Chief of the Western District ; Major Edgar Grantham Bredin , Boyal Artillery ; and