Article PEOVIFCIAL. ← Page 6 of 23 →
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We need hardly add that harmony and brotherly love were the distinguishing characteristics of the evening , and that the Brethren separated most reluctantly , though in the full assurance of enjoying a similar truly Masonic meeting at the next anniversary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire . It is most- satisfactory to find that the anticipations of success which were indulged in at the re-establishment of the Grand Lodge in this province , little
more than twelve months ag <\ have been fully-borne , out .. by-the results . It has infused a renewed vitality into Ithe old Lodges , and has been the means of calling into existence a new Lodge atSl ^ ud , which is named the '¦ " Sherborne , " in honour of the Prov . G . M . ( who is the heir ^ parent to the Barony of Sherborne ) , and which has already received very great support from the residents of that neighbourhood . Its first W . M . is the D . Prov . GvM ., Bro . Newmarch , who is already P . M . of two other Lodges in the province--Nos . 97 and 862 . To Bro .
Newmarch , indeed , must be attributed a great portion of the success which has lately been witnessed in the province . His untiring zeal leads him to devote his personal exertions whenever and wherever his great Masonic abilities may be deemed useful for the promotion of Masonic knowledge , or the diffusion of a Masonic spirit , in which respect he is a most worthy and efficient aid to the R . W . Prov . G . M ., who is ever ready to acknowledge the able assistance he receives from his deputy .
KENT . Chatham . —Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity' ( No . . 2 . 0 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge took place on Wednesday , 18 th November , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Charles Isaacs , who ably raised Bro . Bicketts , of her Majesty ' s 32 nd Regiment , and Bro . Blair , of the Hon . East India Company ' s Engineers ; passed Bro . Captain Rhodes , of her Majesty ' s 94 th Regiment , and Bro . Sheppard , Paymaster Royal Navy ; and initiated Mr . William M'Call , Paymaster Military
Tram . This being the night of election of W . M . and Treasurer for the ensuing year , Bro . Thomas Hills , P . M . and Prov . J . G . W . for Kent , rose , in accordance with the summons , to propose a W . M ., and was desired by the Brethren to request the W . M , w ould allow them to re-elect him for the ensuing year ; the great interest he took in the prosperity of the Lodge , and his desire to assist the young members in working , and having several now anxious to take office under his presidency , he was certain , if he would consent to take the chair , that he would have the gratification of again seeing the Lodge in its once proud position of being
the first in the province . The proposition being carried with acclamation , the W . M . stated he was entirely in the hands of the Brethren , and if they thought that by his taking the chair for the year ensuing it would enhance the prosperity of the Lodge , he should only be too happy to take it ; but at the same time he wonld be exceedingly sorry to stand in the way of the preferment of any of the Brethren of the Lodge . Bro . Saunders was re-elected Treasurer . The Lodge beingclosed , the Brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , provided by the landlord of the Sun Hotel .
LANCASHIRE . Bolton-le-Moors . —Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 170 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 11 th November , 1857 , at the One Horse-Shoe Inn , when the Lodge was opened in due form by Bro . Baythorp , the W . M ., assisted by a full staff of officers ; a considerable number of Brethren being also present . Mr . Henry Boardman , of Darcy Lever , was balloted for , and unanimously elected , when the W . M . proceeded to initiate him into the mysteries of
Freemasonry , and performed the ceremony in a manner which elicited a very complimentary euiogium from Bro . W . H . Wright , P . M . and Dir . of Cers ., after the conclusion of the business of the Lodge . The charge after initiation was delivered in a very creditable manner by Bro . Edge , S . W . Bro . Joseph Yarey was called upon , in due course , to be examined as to his progress in the science , preparatory to being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason ; after which , at the desire of the W . M ., Bro , W . H . Wright , P . M . and Dir . of Cers .,
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We need hardly add that harmony and brotherly love were the distinguishing characteristics of the evening , and that the Brethren separated most reluctantly , though in the full assurance of enjoying a similar truly Masonic meeting at the next anniversary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire . It is most- satisfactory to find that the anticipations of success which were indulged in at the re-establishment of the Grand Lodge in this province , little
more than twelve months ag <\ have been fully-borne , out .. by-the results . It has infused a renewed vitality into Ithe old Lodges , and has been the means of calling into existence a new Lodge atSl ^ ud , which is named the '¦ " Sherborne , " in honour of the Prov . G . M . ( who is the heir ^ parent to the Barony of Sherborne ) , and which has already received very great support from the residents of that neighbourhood . Its first W . M . is the D . Prov . GvM ., Bro . Newmarch , who is already P . M . of two other Lodges in the province--Nos . 97 and 862 . To Bro .
Newmarch , indeed , must be attributed a great portion of the success which has lately been witnessed in the province . His untiring zeal leads him to devote his personal exertions whenever and wherever his great Masonic abilities may be deemed useful for the promotion of Masonic knowledge , or the diffusion of a Masonic spirit , in which respect he is a most worthy and efficient aid to the R . W . Prov . G . M ., who is ever ready to acknowledge the able assistance he receives from his deputy .
KENT . Chatham . —Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity' ( No . . 2 . 0 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge took place on Wednesday , 18 th November , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Charles Isaacs , who ably raised Bro . Bicketts , of her Majesty ' s 32 nd Regiment , and Bro . Blair , of the Hon . East India Company ' s Engineers ; passed Bro . Captain Rhodes , of her Majesty ' s 94 th Regiment , and Bro . Sheppard , Paymaster Royal Navy ; and initiated Mr . William M'Call , Paymaster Military
Tram . This being the night of election of W . M . and Treasurer for the ensuing year , Bro . Thomas Hills , P . M . and Prov . J . G . W . for Kent , rose , in accordance with the summons , to propose a W . M ., and was desired by the Brethren to request the W . M , w ould allow them to re-elect him for the ensuing year ; the great interest he took in the prosperity of the Lodge , and his desire to assist the young members in working , and having several now anxious to take office under his presidency , he was certain , if he would consent to take the chair , that he would have the gratification of again seeing the Lodge in its once proud position of being
the first in the province . The proposition being carried with acclamation , the W . M . stated he was entirely in the hands of the Brethren , and if they thought that by his taking the chair for the year ensuing it would enhance the prosperity of the Lodge , he should only be too happy to take it ; but at the same time he wonld be exceedingly sorry to stand in the way of the preferment of any of the Brethren of the Lodge . Bro . Saunders was re-elected Treasurer . The Lodge beingclosed , the Brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , provided by the landlord of the Sun Hotel .
LANCASHIRE . Bolton-le-Moors . —Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 170 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 11 th November , 1857 , at the One Horse-Shoe Inn , when the Lodge was opened in due form by Bro . Baythorp , the W . M ., assisted by a full staff of officers ; a considerable number of Brethren being also present . Mr . Henry Boardman , of Darcy Lever , was balloted for , and unanimously elected , when the W . M . proceeded to initiate him into the mysteries of
Freemasonry , and performed the ceremony in a manner which elicited a very complimentary euiogium from Bro . W . H . Wright , P . M . and Dir . of Cers ., after the conclusion of the business of the Lodge . The charge after initiation was delivered in a very creditable manner by Bro . Edge , S . W . Bro . Joseph Yarey was called upon , in due course , to be examined as to his progress in the science , preparatory to being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason ; after which , at the desire of the W . M ., Bro , W . H . Wright , P . M . and Dir . of Cers .,