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the' help and co-operation of those in town and country to favour us with instant communications of any proceedings either in the London Lodges , the Provincial Grand Lodges , the Country Craft Lodges , and the Royal Arch Chapters , & c . & c , which may be likely to interest the Masonic body , and to promote its truly philanthropic and Fraternal objects . "We have such confidence in our Brethren , that we make this appeal to them for information , in the full assurance that we
shall not be disappointed . "We have converted the Quabtebly into a Monthly Magazine , at the reduced price of One Shilling , not only to meet their suggestions , but to give the most ample opportunities for the publication of their communications , which the nature
of a Quabtebly Magazine could not always permit , but which a Monthly will fully allow . If we are met , as we believe we shall be , in this respect , with that truly Fraternal aid which has ever been accorded to us , since the Organ of the Craft came into our hands , we have no fear of making the Magazine a welcome guest at every Mason ' s fireside , without which he will feel at a loss to know how
the interests of the Craft are faring , and what is the progress its principles are making . In the prosecution of the pleasing task which we have , " of our own free will and accord , " set ourselves to accomplish ,- we shall
make it a prominent feature of our future labours to reply to such inquiries upon Masonic practice and law as may be submitted to us for elucidation . We shall also publish a list of Lodge meetings in town for each month throughout the year . As there will be some unavoidable inaccuracies at first in the sources , from which we shall
have to draw this information , we shall highly esteem it , if Brethren , members of such Lodges in which mistakes as to their day and time of meeting may unavoidably occur , will kindly supply us with accurate details . "We shall also be thankful to receive the earliest intimation of the time and places at which Provincial and Deputy Provincial Grand Masters , and Grand Superintendents of Royal Arch Masons , may determine to hold their annual meetings for the appointment of Officers and the transaction of other business , as well as the fullest report that can be furnished of the proceedings .
As permanent subscriptions to the Freemasons' Monthly Magazine will be of invaluable service for securing the perfect fulfilment of our promise , and for making the publication worthy of increased support and consideration , we respectfully request that the names of Brethren , who desire the Magazine to be sent regularly to them , may be furnished immediately to our Publishers , Bro . Routledge and Co ., 2 , Farringdon-street ; to Bro . It . Spencer , Masonic Bookseller , 314 , Holborn ; to the Editor , 74-5 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-
Inn-Pields , London ; or to any of our numerous country agents , a list of whom we have the pleasure to annex to the cover of our present number . We have now only to conclude our observations by wishing the Brethren a happy and prosperous New Year , not only in Masonic proceedings , but in every circumstance .- of their lives . May our
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Untitled Article
the' help and co-operation of those in town and country to favour us with instant communications of any proceedings either in the London Lodges , the Provincial Grand Lodges , the Country Craft Lodges , and the Royal Arch Chapters , & c . & c , which may be likely to interest the Masonic body , and to promote its truly philanthropic and Fraternal objects . "We have such confidence in our Brethren , that we make this appeal to them for information , in the full assurance that we
shall not be disappointed . "We have converted the Quabtebly into a Monthly Magazine , at the reduced price of One Shilling , not only to meet their suggestions , but to give the most ample opportunities for the publication of their communications , which the nature
of a Quabtebly Magazine could not always permit , but which a Monthly will fully allow . If we are met , as we believe we shall be , in this respect , with that truly Fraternal aid which has ever been accorded to us , since the Organ of the Craft came into our hands , we have no fear of making the Magazine a welcome guest at every Mason ' s fireside , without which he will feel at a loss to know how
the interests of the Craft are faring , and what is the progress its principles are making . In the prosecution of the pleasing task which we have , " of our own free will and accord , " set ourselves to accomplish ,- we shall
make it a prominent feature of our future labours to reply to such inquiries upon Masonic practice and law as may be submitted to us for elucidation . We shall also publish a list of Lodge meetings in town for each month throughout the year . As there will be some unavoidable inaccuracies at first in the sources , from which we shall
have to draw this information , we shall highly esteem it , if Brethren , members of such Lodges in which mistakes as to their day and time of meeting may unavoidably occur , will kindly supply us with accurate details . "We shall also be thankful to receive the earliest intimation of the time and places at which Provincial and Deputy Provincial Grand Masters , and Grand Superintendents of Royal Arch Masons , may determine to hold their annual meetings for the appointment of Officers and the transaction of other business , as well as the fullest report that can be furnished of the proceedings .
As permanent subscriptions to the Freemasons' Monthly Magazine will be of invaluable service for securing the perfect fulfilment of our promise , and for making the publication worthy of increased support and consideration , we respectfully request that the names of Brethren , who desire the Magazine to be sent regularly to them , may be furnished immediately to our Publishers , Bro . Routledge and Co ., 2 , Farringdon-street ; to Bro . It . Spencer , Masonic Bookseller , 314 , Holborn ; to the Editor , 74-5 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-
Inn-Pields , London ; or to any of our numerous country agents , a list of whom we have the pleasure to annex to the cover of our present number . We have now only to conclude our observations by wishing the Brethren a happy and prosperous New Year , not only in Masonic proceedings , but in every circumstance .- of their lives . May our