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Untitled Article
In the month all the year round . In . feet , all the Lodges in Jersey keep it up month after month in their own Lodges ; and not only so bat many of them frequently visit one or two Lodges they do not belong to , as well as their own , in the course of the month . There are no visitors" fees . The pleasure and profit are mutual . The visited Brethren of to-night , return the compliment bv becomin g
themselves visitors in a few days . There is one advantage in thii plan—it greatly promotes unity and fraternity . But if , instead of being held every month there was a recess , as in London , perhaps the average attendance would increase in all the Lodges . On this score however , there is but little cause for complaint , judging from what could be seen in a month . There are about fortv paying members in this Lodge .
Two or three days after my arrival in the island , I had managed to see several of the Brethren , but had not attended any Lodge meeting . The first was on September the 14 th , and after a long drive in the early part of the day , I returned to my lodgings in the suburbs . of St . Sellers , and began to prepare to present myself at the door of No , 722 , the Boyal Sussex Lodge , which held a meeting that
evening . I sent the servant to ask the landlord of the house , whom I had only once seen for a few moments when engaging my apartments , if he knew where the Masonic Hall was , and which was my nearest way to it . Here the garrulity of the feminine sex proved advantageous—she saw my Masonic clothing , and told her master what she had seen , as well as asking the question I had sent her to
ask . In a moment she re-entered , with her master ' s compliments , and he would be happy to show me the way if I would allow him the honour . " Certainly , " I replied , and I was just going to say , how " sorry I was to trouble him , " & c . & c . when up he came . He was a Jersey man by birth , but had spent so much of his life in France that he could speak but little English ; he was to all intents and purposes a Frenchman . " Par-r-r-don M ' ssieur /' said he , and suiting the action to the word , he speedily convinced me that , knowing no one , I had unwittinglyselected from the various housesin which billsnotified "
Appaetements a LOTJER , " lodgings at the residence of a Brother ! After mutual explanations and congratulations , we set out for the Lodge ; where , on due examination , as well as the production of my GLL . certificate , I was admitted . I was struck with the excellence of the iurniture
, < sc , ana with the regularity , order , and efficiency with which the work was carried on . Bro . Miller , P . M . of the Lodge , was W . M . on the occasion . Bro . Adams , the Secretary of this Lodge , is a very able Mason , and is W . M . elect of the Samares Lodge . He is highly spoken of for his extensive acquaintance with Masonry , his
Ancient Shepherds , et hoc genus omae . The Freemasons' Hall was formerly a Jewish Synagogue ; the Masonic Hall was built by Bro . Miller as aeoncert-room , ' and ib occasionally used for lectures and other public purposes . Both are now admirably fitted up ; and the furniture of either of them ( designed and executed ' in the estabhshrnent of Bro . T . O . Lyte ) , would be no discredit to the best of our London Lodges ; it is , in fact , superior to many of them .
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Untitled Article
In the month all the year round . In . feet , all the Lodges in Jersey keep it up month after month in their own Lodges ; and not only so bat many of them frequently visit one or two Lodges they do not belong to , as well as their own , in the course of the month . There are no visitors" fees . The pleasure and profit are mutual . The visited Brethren of to-night , return the compliment bv becomin g
themselves visitors in a few days . There is one advantage in thii plan—it greatly promotes unity and fraternity . But if , instead of being held every month there was a recess , as in London , perhaps the average attendance would increase in all the Lodges . On this score however , there is but little cause for complaint , judging from what could be seen in a month . There are about fortv paying members in this Lodge .
Two or three days after my arrival in the island , I had managed to see several of the Brethren , but had not attended any Lodge meeting . The first was on September the 14 th , and after a long drive in the early part of the day , I returned to my lodgings in the suburbs . of St . Sellers , and began to prepare to present myself at the door of No , 722 , the Boyal Sussex Lodge , which held a meeting that
evening . I sent the servant to ask the landlord of the house , whom I had only once seen for a few moments when engaging my apartments , if he knew where the Masonic Hall was , and which was my nearest way to it . Here the garrulity of the feminine sex proved advantageous—she saw my Masonic clothing , and told her master what she had seen , as well as asking the question I had sent her to
ask . In a moment she re-entered , with her master ' s compliments , and he would be happy to show me the way if I would allow him the honour . " Certainly , " I replied , and I was just going to say , how " sorry I was to trouble him , " & c . & c . when up he came . He was a Jersey man by birth , but had spent so much of his life in France that he could speak but little English ; he was to all intents and purposes a Frenchman . " Par-r-r-don M ' ssieur /' said he , and suiting the action to the word , he speedily convinced me that , knowing no one , I had unwittinglyselected from the various housesin which billsnotified "
Appaetements a LOTJER , " lodgings at the residence of a Brother ! After mutual explanations and congratulations , we set out for the Lodge ; where , on due examination , as well as the production of my GLL . certificate , I was admitted . I was struck with the excellence of the iurniture
, < sc , ana with the regularity , order , and efficiency with which the work was carried on . Bro . Miller , P . M . of the Lodge , was W . M . on the occasion . Bro . Adams , the Secretary of this Lodge , is a very able Mason , and is W . M . elect of the Samares Lodge . He is highly spoken of for his extensive acquaintance with Masonry , his
Ancient Shepherds , et hoc genus omae . The Freemasons' Hall was formerly a Jewish Synagogue ; the Masonic Hall was built by Bro . Miller as aeoncert-room , ' and ib occasionally used for lectures and other public purposes . Both are now admirably fitted up ; and the furniture of either of them ( designed and executed ' in the estabhshrnent of Bro . T . O . Lyte ) , would be no discredit to the best of our London Lodges ; it is , in fact , superior to many of them .