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talent which was exhibited by Bro . Andrews , as Z . ; Bro . Kirby , as H . ( who w ~ as a visitor ) ; ana Bro . Cooper , of Kensington , J . Comp . Mortimer carried out the duties as P . S ., and Comp . Kirby returned thanks for the visitors .
Polish National Chapter ( No . 778 ) . —The sixth anniversary Convocation of this Chapter was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday ,- Oct . 26 , the business of the evening being the Installation of the Principals . The first and second Principals elect—Comp . Lord Dudley Stuart , who was then ill abroad , and is since dead ( see Obituary ) , and Comp . J . W . Adams—being unavoidably absent , the only installation was that of Comp . H . G . Warren , as J . The ceremony was
performed by Comp . Watson , P . Z ., assisted by Comps . Blackburn , P . Z . ; Sigrist , P . Z . ; and Jos . Smith , P . Z . The Comps . subsequently supped together , in celebration of the anniversary , and a special toast was drunk ( in vain , as it has since appeared ) to the better health of Comp . Lord Dudley Stuart , that nobleman having been a great favourite amongst the members of the Chapter , by whom his loss is greatly deplored . t - ¦
KNIGHT TEMPLARISM . Thu Encampment of Observance have voted Ten Guineas to the Crimean Fund , and Tea Guineas to the Caledonian Asylum , in consideration of that Institution having resolved to admit Twenty-five Children of such of her Majesty ' s Forces as have fallen during this conflict , and One Hundred more also to be eligible on payment of Fifty Guineas for each .
Cross of Christ Encampment . — At the usual Quarterly Meeting of this Encampment , held at Radley ' s Hotel , 15 th December , 1854 , Sir Kt . the Rev . John Edmund Cox was unanimously elected E . C . for the ensuing year , and Sir Kt . C . Baumer , P . E . C ., Treasurer ¦; the members very much regretted the absence , from severe illness , of Sir Kt . Goldsworthy , the oldest member of this Encampment . On this occasion Sir Kt . Rawson , after several years' absence in China , renewed his fealty to the Encampment .
Carmarthen- —St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 699 . —At the last regular meeting of this Lodge in December , when the Bishop of St . David ' s nephew , Mr . John Thirlwall , barrister-at law , was received into the Order , Bro . Ribbans moved , and Bro . Johnes , the Judge of the County Court , seconded" That the sum of Five Guineas from the fund of the Lodge he remitted to the Treasurer of the Freemasons' School for boys , in part payment of the sum required to constitute the S . W . of this Lodge , for the time beincc , a Governor of that Charity . "
Thus , the chief principle of Masonry is carried out in this Lodge , and with such zeal , activity , and intentions as to set a good example to others ; for if every Lodge in the Craft were to copy the exertions made by Bro . Ribbans , and establish the principal Officers of their Lodges governors of the different charities , what a staff of support would be given to the Schools and the Aged Masons ' Asylum . We congratulate the Lodge in having such an advocate as one of its members , and the members themselves in thus carrying out the suggestions and schemes of so able and disinterested a friend to the Masonic Institutions as Bro . Ribbans .
DERBYSHIRE . * On September 27 th , the Freemasons of Derbyshire held their annual meeting at the Royal Hotel . At twelve o ' clock the Royal Arch-Chapter of Justice was
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Untitled Article
talent which was exhibited by Bro . Andrews , as Z . ; Bro . Kirby , as H . ( who w ~ as a visitor ) ; ana Bro . Cooper , of Kensington , J . Comp . Mortimer carried out the duties as P . S ., and Comp . Kirby returned thanks for the visitors .
Polish National Chapter ( No . 778 ) . —The sixth anniversary Convocation of this Chapter was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday ,- Oct . 26 , the business of the evening being the Installation of the Principals . The first and second Principals elect—Comp . Lord Dudley Stuart , who was then ill abroad , and is since dead ( see Obituary ) , and Comp . J . W . Adams—being unavoidably absent , the only installation was that of Comp . H . G . Warren , as J . The ceremony was
performed by Comp . Watson , P . Z ., assisted by Comps . Blackburn , P . Z . ; Sigrist , P . Z . ; and Jos . Smith , P . Z . The Comps . subsequently supped together , in celebration of the anniversary , and a special toast was drunk ( in vain , as it has since appeared ) to the better health of Comp . Lord Dudley Stuart , that nobleman having been a great favourite amongst the members of the Chapter , by whom his loss is greatly deplored . t - ¦
KNIGHT TEMPLARISM . Thu Encampment of Observance have voted Ten Guineas to the Crimean Fund , and Tea Guineas to the Caledonian Asylum , in consideration of that Institution having resolved to admit Twenty-five Children of such of her Majesty ' s Forces as have fallen during this conflict , and One Hundred more also to be eligible on payment of Fifty Guineas for each .
Cross of Christ Encampment . — At the usual Quarterly Meeting of this Encampment , held at Radley ' s Hotel , 15 th December , 1854 , Sir Kt . the Rev . John Edmund Cox was unanimously elected E . C . for the ensuing year , and Sir Kt . C . Baumer , P . E . C ., Treasurer ¦; the members very much regretted the absence , from severe illness , of Sir Kt . Goldsworthy , the oldest member of this Encampment . On this occasion Sir Kt . Rawson , after several years' absence in China , renewed his fealty to the Encampment .
Carmarthen- —St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 699 . —At the last regular meeting of this Lodge in December , when the Bishop of St . David ' s nephew , Mr . John Thirlwall , barrister-at law , was received into the Order , Bro . Ribbans moved , and Bro . Johnes , the Judge of the County Court , seconded" That the sum of Five Guineas from the fund of the Lodge he remitted to the Treasurer of the Freemasons' School for boys , in part payment of the sum required to constitute the S . W . of this Lodge , for the time beincc , a Governor of that Charity . "
Thus , the chief principle of Masonry is carried out in this Lodge , and with such zeal , activity , and intentions as to set a good example to others ; for if every Lodge in the Craft were to copy the exertions made by Bro . Ribbans , and establish the principal Officers of their Lodges governors of the different charities , what a staff of support would be given to the Schools and the Aged Masons ' Asylum . We congratulate the Lodge in having such an advocate as one of its members , and the members themselves in thus carrying out the suggestions and schemes of so able and disinterested a friend to the Masonic Institutions as Bro . Ribbans .
DERBYSHIRE . * On September 27 th , the Freemasons of Derbyshire held their annual meeting at the Royal Hotel . At twelve o ' clock the Royal Arch-Chapter of Justice was