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Capt . Tynte suitably replied . The Chairman , in proposing the health of the P . G . M . of the Ceremonies , took that opportunity of bringing forward the subject of a subscription , now on foot , as a provision for the declining years of Bro . Chilcott / P . M . Wells informed the chairman that the subject of a testimonial to a good old servant of the Province had been already brought before the Silurian Lodge , and would again be entertained by the Brethren . The Director of the Ceremonies feelingly expressed his thanks .
The P . G , Chaplain , in suitable terms , proposed the health of the visiting Brethren , complimenting gentlemen who came from Bristol , Herefordshire , & c , and naming the Bev . Bro . Sidebotham , a chaplain of New College , Oxford , who , though not charged with the transaction of the Mayor of Monmouth ' s garden , had doubtless come honestly by some flowrets from the banks of the Isis ( laughter and cheers ) . The Bev . Bro . Sidebotham appropriately thanked the company .
Several other toasts , amongst which were The W . M . Wells , tlie P . G . Organist , Bro . H . J . Groves , and thanks for the admired choral service that day performed , " to which he replied for himself and the ladies and gentlemen . " The ' ' P . G . Sec , J . P . King , " who spoke to the toast with correct taste , and apposite allusions to the necessity of an iron bond of connection—a railway between the county town and this great commercial port , which he trusted ere long to see carried out . " The Happy union of the Brethren of this country and France , " by Bro . Wells . " The Press , " proposed from the Chair , with highly eulogistic observations respecting the Editor of the Merlin . " The Boyal Monmouth Lodge , " & c , & c .
After the D . P . G . M . had vacated the chair , his carriage having been for some time in waiting , Bro . Lyne was called on to preside , Bro . Wells in the Yice-Chair ; and a very delightful evening , unruffled by a single ripple on the clear , social current , enlivened with an intellectual interchange of sentiment and harmony , worthy the brothers of the " mystic tye , " was spent .
NOBTHUMBERLAND . Newcastle . —The proceedings of the Prov . G . Lodge of Northumberland , which took place on the 8 th Nov ., related to the laying of the foundation stone of one of the "Vicar ' s schools ; the Vicar himself being the Grand Treasurer of the Province . From legal delays in the conveyance of the property , where the schools
have to be erected , and from the desire that the outgoing Mayor , "R . Dodds , Esq ., should lay the foundation stone of one of these schools , the notice was very short , though the longest that could be given under the circumstances , the Mayor vacating his office the following day . On this account , the Prov . Grand Lodge of Durham was only represented by the Prov . Gr . Treas ., Gr , Sec , Gr . Purs , and Gr . 'Tyler , besides several P . G . Officers .
The Brethren met at half-past 9 A . M ., in the Assembly Booms , where the Prov . G . Lodge , was opened by the Prov . G . M . the Bev . E . C . Ogle . A procession was then formed , and repaired to the church of St . Nicholas in the following order : — / Police Officers . The Bight Worshipful the Mayor , and Members of the Corporation of Newcastle-upon-Tyne . The Clergy . Band of Music .
Tyler . Visiting Brethren , not Members of any Lodge present , two and two . Visiting Lodges , according to Bank , Junior Lodge going first . Lodge " De Ogle , " No . 919 . „ " De Loraine , " „ 793 . „ "St . Peter ' s , " „ 706 . „ " St . George ' s , " „ 624 . „ " Borough , " „ 614 . „ " Northern Counties , " .... „ 586 . „ " St . David's , " „ 554 .
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Untitled Article
Capt . Tynte suitably replied . The Chairman , in proposing the health of the P . G . M . of the Ceremonies , took that opportunity of bringing forward the subject of a subscription , now on foot , as a provision for the declining years of Bro . Chilcott / P . M . Wells informed the chairman that the subject of a testimonial to a good old servant of the Province had been already brought before the Silurian Lodge , and would again be entertained by the Brethren . The Director of the Ceremonies feelingly expressed his thanks .
The P . G , Chaplain , in suitable terms , proposed the health of the visiting Brethren , complimenting gentlemen who came from Bristol , Herefordshire , & c , and naming the Bev . Bro . Sidebotham , a chaplain of New College , Oxford , who , though not charged with the transaction of the Mayor of Monmouth ' s garden , had doubtless come honestly by some flowrets from the banks of the Isis ( laughter and cheers ) . The Bev . Bro . Sidebotham appropriately thanked the company .
Several other toasts , amongst which were The W . M . Wells , tlie P . G . Organist , Bro . H . J . Groves , and thanks for the admired choral service that day performed , " to which he replied for himself and the ladies and gentlemen . " The ' ' P . G . Sec , J . P . King , " who spoke to the toast with correct taste , and apposite allusions to the necessity of an iron bond of connection—a railway between the county town and this great commercial port , which he trusted ere long to see carried out . " The Happy union of the Brethren of this country and France , " by Bro . Wells . " The Press , " proposed from the Chair , with highly eulogistic observations respecting the Editor of the Merlin . " The Boyal Monmouth Lodge , " & c , & c .
After the D . P . G . M . had vacated the chair , his carriage having been for some time in waiting , Bro . Lyne was called on to preside , Bro . Wells in the Yice-Chair ; and a very delightful evening , unruffled by a single ripple on the clear , social current , enlivened with an intellectual interchange of sentiment and harmony , worthy the brothers of the " mystic tye , " was spent .
NOBTHUMBERLAND . Newcastle . —The proceedings of the Prov . G . Lodge of Northumberland , which took place on the 8 th Nov ., related to the laying of the foundation stone of one of the "Vicar ' s schools ; the Vicar himself being the Grand Treasurer of the Province . From legal delays in the conveyance of the property , where the schools
have to be erected , and from the desire that the outgoing Mayor , "R . Dodds , Esq ., should lay the foundation stone of one of these schools , the notice was very short , though the longest that could be given under the circumstances , the Mayor vacating his office the following day . On this account , the Prov . Grand Lodge of Durham was only represented by the Prov . Gr . Treas ., Gr , Sec , Gr . Purs , and Gr . 'Tyler , besides several P . G . Officers .
The Brethren met at half-past 9 A . M ., in the Assembly Booms , where the Prov . G . Lodge , was opened by the Prov . G . M . the Bev . E . C . Ogle . A procession was then formed , and repaired to the church of St . Nicholas in the following order : — / Police Officers . The Bight Worshipful the Mayor , and Members of the Corporation of Newcastle-upon-Tyne . The Clergy . Band of Music .
Tyler . Visiting Brethren , not Members of any Lodge present , two and two . Visiting Lodges , according to Bank , Junior Lodge going first . Lodge " De Ogle , " No . 919 . „ " De Loraine , " „ 793 . „ "St . Peter ' s , " „ 706 . „ " St . George ' s , " „ 624 . „ " Borough , " „ 614 . „ " Northern Counties , " .... „ 586 . „ " St . David's , " „ 554 .