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M . Furnell , 33 rd Degree , M . W . Sov . ; E . W . Matinsell , S . G . W . ; James Butler Pratt , J . G . W . Union Lodge ( No . 13 ) , elected William Barrington , W . M . ; John Ohaloner Smith , S . W . ; M . Furnell , jun ., J . W . Clanwilliam Lodge ( No . 55 ) , elected Capt . William G . D . Massy , W . M .: Godfrey Adams , S . W . ; William Chadwick , J . W *
Triune Lodge ( No . 333 ) , elected Capt . N . G . Philips , K . H ., W . M . ; E . W Maunsell , S . W . ; Jonathan Pirn . J . W . The Royal Arch Chapters and Knights Templar Encampments also made th eh several elections .
INDEPENDENT GRAND LODGE OF CANADA . The following detailed report of the proceedings in the formation of this body did not reach lis in time for our last publication :- ~ The Prov . Grand 1 Lodge , held on the 10 th September , was presided over by the B , W . Sir Allan N . MacNab , the Prov . G . M ., in person , supported on his right by the R . W . Thos . G . Bidout , D , Prov . G . M ., and on his left by the R . W . Thos . D . Harington , Prov . G . M . for Quebec and Three Rivers ; and was perhaps the largest meeting of Prov . Grand Lodge ever held in this Province . Of about forty-five Lodges on the books of Prov . Grand Lodge ( which includes some three or four known to be dormant ) , there were thirty-nine Lodges represented .
The Prov . Grand Lodge was opened by the R . W . Sir Allan N . MacNab , in the St . Andrew ' s Lodge-room , St . Lawrence-buildings , Toronto , at 7 P : M :., in the presence of about 125 Brethren . " The minutes of the meeting held on the 30 th June were read and unanimously confirmed . Of the thirty-nine Lodges present , thirty-eight immediately surrendered theii Warrants to the Prov . G . M ., one having been retained , but whether from the representative not being empowered how to act , or that tbe meeting of his Lodge at which the resolution was passed was a . small one , we were unable to learn , as the Brother hud in the mean time retired .
The Prov . Grand Lodge being thus dissolved , ifc was resolved— " That a Grand Lodge be now formed , constituted , and appointed . " After many proposals and much discussion , it was resolved that the name of the new body should be " The Ancient Grand Lodge of Canada . " Sir Allan N . MacNab was then , by acclamation , elected Grand Master .
A Committee was appointed to prepare an affectionate farewell address to the Grand Lodge of England , from which the Masons of Canada have , for so many years , been proud to hail , and from which they now part with many regrets ; and that an earnest request be made that tbe Warrants now delivered up may be returned to the variousLodges , to show the connection heretofore existing between them .
A form of Dispensation was adopted for Lodges to continue their working until Warrants are filled up . " Resolved—That the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England be adopted as the basis of a , Constitution now to be formed ; and that a committee of five be appointed to report to-morrow such modifications as may be necessary for the present guidance of Lodges . "
Grand Lodge was then adjourned till Thursday . Grand Lodge met , pursuant to adjournment , early in tbe forenoon of Thursday , the 11 th September . The B . W . the Prov . G . M " . for Quebec and Three Eivers , then ( as was understood ) , as the representative of tbe Grand Master of England—who , he was sure , would eventually approve of all that had been done , —proceeded , in the presence
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M . Furnell , 33 rd Degree , M . W . Sov . ; E . W . Matinsell , S . G . W . ; James Butler Pratt , J . G . W . Union Lodge ( No . 13 ) , elected William Barrington , W . M . ; John Ohaloner Smith , S . W . ; M . Furnell , jun ., J . W . Clanwilliam Lodge ( No . 55 ) , elected Capt . William G . D . Massy , W . M .: Godfrey Adams , S . W . ; William Chadwick , J . W *
Triune Lodge ( No . 333 ) , elected Capt . N . G . Philips , K . H ., W . M . ; E . W Maunsell , S . W . ; Jonathan Pirn . J . W . The Royal Arch Chapters and Knights Templar Encampments also made th eh several elections .
INDEPENDENT GRAND LODGE OF CANADA . The following detailed report of the proceedings in the formation of this body did not reach lis in time for our last publication :- ~ The Prov . Grand 1 Lodge , held on the 10 th September , was presided over by the B , W . Sir Allan N . MacNab , the Prov . G . M ., in person , supported on his right by the R . W . Thos . G . Bidout , D , Prov . G . M ., and on his left by the R . W . Thos . D . Harington , Prov . G . M . for Quebec and Three Rivers ; and was perhaps the largest meeting of Prov . Grand Lodge ever held in this Province . Of about forty-five Lodges on the books of Prov . Grand Lodge ( which includes some three or four known to be dormant ) , there were thirty-nine Lodges represented .
The Prov . Grand Lodge was opened by the R . W . Sir Allan N . MacNab , in the St . Andrew ' s Lodge-room , St . Lawrence-buildings , Toronto , at 7 P : M :., in the presence of about 125 Brethren . " The minutes of the meeting held on the 30 th June were read and unanimously confirmed . Of the thirty-nine Lodges present , thirty-eight immediately surrendered theii Warrants to the Prov . G . M ., one having been retained , but whether from the representative not being empowered how to act , or that tbe meeting of his Lodge at which the resolution was passed was a . small one , we were unable to learn , as the Brother hud in the mean time retired .
The Prov . Grand Lodge being thus dissolved , ifc was resolved— " That a Grand Lodge be now formed , constituted , and appointed . " After many proposals and much discussion , it was resolved that the name of the new body should be " The Ancient Grand Lodge of Canada . " Sir Allan N . MacNab was then , by acclamation , elected Grand Master .
A Committee was appointed to prepare an affectionate farewell address to the Grand Lodge of England , from which the Masons of Canada have , for so many years , been proud to hail , and from which they now part with many regrets ; and that an earnest request be made that tbe Warrants now delivered up may be returned to the variousLodges , to show the connection heretofore existing between them .
A form of Dispensation was adopted for Lodges to continue their working until Warrants are filled up . " Resolved—That the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England be adopted as the basis of a , Constitution now to be formed ; and that a committee of five be appointed to report to-morrow such modifications as may be necessary for the present guidance of Lodges . "
Grand Lodge was then adjourned till Thursday . Grand Lodge met , pursuant to adjournment , early in tbe forenoon of Thursday , the 11 th September . The B . W . the Prov . G . M " . for Quebec and Three Eivers , then ( as was understood ) , as the representative of tbe Grand Master of England—who , he was sure , would eventually approve of all that had been done , —proceeded , in the presence