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Untitled Article
Craft in the United Kingdom , the Colonies , America , and the Continent—was , to a certain extent , retained ; but a general impression seems to have prevailed , that it would have been better suited to the interests of the Order , had this feature been made the chief , rather than a comparatively subordinate , characteristic . The suggestion
offered to the Craft , upon the advice of many highly esteemed lights in Masonry , during the last year , that the time seemed to have arrived for changing the Quabtebly appearance of the Magazine to a Monthly issue , met with such universal approbation , and received such extensive promises of increased support , that the Proprietors could no longer hesitate to venture upon the change . They , therefore , closed the volume for 1854 with the October
Number , and prepared to commence the year 1855 with a Monthly publication , the first number of which is now presented to the Brethren , in the hope of meriting , and with the assurance of obtaining , not only a continuance of that support which has invariably been accorded to the Quabtebly , but a considerable increase of subscribers throughout the Masonic domains of the United Empire .
Erom the contents of the first number of the Eeeemasons Monthly Magazine , it will be perceived that the object of the Editor is , henceforth , to make the periodical almost Exclusively Masonic . Eor this purpose arrangements have been entered into to secure writers well versed in Masonic lore , w ho shall , from time to time , illustrate the principles , and investigate the hidden mysteries of nature and science . Judgment will be also exercised in
the selection of lighter papers , to balance the publication , and to induce the fairer members of society , whose husbands , brothers , and other relatives , may be members of the Order , to take an interest in our labours . In this field of literature—taking due care to make it subordinate to the more important purposes of a Masonic publication—we shall be better able to keep up the interest of any lengthened tale or story , by presenting portions of it at Monthly , instead of Quabtebly , intervals .
"With respect to the publication of Masonic Intelligence , we declare at once , that this will be our chief object in the future conduct of the Ebeemasons' Magazine . We shall strive , to the utmost of our power and ability , to give a due report of all Masonic proceedings in every quarter of the globe , but especially of those transactions which take place in localities under the immediate jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England , so as to do justice to
the activity and exertions of those Brethren , who devote not only their time and talent , but also their money to the propagation of the noble principles of Fbeemasonby , and to the increase of its great and ^ eading object—Chabtty . In order that our wishes may be fully realised in this respect , and that each Monthly issue may be as full as possible of such Masonic Intelligence , we have earnestly to request the valuable assistance of our Brethren in all parts of the world , where our publication travels ; and especially would we ask
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Untitled Article
Craft in the United Kingdom , the Colonies , America , and the Continent—was , to a certain extent , retained ; but a general impression seems to have prevailed , that it would have been better suited to the interests of the Order , had this feature been made the chief , rather than a comparatively subordinate , characteristic . The suggestion
offered to the Craft , upon the advice of many highly esteemed lights in Masonry , during the last year , that the time seemed to have arrived for changing the Quabtebly appearance of the Magazine to a Monthly issue , met with such universal approbation , and received such extensive promises of increased support , that the Proprietors could no longer hesitate to venture upon the change . They , therefore , closed the volume for 1854 with the October
Number , and prepared to commence the year 1855 with a Monthly publication , the first number of which is now presented to the Brethren , in the hope of meriting , and with the assurance of obtaining , not only a continuance of that support which has invariably been accorded to the Quabtebly , but a considerable increase of subscribers throughout the Masonic domains of the United Empire .
Erom the contents of the first number of the Eeeemasons Monthly Magazine , it will be perceived that the object of the Editor is , henceforth , to make the periodical almost Exclusively Masonic . Eor this purpose arrangements have been entered into to secure writers well versed in Masonic lore , w ho shall , from time to time , illustrate the principles , and investigate the hidden mysteries of nature and science . Judgment will be also exercised in
the selection of lighter papers , to balance the publication , and to induce the fairer members of society , whose husbands , brothers , and other relatives , may be members of the Order , to take an interest in our labours . In this field of literature—taking due care to make it subordinate to the more important purposes of a Masonic publication—we shall be better able to keep up the interest of any lengthened tale or story , by presenting portions of it at Monthly , instead of Quabtebly , intervals .
"With respect to the publication of Masonic Intelligence , we declare at once , that this will be our chief object in the future conduct of the Ebeemasons' Magazine . We shall strive , to the utmost of our power and ability , to give a due report of all Masonic proceedings in every quarter of the globe , but especially of those transactions which take place in localities under the immediate jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England , so as to do justice to
the activity and exertions of those Brethren , who devote not only their time and talent , but also their money to the propagation of the noble principles of Fbeemasonby , and to the increase of its great and ^ eading object—Chabtty . In order that our wishes may be fully realised in this respect , and that each Monthly issue may be as full as possible of such Masonic Intelligence , we have earnestly to request the valuable assistance of our Brethren in all parts of the world , where our publication travels ; and especially would we ask