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' ^ Delta , " Woodside-crescent , Glasgow . —The Brother , the letter for whom you intrusted to our care , has left England for Demerara . The letter has been forwarded . " Haratana . '' - —There could be no objection to a candidate for the Master Mason ' s Degree passing through his examination in the presence of a Fellow-Craft ; but we do not consider it right to entrust him with the password , & c > in such presence , unless the Fellow-Craft was also duly qualified and prepared to be raised .
" E . W , C , No . 358 . " ---The situation of the W . M . being in the East , that portion of the Lodge-room in which he is placed for convenience is so considered , irrespective of its real geographical position . "T . S . A . "—Neither the Master nor any other Brother has a right to wear the K . T . cross in a Craft Lodge , and any Brother may call him to order for doing so .
Strictly speaking , it is equally irregular to wear the Mark Jewel , though that is now pretty generally displayed by the members of the Degree , but it would not be allowed to appear in Grand Lodge . The books in question should not be in the hands of Masons . We would not propose a Brother we knew to have them , as a joining member of any Lodge we belonged to .
" W . H . is thanked for his kindness . Amongst other things , he informs us that Lodge No . 224 has ordered the Freemasons' Magazine to be regularly taken in for the use of the Lodge . " W . H . M . ' *— -We will put you into communication with a trusty & nd respected Brother in Manchester . The Lndian Freemasons Friend for August has been received , but it does not contain a tittle of information with regard to the Craft in that part of the world . Indeed , the Masonic intelligence appears to have been entirely culled from our pages .
" W . M . "—The royal honours should be given by the Brethren simultaneously . " P . D . F ., " Kingston , Canada West . —Our worthy Brother ' s communications are at all times valuable . We shall have no objection to break a lance with him , though he has certainly mistaken our views . We have not condemned the proceedings of the Independent Grand Lodge of Canada , though we have expressed an opinion . that , looking at the disunion now existing amongst the Canadian Brethren , it would be impossible for the Grand Lodge of England to recognize either party .
" Lancashire ' asks— " What rank , as Officer , does a Director of Ceremonies hold in a private Lod ^ e ? "—Generally speaking , the Dir . of Cer ., or Steward , takes rank after the I . G . ; but judging from the practice of Grand Lodge , he should take his position immediately after the Deacons . „ " What power , or authority , has such Officer over the W . M . and the Lodge ?"None : the Master is supreme .
" Is it proper to give that Office to a Brother who has not rilled the position of W . M . ? "¦—Lt is most frequently bestowed as a step on the ladder of preferment ; but where possible , it is always better to have a P . M ., in which case his rank in the Lodge would he regulated by the major not the minor dignity ,, Scotland . —Our Edinburgh letter had not come to hand when we went to press .
"F . A . Wahe , " Royal Clarence Lodge . —We consider tbe writing of the notice of motion amply sufficient for all the purposes intended , though we should have preferred its running , " That in By-Law 3 the words from ' & c . ' to ' & c . ' be omitted , and the following words substituted in lieu thereof— ' that / & c . " The motion having been carried , the question cannot , in accordance with By-Law 18 , be again raised on the minutes being put for confirmation . The only way to re-open the question will be by a new notice of motion , regularly given , for the repeal of the new law ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' ^ Delta , " Woodside-crescent , Glasgow . —The Brother , the letter for whom you intrusted to our care , has left England for Demerara . The letter has been forwarded . " Haratana . '' - —There could be no objection to a candidate for the Master Mason ' s Degree passing through his examination in the presence of a Fellow-Craft ; but we do not consider it right to entrust him with the password , & c > in such presence , unless the Fellow-Craft was also duly qualified and prepared to be raised .
" E . W , C , No . 358 . " ---The situation of the W . M . being in the East , that portion of the Lodge-room in which he is placed for convenience is so considered , irrespective of its real geographical position . "T . S . A . "—Neither the Master nor any other Brother has a right to wear the K . T . cross in a Craft Lodge , and any Brother may call him to order for doing so .
Strictly speaking , it is equally irregular to wear the Mark Jewel , though that is now pretty generally displayed by the members of the Degree , but it would not be allowed to appear in Grand Lodge . The books in question should not be in the hands of Masons . We would not propose a Brother we knew to have them , as a joining member of any Lodge we belonged to .
" W . H . is thanked for his kindness . Amongst other things , he informs us that Lodge No . 224 has ordered the Freemasons' Magazine to be regularly taken in for the use of the Lodge . " W . H . M . ' *— -We will put you into communication with a trusty & nd respected Brother in Manchester . The Lndian Freemasons Friend for August has been received , but it does not contain a tittle of information with regard to the Craft in that part of the world . Indeed , the Masonic intelligence appears to have been entirely culled from our pages .
" W . M . "—The royal honours should be given by the Brethren simultaneously . " P . D . F ., " Kingston , Canada West . —Our worthy Brother ' s communications are at all times valuable . We shall have no objection to break a lance with him , though he has certainly mistaken our views . We have not condemned the proceedings of the Independent Grand Lodge of Canada , though we have expressed an opinion . that , looking at the disunion now existing amongst the Canadian Brethren , it would be impossible for the Grand Lodge of England to recognize either party .
" Lancashire ' asks— " What rank , as Officer , does a Director of Ceremonies hold in a private Lod ^ e ? "—Generally speaking , the Dir . of Cer ., or Steward , takes rank after the I . G . ; but judging from the practice of Grand Lodge , he should take his position immediately after the Deacons . „ " What power , or authority , has such Officer over the W . M . and the Lodge ?"None : the Master is supreme .
" Is it proper to give that Office to a Brother who has not rilled the position of W . M . ? "¦—Lt is most frequently bestowed as a step on the ladder of preferment ; but where possible , it is always better to have a P . M ., in which case his rank in the Lodge would he regulated by the major not the minor dignity ,, Scotland . —Our Edinburgh letter had not come to hand when we went to press .
"F . A . Wahe , " Royal Clarence Lodge . —We consider tbe writing of the notice of motion amply sufficient for all the purposes intended , though we should have preferred its running , " That in By-Law 3 the words from ' & c . ' to ' & c . ' be omitted , and the following words substituted in lieu thereof— ' that / & c . " The motion having been carried , the question cannot , in accordance with By-Law 18 , be again raised on the minutes being put for confirmation . The only way to re-open the question will be by a new notice of motion , regularly given , for the repeal of the new law ,