Article BOYAL ARCH ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Boyal Arch
It is the intention of his friends to bring his case before the Board of Benevolence ; when it is hoped it will receive that favourable consideration which it so highly merits .
Maidstone . —JBelvidere Chapter ( No . 741 ) . —The first anniversary of this Chapter was celebrated on Wednesday , Oct . 28 th . During this its first year of existence it has exalted fifteen good men and true to this Supreme Degree . The furniture of the Chapter is now complete , and it presented a very imposing and effective appearance . The Chapter having been opened , Comps . Whittaker , Z . ; Pike , H . ; and Cruttenden , J ., filling the chairs , Bro . Martin , a native of Africa ,
and wearing " the burning livery of his sunny skies , " but a thorough Englishman in heart , was exalted . The ceremony of installation , which then followed , was performed in a most admirable manner by Comp . Keddell , of Sheerness , Comp , Pike bdng placed in the chair as Z ., Cruttenden as H ., and Cooke as J . The other Past Officers present were , Comps . Vale , P . Z ., No . 141 ; Isaacs , P . Z ., No . 20 ; Townsend , P . Z ., No . 184 : and Whittaker , T . Z ., No . 741 . The next business was the presentation of a handsome P . Z . jewel to Comp . Whittaker , the Past Z . of the Chapter , who has just completed his year of office . The presentation was made by Comp . Vale , at the request of the M . E . Z ., and very feelingly
and appropriately , and even eloquently , did that worthy Companion express the warm-hearted feelings of esteem and regard which they entertain towards their respected P . Z . Whittaker , who made a suitable reply . The chapter Was then closed according to ancient custom ; and the Companions sat down to a superb banquet , comprising every delicacy of the season , at Bro . Spencer ' s , the Mitre Hotel . The wines were excellent , the dessert a credit even to Kent , the garden
of England , and the whole entertainment of so recherche" a character , that the Chapter will long remember its visit to Bro . Spencer ' s . Northumberland and BEUWiCK-ON-TwEED .- ~ The Grand Chapter of this Province was held at the St . George ' s Lodge-room , North Shields , on Thursday , the 29 th of October . The Prov . Grand Chapter was opened in ample form by the Prov . G . Supt ., the Rev . E . Chaloner Ogle , G . Z . ; M . E . Comps . John Barker , as G . H . ; Edward D .
Davis , as G . J . ; John Hopper , as G . S . E . ; J . R . Hodge , as •¦ G . S . N . ; R . B . Ridley , as G . P . S . ; B . J . Thompson , as G . 1 st A . S . ; James Lamb Barker , as G . 2 nd A . S . ; and several Principals and past Principals of Chapters of this and neighbouring Province , among whom were M . E . Comps . Wm . Punsheon , P . Prov . G . S . E ., and Z . No . 586 F . P . Jones , P . Z . No . 614 ; and Benj . Brooks , H . No . 114 .
The first business of the day was the consecration of the newly-appointed Chapter attached to the St . George ' s Lodge , No . 624 , and called , in compliment to the Most Worthy G-. Supt . of the Province , the " Ogle Chapter , " which ceremony was most effectually and admirably performed hy the presiding Principals , under the most able and talented direction of the Third Grand Principal , E . D . Davis , who was specially appointed by the Grand Supt . as Installing Directing Principal . The Chapter was most beautifully and most appropriately decorated , and tbe
regular ceremony of consecration gone through in a most impressive manner , assisted by the chanting of the appropriate portions of scripture , ably accompanied on the organ by Comp , J . T . Mist Harrison , of Chapter De Sussex . On the conclusion of the consecration , the Grand Principals installed the following Companions , nominated in the Warrant as the first three Principals of tbe Ogle Chapter for the ensuing year , viz .: —M . E . Comps . William Berkley , Z . ; E . D . Davis , H . ; and James Lamb Barker , J . The Prov . Grrand Chapter then proceeded to general business , when M . E . Comp . John Barker proposed , and M . E . Comp . Wm . Berkley seconded , the following resolution , which was unanimously passed , and the Prov . Grand
Scribe E . directed to communicate the same to the Supreme Grand Chapter of England . The resolution was to the following effect : — 4 t That this Prov . Grand Chapter considers that the Prov . Grand clothing is implied by paragraph G , page 13 , of the Regulations , to be the same as that of
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Boyal Arch
It is the intention of his friends to bring his case before the Board of Benevolence ; when it is hoped it will receive that favourable consideration which it so highly merits .
