Article PEOVIFCIAL. ← Page 10 of 23 →
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Bro . George Hardy , in a very feeling speech , returned thanks . On the motion of Bro . George Hardy , Treasurer of this Lodge , tbe sum of five guineas was voted to tbe widow of Bro . Sir Charles Vincent Loraine , Bart ., who is in distressed circumstances . This motion was seconded by Bro . Thomas Alexander , Treasurer elect , and unanimously carried . The names of those eligible for the chair was then read , and the Lodge closed in love and harmony , at half-past nine o ' clock . The Brethren then adjourned to Bro . John Rogerson ' s , the Central Exchange Hotel , and sat down to a most elegant collation , to which the W , M . had invited the members of Lodge No . 24 ; and tbe rest of the evening was most harmoniously spent .
Oxfoed . —Apollo University Lodge ( No . 460 ) .- —At a meeting of the members of this Lodge , on November 25 , held at the Masonic Hall , Bro . J . E . Codrington , JB . A ., of Brasenose College , was elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . W . Thompson was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Bull , Tyler . It was announced that the voluntary subscription in aid of the Indian Belief Fund amounted to upwards of £ 4 t 0 , and it is but due to the present W . M ., Bro . the
Bev . H . ; A . Pickard , M . A ., of Christ Church , to state that this sum has been raised chiefly through his instrumentality . At this meeting five gentlemen of Christ Church were initiated , including Mr . "Victor Alexander Williamson , nephew to the Earl of Zetland , G . M . of England . During the evening the W . M . performed the three ceremonies of initiation , passing and raising in the most masterly manner . Among the visitors present was Captain Fane , W . M . of the Pythagoras Lodge at Corfu , and son of Lieutenant-Colonel Fane , of the Oxfordshire Militia .
STAFFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GEAND LODGE . A Lodge of Emergency was holden at the Dartmouth Hotel , Wednesbury , for the purpose of consecrating the St . Bartholomew Lodge , No . 997 . The R . W . the Prov . Grand Master , Colonel Vernon , presided , supported by many Past Prov . Grand Officers , as well as those acting for the present year . The circular summoning the Lodge having been read , the minutes of the meetings of the St . Bartholomew ' s Lodge were read and confirmed . The
approval of tbe Officers named in the warrant was expressed by the Brethren . The W . M . was invested by the Brov . Grand Master , who at the same time paid a well-merited complimented to the W . M . ( Bro . Thos . James ) for his talent as a ruler of the Craft . The W . M . then invested his Officers with their respective collars , and introduced each member of the new Lodge individually to the B . W . the Prov . G . M .
The ceremony of consecration was conducted throughout with that dignity of bearing for which tbe Grand Master of Staffordshire stands pre-eminent . When the labours of the day were ended , the Brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet prepared by Bro . Bill , who during the evening received from the B . W . tbe Prov . G . M . for Worcestershire , when proposing his health , a very flattering eulogy on the admirable manner in which he had catered to the creature comforts of the Brethren . Stafford . —A few influential Brethren of this town have signed a petition to tbe Grand Master , praying him to grant a warrant for them to hold a Lodge to
be called trie " Staffordshire Knot Lodge . " This petition has been backed by the recommendation of the W . M ., Officers , and Brethren of a Lodge in the province , and is also supported and approved of by the Prov . G . M . ; we may therefore infer that the prayer of the petition will be complied with . For some years past there has not been a Lodge held here . We hope that Masonry will again flourish in this the county town as it did some years since , when the Brethren could support two good Lodges . Wolveiuiamptok . — -St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . G 07 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled at the Lodge-room , Star and Garter , on Thursday , November 5 , to
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Bro . George Hardy , in a very feeling speech , returned thanks . On the motion of Bro . George Hardy , Treasurer of this Lodge , tbe sum of five guineas was voted to tbe widow of Bro . Sir Charles Vincent Loraine , Bart ., who is in distressed circumstances . This motion was seconded by Bro . Thomas Alexander , Treasurer elect , and unanimously carried . The names of those eligible for the chair was then read , and the Lodge closed in love and harmony , at half-past nine o ' clock . The Brethren then adjourned to Bro . John Rogerson ' s , the Central Exchange Hotel , and sat down to a most elegant collation , to which the W , M . had invited the members of Lodge No . 24 ; and tbe rest of the evening was most harmoniously spent .
Oxfoed . —Apollo University Lodge ( No . 460 ) .- —At a meeting of the members of this Lodge , on November 25 , held at the Masonic Hall , Bro . J . E . Codrington , JB . A ., of Brasenose College , was elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . W . Thompson was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Bull , Tyler . It was announced that the voluntary subscription in aid of the Indian Belief Fund amounted to upwards of £ 4 t 0 , and it is but due to the present W . M ., Bro . the
Bev . H . ; A . Pickard , M . A ., of Christ Church , to state that this sum has been raised chiefly through his instrumentality . At this meeting five gentlemen of Christ Church were initiated , including Mr . "Victor Alexander Williamson , nephew to the Earl of Zetland , G . M . of England . During the evening the W . M . performed the three ceremonies of initiation , passing and raising in the most masterly manner . Among the visitors present was Captain Fane , W . M . of the Pythagoras Lodge at Corfu , and son of Lieutenant-Colonel Fane , of the Oxfordshire Militia .
STAFFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GEAND LODGE . A Lodge of Emergency was holden at the Dartmouth Hotel , Wednesbury , for the purpose of consecrating the St . Bartholomew Lodge , No . 997 . The R . W . the Prov . Grand Master , Colonel Vernon , presided , supported by many Past Prov . Grand Officers , as well as those acting for the present year . The circular summoning the Lodge having been read , the minutes of the meetings of the St . Bartholomew ' s Lodge were read and confirmed . The
approval of tbe Officers named in the warrant was expressed by the Brethren . The W . M . was invested by the Brov . Grand Master , who at the same time paid a well-merited complimented to the W . M . ( Bro . Thos . James ) for his talent as a ruler of the Craft . The W . M . then invested his Officers with their respective collars , and introduced each member of the new Lodge individually to the B . W . the Prov . G . M .
The ceremony of consecration was conducted throughout with that dignity of bearing for which tbe Grand Master of Staffordshire stands pre-eminent . When the labours of the day were ended , the Brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet prepared by Bro . Bill , who during the evening received from the B . W . tbe Prov . G . M . for Worcestershire , when proposing his health , a very flattering eulogy on the admirable manner in which he had catered to the creature comforts of the Brethren . Stafford . —A few influential Brethren of this town have signed a petition to tbe Grand Master , praying him to grant a warrant for them to hold a Lodge to
be called trie " Staffordshire Knot Lodge . " This petition has been backed by the recommendation of the W . M ., Officers , and Brethren of a Lodge in the province , and is also supported and approved of by the Prov . G . M . ; we may therefore infer that the prayer of the petition will be complied with . For some years past there has not been a Lodge held here . We hope that Masonry will again flourish in this the county town as it did some years since , when the Brethren could support two good Lodges . Wolveiuiamptok . — -St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . G 07 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled at the Lodge-room , Star and Garter , on Thursday , November 5 , to