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interesting addition of a long line of school children , amounting to about 2 , 000 , who attracted especial attention . The site fixed upon for the school for St . Andrew ' s parish is situated behind the Percy-street Iron Manufactory . On the arrival of the procession at the site , after a short delay , the Right Worshipful the Mayor proceeded with the ceremony of laying the stone , on which the stone was raised and maintained in its elevation until the children sung a hymn , entitled " The Foundation Stone , " the words of which were written by the Right Hon . Stephen Lushington , D . C . L ., and the music composed by Mr . J . Garnett .
At the termination of the hymn , the Rev . B . Buckeridge , Perpetual Curate of St . Andrew ' s , offered up a suitable prayer , when a phial , containing several medals , was deposited in a cavity of the stone by the Mayor ; after which , Br . J . H . Ingledew read the following inscription , engraved on a brass plate , intended to cover the cavity : — " The foundation stone of this school , being the first of a series often Church of England Schools about to be erected ( God willing ) , for the industrial classes of this borough ; it was laid by the Bight Worshipful the Mayor of Newcastle , Ralph Dodds , Esq ., on Wednesday , the 8 th November , 1854 .
" The Right Rev . Edward Maltby , D . D ., Bishop of this diocese of Durham . ¦ " The Rev . Clement Moody , Vicar of Newcastle-upon-Tyne . " The Rev . Richard Buckeridge , Incumbent of the parish of St . Andrew . "Deo Gloria . " A handsome silver trowel manufactured by Messrs . Reidand Sons , Grey-street , was then presented to the Mayor as a gift , bearing the following inscription : —
" Presented to Ralph Dodds , Esq ., Mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne , on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of a school , for the parish of St . Andrew , by the Rev . Clement Moody , Vicar of Newcastle , and the Rev . Richard Buckeridge , Incumbent of the parish of St . Andrew . —Wednesday , Nov . 8 , 1854 . " The cement having , been spread over the stone by the Mayor , it was lowered
into its bed , and , after its true position had been tested by the plumb , level , and square , the children , aided by the " band , and a great number of the company , sang the " Old Hundredth Psalm . " The Vicar then proposed three cheers for the Mayor and Mayoress , which was most heartily responded to . The blessing then followed , after which the National Anthem was sung , by all present , thus terminated this interesting part of the day ' s proceedings .
The procession was thereupon formed , with the exception of the members of the Corporation taking their places behind the Masonic body , and proceeded onward by Percy-street and Blackett-street , to the Shieldfield , to lay the foundation stone of the school for the parish of All Saints , the ceremony having to be performed by Bro . the Bev . E . C . Ogle , of Kirkley Hall , P . G . M . of the Free and Accepted Masons of Northumberland and Berwick-upon-Tweed . The site fixed upon was a large piece of vacant ground , the property of Mr . Copeland ,
Shieldfield , and to prevent disorder and pressure by the crowd , a large space had been taken off , and enclosed by a wooden fence . As at the Percy-street site , a large company of ladies were assembled to witness the ceremony , including the Mayoress , the lady of the Vicar , and several other highly respectable individuals . On the arrival of the children , they were arranged around the extremities of the square , while within it were placed the ladies , and the numerous body of gentlemen and officials present to take part in the proceedings . The P . G . M . having approached the stone , it was raised , when the " Foundation Stone ' hymn was
again sung by the children . This having been concluded , a handsome silver trowel was presented to the Rev . gentleman , bearing a similar inscription to that on the trow ^ el previously presented to the Mayor , with the name of the Grand Master , the Vicar , and the Rev . W . Irvine , Perpetual Curate of All Saints , upon it . The silver trowel was manufactured by Messrs . Donald and Son , Newcastle . The ceremony then proceeded , the stone having been placed in its bed , and the Grand Chaplain ( the Rev . P . Bigge ) , having poured corn , wine , and oil thereon , offered up the following prayer : —
O Lord , lhou that inhabitest eternity , and hast raised out of nothing the mighty fabric of this universe , the heavens , the air , the earth , and the sea ; Thou that fillest the whole and every thing that is in it , and art Thyself boundless and
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Untitled Article
interesting addition of a long line of school children , amounting to about 2 , 000 , who attracted especial attention . The site fixed upon for the school for St . Andrew ' s parish is situated behind the Percy-street Iron Manufactory . On the arrival of the procession at the site , after a short delay , the Right Worshipful the Mayor proceeded with the ceremony of laying the stone , on which the stone was raised and maintained in its elevation until the children sung a hymn , entitled " The Foundation Stone , " the words of which were written by the Right Hon . Stephen Lushington , D . C . L ., and the music composed by Mr . J . Garnett .