Maidstone . —JBelvidere Chapter ( No . 741 ) . —The first anniversary of this Chapter was celebrated on Wednesday , Oct . 28 th . During this its first year of existence it has exalted fifteen good men and true to this Supreme Degree . The furniture of the Chapter is now complete , and it presented a very imposing and effective appearance . The Chapter having been opened , Comps . Whittaker , Z . ; Pike , H . ; and Cruttenden , J ., filling the chairs , Bro . Martin , a native of Africa ,
and wearing " the burning livery of his sunny skies , " but a thorough Englishman in heart , was exalted . The ceremony of installation , which then followed , was performed in a most admirable manner by Comp . Keddell , of Sheerness , Comp , Pike bdng placed in the chair as Z ., Cruttenden as H ., and Cooke as J . The other Past Officers present were , Comps . Vale , P . Z ., No . 141 ; Isaacs , P . Z ., No . 20 ; Townsend , P . Z ., No . 184 : and Whittaker , T . Z ., No . 741 . The next business was the presentation of a handsome P . Z . jewel to Comp . Whittaker , the Past Z . of the Chapter , who has just completed his year of office . The presentation was made by Comp . Vale , at the request of the M . E . Z ., and very feelingly
and appropriately , and even eloquently , did that worthy Companion express the warm-hearted feelings of esteem and regard which they entertain towards their respected P . Z . Whittaker , who made a suitable reply . The chapter Was then closed according to ancient custom ; and the Companions sat down to a superb banquet , comprising every delicacy of the season , at Bro . Spencer ' s , the Mitre Hotel . The wines were excellent , the dessert a credit even to Kent , the garden
of England , and the whole entertainment of so recherche" a character , that the Chapter will long remember its visit to Bro . Spencer ' s . Northumberland and BEUWiCK-ON-TwEED .- ~ The Grand Chapter of this Province was held at the St . George ' s Lodge-room , North Shields , on Thursday , the 29 th of October . The Prov . Grand Chapter was opened in ample form by the Prov . G . Supt ., the Rev . E . Chaloner Ogle , G . Z . ; M . E . Comps . John Barker , as G . H . ; Edward D .
Davis , as G . J . ; John Hopper , as G . S . E . ; J . R . Hodge , as •¦ G . S . N . ; R . B . Ridley , as G . P . S . ; B . J . Thompson , as G . 1 st A . S . ; James Lamb Barker , as G . 2 nd A . S . ; and several Principals and past Principals of Chapters of this and neighbouring Province , among whom were M . E . Comps . Wm . Punsheon , P . Prov . G . S . E ., and Z . No . 586 F . P . Jones , P . Z . No . 614 ; and Benj . Brooks , H . No . 114 .
The first business of the day was the consecration of the newly-appointed Chapter attached to the St . George ' s Lodge , No . 624 , and called , in compliment to the Most Worthy G-. Supt . of the Province , the " Ogle Chapter , " which ceremony was most effectually and admirably performed hy the presiding Principals , under the most able and talented direction of the Third Grand Principal , E . D . Davis , who was specially appointed by the Grand Supt . as Installing Directing Principal . The Chapter was most beautifully and most appropriately decorated , and tbe
regular ceremony of consecration gone through in a most impressive manner , assisted by the chanting of the appropriate portions of scripture , ably accompanied on the organ by Comp , J . T . Mist Harrison , of Chapter De Sussex . On the conclusion of the consecration , the Grand Principals installed the following Companions , nominated in the Warrant as the first three Principals of tbe Ogle Chapter for the ensuing year , viz .: —M . E . Comps . William Berkley , Z . ; E . D . Davis , H . ; and James Lamb Barker , J . The Prov . Grrand Chapter then proceeded to general business , when M . E . Comp . John Barker proposed , and M . E . Comp . Wm . Berkley seconded , the following resolution , which was unanimously passed , and the Prov . Grand
Scribe E . directed to communicate the same to the Supreme Grand Chapter of England . The resolution was to the following effect : — 4 t That this Prov . Grand Chapter considers that the Prov . Grand clothing is implied by paragraph G , page 13 , of the Regulations , to be the same as that of