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a better world , he must still live in the kindest recollection of his friends , and with the blessings of all those who have been recipients of his bounty . The worthy Chairman spoke at some length , amidst frequent bursts of applause , which continued long after he had resumed his seat . Bro . Hervey ( who was nearly overcome with the warmth of the reception which greeted him on rising ) acknowledged the compliment in suitable terms ; he professed himself no orator , particularly when he had so arduous a task as that of following the eloquent Chairman through his brilliant address ; he assured the
Brethren that they had far overratedhis exertions—that all he had done wasno more than any other would do , had he been in the same situation . That he had taken a lively interest in all that appertained to Masonry was most true , nor was there anything in that to excite surprise or admiration ; for it was next to impossible that any one could listen to the beautiful phraseology of both ceremonies and lectures without being lured away from the cares of the world , and resolving within himself that he would strive to carry out in the everyday business of life some , at least , of its beautiful precepts . He had most assuredly been a considerable gainer by his services , humble as they were , in Masonry ; many , very
many of his warmest and dearest friendships owed their origin to the Freemasons ' Lodge ; friendships , he trusted , which would continue to the latest hour of his existence ; and ( alluding to the testimonial in his hand ) he trusted that with the last palpitation of his heart , the magnificent watch would echo its regular beat , that the two must from this time be constant companions , never to separate , but when death shall part them . Bro . Hervey , who had been listened to with deep silence , then resumed his chair , when a long-continued burst of applause rang through the Hall . The Chairman then proposed " The health of the Wardens and Officers of the Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . H . Lloyd ; "Prosperity to the Stability Lodge , No . 264 , " was then given ; "The Stewards , " and afterwards " All Poor and Distressed Masons . " We should be wanting in duty if , before closing this short report , did we not make some allusion to the very excellent arrangements of the
Stewards ; the whole ariair was certainly a credit to them as well as to the Emulation Lodge of Improvement ; and it is not to be wondered at , if such attraction and such entertainment are offered to the Craft , that the Lodge is so well supported , and takes the distinguished position it so fairly deserves ; indeed , if matters proceed thus , we shall not be surprised to find in a few years that the Grand Festival itself is not better nor more numerously attended than the annual festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement .
The Late Bro . Mullins , P . M . ( No . 329 ) . —The earnest and active support of every good Mason is entreated to assist the election of Godwin Boscoe Mullins , one of the children of the late Bro . Mullins , P . M . of the Bank of England Lodge , into the Infrnt Orphan Asylum at Wanstead , at the next election in May . Bro . Spencer , Masonic Library , 314 , Holborn ; Bro . H . Lloyd , Milk-street ; Bro . J . Hodgldnson , Upper Thames-street ; and Bro . the Bev . J . E . Cox , G . C ., 14 , Burton Crescent , will thankfully receive proxies in favour of this most 1 ' deserving case .
BOYAL ABCII . Boyal York Chapter or Perseverance ( No . 7 ) . —A Convocation of this Chapter was holden at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , the 24 th October , Comp . Hervey , M . E . Z ., presiding , when four qualified Brethren were duly exalted in the Boyal Arch .
Enoch Chapter ( No . 11 ) . —This Chapter held its second anniversary meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , Oct . 7 , when Comp . Biggs installed Comps . Williams , Z . ; Simpson , II . ; Young , J . A Brother was then exalted to the sublime degree of a Boyal Arch Mason .
Mount Sinai ( Chapter No . 19 ) . —On Tuesday , Nov . 21 , this Chapter brought its duties to a close for the season . The Brethren exalted were Bros . Henley and Kardall . It is not often that the working of this degree is carried out with that VOL . T . T ?
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Untitled Article
a better world , he must still live in the kindest recollection of his friends , and with the blessings of all those who have been recipients of his bounty . The worthy Chairman spoke at some length , amidst frequent bursts of applause , which continued long after he had resumed his seat . Bro . Hervey ( who was nearly overcome with the warmth of the reception which greeted him on rising ) acknowledged the compliment in suitable terms ; he professed himself no orator , particularly when he had so arduous a task as that of following the eloquent Chairman through his brilliant address ; he assured the
Brethren that they had far overratedhis exertions—that all he had done wasno more than any other would do , had he been in the same situation . That he had taken a lively interest in all that appertained to Masonry was most true , nor was there anything in that to excite surprise or admiration ; for it was next to impossible that any one could listen to the beautiful phraseology of both ceremonies and lectures without being lured away from the cares of the world , and resolving within himself that he would strive to carry out in the everyday business of life some , at least , of its beautiful precepts . He had most assuredly been a considerable gainer by his services , humble as they were , in Masonry ; many , very
many of his warmest and dearest friendships owed their origin to the Freemasons ' Lodge ; friendships , he trusted , which would continue to the latest hour of his existence ; and ( alluding to the testimonial in his hand ) he trusted that with the last palpitation of his heart , the magnificent watch would echo its regular beat , that the two must from this time be constant companions , never to separate , but when death shall part them . Bro . Hervey , who had been listened to with deep silence , then resumed his chair , when a long-continued burst of applause rang through the Hall . The Chairman then proposed " The health of the Wardens and Officers of the Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . H . Lloyd ; "Prosperity to the Stability Lodge , No . 264 , " was then given ; "The Stewards , " and afterwards " All Poor and Distressed Masons . " We should be wanting in duty if , before closing this short report , did we not make some allusion to the very excellent arrangements of the
Stewards ; the whole ariair was certainly a credit to them as well as to the Emulation Lodge of Improvement ; and it is not to be wondered at , if such attraction and such entertainment are offered to the Craft , that the Lodge is so well supported , and takes the distinguished position it so fairly deserves ; indeed , if matters proceed thus , we shall not be surprised to find in a few years that the Grand Festival itself is not better nor more numerously attended than the annual festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement .
The Late Bro . Mullins , P . M . ( No . 329 ) . —The earnest and active support of every good Mason is entreated to assist the election of Godwin Boscoe Mullins , one of the children of the late Bro . Mullins , P . M . of the Bank of England Lodge , into the Infrnt Orphan Asylum at Wanstead , at the next election in May . Bro . Spencer , Masonic Library , 314 , Holborn ; Bro . H . Lloyd , Milk-street ; Bro . J . Hodgldnson , Upper Thames-street ; and Bro . the Bev . J . E . Cox , G . C ., 14 , Burton Crescent , will thankfully receive proxies in favour of this most 1 ' deserving case .
BOYAL ABCII . Boyal York Chapter or Perseverance ( No . 7 ) . —A Convocation of this Chapter was holden at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , the 24 th October , Comp . Hervey , M . E . Z ., presiding , when four qualified Brethren were duly exalted in the Boyal Arch .
Enoch Chapter ( No . 11 ) . —This Chapter held its second anniversary meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , Oct . 7 , when Comp . Biggs installed Comps . Williams , Z . ; Simpson , II . ; Young , J . A Brother was then exalted to the sublime degree of a Boyal Arch Mason .
Mount Sinai ( Chapter No . 19 ) . —On Tuesday , Nov . 21 , this Chapter brought its duties to a close for the season . The Brethren exalted were Bros . Henley and Kardall . It is not often that the working of this degree is carried out with that VOL . T . T ?