Article PEOVIFCIAL. ← Page 23 of 23 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 5 →
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the historical part by Bro . Danby , of Sheffield , who , with some others from that town , were present as visiting Brethren . Another gentleman from the Humber Lodge was proposed as a joining member . After the business several of the Brethren adjourned to the Woolpack Hotel , where they partook of supper , provided by Bro . Francis . TheLodge is now in a promising condition , having lately had several new members , who it is hoped will ^ attend regularly during the ensuing winter months , and fender the Lodge still more promising and efficient .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GKAND CHAPTER . The Quarterly Convocation of the Grand Chapter was holden at the Freemasons ' Hall , on Wednesday , Srd November . Present : —Comps . Alexander Dobie , as Z . ; S . Rawson , as H . ; Sir Lucius Curtis , as J . ; Gray Clarke , E . ; Frederick Pattison , N . ; H . L . Crohn , as P . S . ; T . White and Pulteney Scott , Asst . Soj . ;
Hutchings , Sword Bearer ; Smith , Dir . of Cers , ; W » H . White , J . Havers , Goldsworthy , P . Matthews , Gole , Farnrield , and about a dozen other Companions , The Grand Chapter being opened , The G . Scribe E . explained that the G . Reg . was unable to attend , in consequence of some domestic affliction . The minuses of the last Convocation having been read ,
Comp . Warren rose to ask a question relative , to a matter that appeared on the minutes . The Mount Horeb Chapter , at St . Kitt ' s , was , it would seem , to be acknowledged , on condition that it was attached to some English Lodge : now , there was no Lodge in the island under the English constitution , nor had they the strength to support one without destroying the existing Scotch Lodge . What he desired to know was , —might the Chapter be attached to a Lodge in another island ?
The acting G . Z . made some observations which were inaudible below the dais , but which , as far as we could gather , were to the effect that he did not understand the question , and he desired the G . Scribe E . to read that part of the minutes again ; which done , Comp . Warren repeated his question . Comp . Havers made some observations , on Comp . Dobie ' s great kindness in endeavouring to satisfy Comp . Warren ; and concluded by saying that a Chapter might attach itself to the nearest Lodge ; and it was not necessary for the Lodge to be held at the same place as the Chapter .
Comp . Warren expressed himself satisfied with the reply , and the subject was allowed to drop . The minutes of the last Convocation having been confirmed , Comp . Dobie said , as it was then but half-past eight , and there was no other business to transact , if any Companion had a question to ask , be should be happy to answer him . Whereupon , Comp . Gregory rose and said he wished to know how he could obtain a return
of the meetings of the Prov . Grand Chapters . Comp . Havers called the Companion to order , and insisted that no one had any right to put a question without notice , and that there was no question before the assembly . Comp . Gregory referred to the invitation of the M . E . Z . Comp . Dobie said he never beard of such bodies as Prov . Grand Chapters .
Comp . How said he knew well of one ; the Prov . Grand Chapter of Northumberland only a few days ago summoned the Royal Arch Masons of tbe Province to the consecration of the Ogle Chapter , for which a Charter had been recently granted , as appeared by the minutes read that evening . He asked , if there were not Prov . Grand Chapters , why were Prov . Grand Superintendents appointed ? ^ Comp . Warren referred also to a Grand Chapter having recently been held in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the historical part by Bro . Danby , of Sheffield , who , with some others from that town , were present as visiting Brethren . Another gentleman from the Humber Lodge was proposed as a joining member . After the business several of the Brethren adjourned to the Woolpack Hotel , where they partook of supper , provided by Bro . Francis . TheLodge is now in a promising condition , having lately had several new members , who it is hoped will ^ attend regularly during the ensuing winter months , and fender the Lodge still more promising and efficient .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GKAND CHAPTER . The Quarterly Convocation of the Grand Chapter was holden at the Freemasons ' Hall , on Wednesday , Srd November . Present : —Comps . Alexander Dobie , as Z . ; S . Rawson , as H . ; Sir Lucius Curtis , as J . ; Gray Clarke , E . ; Frederick Pattison , N . ; H . L . Crohn , as P . S . ; T . White and Pulteney Scott , Asst . Soj . ;
Hutchings , Sword Bearer ; Smith , Dir . of Cers , ; W » H . White , J . Havers , Goldsworthy , P . Matthews , Gole , Farnrield , and about a dozen other Companions , The Grand Chapter being opened , The G . Scribe E . explained that the G . Reg . was unable to attend , in consequence of some domestic affliction . The minuses of the last Convocation having been read ,
Comp . Warren rose to ask a question relative , to a matter that appeared on the minutes . The Mount Horeb Chapter , at St . Kitt ' s , was , it would seem , to be acknowledged , on condition that it was attached to some English Lodge : now , there was no Lodge in the island under the English constitution , nor had they the strength to support one without destroying the existing Scotch Lodge . What he desired to know was , —might the Chapter be attached to a Lodge in another island ?
The acting G . Z . made some observations which were inaudible below the dais , but which , as far as we could gather , were to the effect that he did not understand the question , and he desired the G . Scribe E . to read that part of the minutes again ; which done , Comp . Warren repeated his question . Comp . Havers made some observations , on Comp . Dobie ' s great kindness in endeavouring to satisfy Comp . Warren ; and concluded by saying that a Chapter might attach itself to the nearest Lodge ; and it was not necessary for the Lodge to be held at the same place as the Chapter .
Comp . Warren expressed himself satisfied with the reply , and the subject was allowed to drop . The minutes of the last Convocation having been confirmed , Comp . Dobie said , as it was then but half-past eight , and there was no other business to transact , if any Companion had a question to ask , be should be happy to answer him . Whereupon , Comp . Gregory rose and said he wished to know how he could obtain a return
of the meetings of the Prov . Grand Chapters . Comp . Havers called the Companion to order , and insisted that no one had any right to put a question without notice , and that there was no question before the assembly . Comp . Gregory referred to the invitation of the M . E . Z . Comp . Dobie said he never beard of such bodies as Prov . Grand Chapters .
Comp . How said he knew well of one ; the Prov . Grand Chapter of Northumberland only a few days ago summoned the Royal Arch Masons of tbe Province to the consecration of the Ogle Chapter , for which a Charter had been recently granted , as appeared by the minutes read that evening . He asked , if there were not Prov . Grand Chapters , why were Prov . Grand Superintendents appointed ? ^ Comp . Warren referred also to a Grand Chapter having recently been held in