At the termination of the hymn , the Rev . B . Buckeridge , Perpetual Curate of St . Andrew ' s , offered up a suitable prayer , when a phial , containing several medals , was deposited in a cavity of the stone by the Mayor ; after which , Br . J . H . Ingledew read the following inscription , engraved on a brass plate , intended to cover the cavity : — " The foundation stone of this school , being the first of a series often Church of England Schools about to be erected ( God willing ) , for the industrial classes of this borough ; it was laid by the Bight Worshipful the Mayor of Newcastle , Ralph Dodds , Esq ., on Wednesday , the 8 th November , 1854 .
" The Right Rev . Edward Maltby , D . D ., Bishop of this diocese of Durham . ¦ " The Rev . Clement Moody , Vicar of Newcastle-upon-Tyne . " The Rev . Richard Buckeridge , Incumbent of the parish of St . Andrew . "Deo Gloria . " A handsome silver trowel manufactured by Messrs . Reidand Sons , Grey-street , was then presented to the Mayor as a gift , bearing the following inscription : —
" Presented to Ralph Dodds , Esq ., Mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne , on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of a school , for the parish of St . Andrew , by the Rev . Clement Moody , Vicar of Newcastle , and the Rev . Richard Buckeridge , Incumbent of the parish of St . Andrew . —Wednesday , Nov . 8 , 1854 . " The cement having , been spread over the stone by the Mayor , it was lowered
into its bed , and , after its true position had been tested by the plumb , level , and square , the children , aided by the " band , and a great number of the company , sang the " Old Hundredth Psalm . " The Vicar then proposed three cheers for the Mayor and Mayoress , which was most heartily responded to . The blessing then followed , after which the National Anthem was sung , by all present , thus terminated this interesting part of the day ' s proceedings .
The procession was thereupon formed , with the exception of the members of the Corporation taking their places behind the Masonic body , and proceeded onward by Percy-street and Blackett-street , to the Shieldfield , to lay the foundation stone of the school for the parish of All Saints , the ceremony having to be performed by Bro . the Bev . E . C . Ogle , of Kirkley Hall , P . G . M . of the Free and Accepted Masons of Northumberland and Berwick-upon-Tweed . The site fixed upon was a large piece of vacant ground , the property of Mr . Copeland ,
Shieldfield , and to prevent disorder and pressure by the crowd , a large space had been taken off , and enclosed by a wooden fence . As at the Percy-street site , a large company of ladies were assembled to witness the ceremony , including the Mayoress , the lady of the Vicar , and several other highly respectable individuals . On the arrival of the children , they were arranged around the extremities of the square , while within it were placed the ladies , and the numerous body of gentlemen and officials present to take part in the proceedings . The P . G . M . having approached the stone , it was raised , when the " Foundation Stone ' hymn was
again sung by the children . This having been concluded , a handsome silver trowel was presented to the Rev . gentleman , bearing a similar inscription to that on the trow ^ el previously presented to the Mayor , with the name of the Grand Master , the Vicar , and the Rev . W . Irvine , Perpetual Curate of All Saints , upon it . The silver trowel was manufactured by Messrs . Donald and Son , Newcastle . The ceremony then proceeded , the stone having been placed in its bed , and the Grand Chaplain ( the Rev . P . Bigge ) , having poured corn , wine , and oil thereon , offered up the following prayer : —
O Lord , lhou that inhabitest eternity , and hast raised out of nothing the mighty fabric of this universe , the heavens , the air , the earth , and the sea ; Thou that fillest the whole and every thing that is in it , and art Thyself boundless and